美国联合包裹(UPS)员工罢工事件尘埃落定,最终协议出炉 UPS卡车司机的收入将达到17万美元(包含各种福利在内) The average UPS driver could get $170,000 in pay and benefits in five years' time in a new contract. 而根据Yahoo!新闻,UPS现在给公司码农开的价格仅仅$111,000到$168,000 也就是说:5年内UPS卡车司机的工资最多超过码农50%! 消息一出,一夜之间,美国找工作网站indeed上UPS搜索量增加了50%;Google上增加69%;转码的已哭晕,没工作的想去学卡车
Salary envy among tech workers when they heard about UPS drivers getting $170,000 per year.
Some tech workers on social media pointed out the salary boost could make the drivers' salaries more competitive with white collar employees — and big tech workers responded with a mix… pic.twitter.com/YqOpdFNjh7 — Wall Street Silver (@WallStreetSilv) August 10, 2023
美国联合包裹(UPS)员工罢工事件尘埃落定,最终协议出炉 UPS卡车司机的收入将达到17万美元(包含各种福利在内) The average UPS driver could get $170,000 in pay and benefits in five years' time in a new contract. 而根据Yahoo!新闻,UPS现在给公司码农开的价格仅仅$111,000到$168,000 也就是说:5年内UPS卡车司机的工资最多超过码农50%! 消息一出,一夜之间,美国找工作网站indeed上UPS搜索量增加了50%;Google上增加69%;转码的已哭晕,没工作的想去学卡车
Salary envy among tech workers when they heard about UPS drivers getting $170,000 per year.
Some tech workers on social media pointed out the salary boost could make the drivers' salaries more competitive with white collar employees — and big tech workers responded with a mix… pic.twitter.com/YqOpdFNjh7 — Wall Street Silver (@WallStreetSilv) August 10, 2023
美国联合包裹(UPS)员工罢工事件尘埃落定,最终协议出炉 UPS卡车司机的收入将达到17万美元(包含各种福利在内) The average UPS driver could get $170,000 in pay and benefits in five years' time in a new contract. 而根据Yahoo!新闻,UPS现在给公司码农开的价格仅仅$111,000到$168,000 也就是说:5年内UPS卡车司机的工资最多超过码农50%! 消息一出,一夜之间,美国找工作网站indeed上UPS搜索量增加了50%;Google上增加69%;转码的已哭晕,没工作的想去学卡车
Salary envy among tech workers when they heard about UPS drivers getting $170,000 per year.
Some tech workers on social media pointed out the salary boost could make the drivers' salaries more competitive with white collar employees — and big tech workers responded with a mix… pic.twitter.com/YqOpdFNjh7 — Wall Street Silver (@WallStreetSilv) August 10, 2023
人这不是说经过罢工等争取,达成新的工资待遇了吗。 现在连翻burger的都涨了那么多工资;如果你的工资没有也涨50%,就是loser那部分。准备罢工吧
这是包括各种福利的, 到手的工资可没这么多
说的好像AI写不了几行代码是的 自动写码十年之内就可以商用了,码农这行业很快就要没了 照样成立
问了几个同事,没人愿意罢工 天生韭菜,怕被韭菜根也拔了,割多少刀都忍着。
当然是十八轮的大卡车,UPS 连五万也赚不到!