Generally, CDs compound daily or monthly. The more often the CD compounds, the faster your savings will grow. The answer varies by account, but most CDs credit interest monthly. Some may allow you to have the interest transferred to a different account, such as a savings account or a money market account.
is investment in SPAXX settled the same way as stock trade? For example, if I buy a stock today, settlement date is 2 days from today. Is my balance in SPAXX reduced today for the stock purchase or 2 days from now? In another words, do I earn the 2 days of interest from SPAXX? thanks!
is investment in SPAXX settled the same way as stock trade? For example, if I buy a stock today, settlement date is 2 days from today. Is my balance in SPAXX reduced today for the stock purchase or 2 days from now? In another words, do I earn the 2 days of interest from SPAXX? thanks! youyouy 发表于 2023-08-18 15:26
各个brokerage firm提供自己的money market fund,所以一般不出售竞争对手的产品。SPAXX对Fidelity用户的优点是它可以作为投资账户的core program,卖出股票后的钱自动在那里拿收益很方便。如果没有这个优点,那它就是个很普通的产品。比如Vanguard的core program VMFXX现在收益是5.26%,比SPAXX多0.3%。
比较下Fidelity和Vanguard作为core program的MMF: SPAXX 近七天年收益是4.96%, 费用是0.42% VMFXX 近七天年收益是5.26%,费用是0.11% 感觉SPAXX收益低0.3%的原因就是费用多收了0.3% 🤣
你是问vanguard有没有开户奖励?没看到过。fidelity有100刀开户奖励,另外一些brokerage firm也有开户奖励。Tastytrade给的最多,放入二十五万的话奖励三千刀,但它不给账户里没投资的钱利息。
In another words, do I earn the 2 days of interest from SPAXX? thanks!
你今天买了股票的话,两天后才从SPAXX里扣掉这笔钱,所以今明两天这笔钱还有SPAXX收益。 你今天卖了股票的话,这笔钱两天后才加到SPAXX去,所以今明两天这笔钱都没有SPAXX收益。
That's clear. Thank you!
MM, 不好意思我再跑个题。我没有买卖过股票,想请教一下,“你今天买了股票的话,两天后才从SPAXX里扣掉这笔钱”,那是按照今天买的时候的股票价格计算的吗?
Does SPAXX earn interest for the two days on the weekend, too?
vanguard账户里显示每天闲钱产生的利息,可以看到周六周日也是有利息的。fidelity没类似的网页,但规则应该是一样的。Money market fund都这样吧。
fidelity 有个tbill only 的money market fund, 免state tax
有意思,我过去没注意过这个MMF。不是全部收益免州税,只是购买treasury security的部分吧?这样说来SPAXX的一部分收益应该也可以免州税。不知fidelity发的1099表里把那部分收益分列了没有?
no, spaxx taxed at all levels. I just realized that recently😓