真是小事 但是会被影响到心情 costco收银员 对前面人有说有笑 到你这了 你主动打招呼 没回应 结完账 你说谢谢 依然没回应的 这种态度 大家会不会不爽 我当然也可以选择 下次冷脸对待 不讲话 不打招呼 可是这不是我的日常风格 人与人的接触自然轻松大方 给彼此好心情 是一件很愉快的事情 影响人的情绪 可是碰到这种cashier 我应该怎么处理 才能让她知道我不想当包子 接受这种隐形歧视呢?有人有好办法么?不用太过激 但也能让她知道 亚裔不是哑巴不是聋子的办法 求赐教 更新: First-time visitors to one of retail giant Costco''s wholesale warehouses may notice something special when a red-vested associate walks up: they''re just so… nice. As it turns out, that''s by design. The company considers great service to be its "most critical commodity," saying that without it, all other efforts by the business would be "fruitless," according to a copy of the 2022 Employee Agreement reviewed by Insider. Front-end workers should "greet every member with a smile and present yourself in a professional, friendly manner," the handbook says. It also says a smile is one of the easiest ways to demonstrate good customer service, and that they should "give each member your sincere gratitude." Of course, Costco is by no means the only company with a smile policy. Not bad for a company that requires a $60 membership to shop there.
我刚上网搜索了一下 找到这条新闻 It's official: Costco workers are paid to be nice to you Dominick ReuterFeb 25, 2023, 6:33 AM PST
Costco front-end workers should "greet every member with a smile and present yourself in a professional, friendly manner," the employee handbook says. John Gress/Reuters The Costco employee handbook says front end workers must "greet every member with a smile." The company says it takes significant pride in putting members' needs first, outlining a high standard for workers.Costco boasts the highest customer satisfaction ratings of any major general merchandise retailer surveyed by the ASCI.
回复 1楼Harrold的帖子 你的礼貌举止,表现的是你的修养,和他人无关。要是真想较真儿,直接发问。比如,”Excuse me, did I offend you by any chance?”, 或者明说,”You seem tired, I wish you had a better day!” 又或,”You don’t have to say thank you, but you are welcome!”
回复 1楼Harrold的帖子 你的礼貌举止,表现的是你的修养,和他人无关。要是真想较真儿,直接发问。比如,”Excuse me, did I offend you by any chance?”, 或者明说,”You seem tired, I wish you had a better day!” 又或,”You don’t have to say thank you, but you are welcome!” Quetesh 发表于 2023-08-09 21:22
这种确实很影响心情。我也遇到过,不是在Costco,当时我没说什么就走开了。但是心理不爽。后来觉得再遇到就直接问这个cashier,why are you being rude to me? 然后我会找manager去complain这个cashier,并且在Google review留差评。这些可能不管用,但是如果大家都complain的话,多少会有一些影响吧。 等我下次再遇到就准备这么干。第一次确实会比较蒙,因为没有准备
回复 1楼Harrold的帖子 你的礼貌举止,表现的是你的修养,和他人无关。要是真想较真儿,直接发问。比如,”Excuse me, did I offend you by any chance?”, 或者明说,”You seem tired, I wish you had a better day!” 又或,”You don’t have to say thank you, but you are welcome!” Quetesh 发表于 2023-08-09 21:22
我当然也可以选择 下次冷脸对待 不讲话 不打招呼 可是这不是我的日常风格 人与人的接触自然轻松大方 给彼此好心情 是一件很愉快的事情 影响人的情绪 可是碰到这种cashier 我应该怎么处理 才能让她知道我不想当包子 接受这种隐形歧视呢?有人有好办法么?不用太过激 但也能让她知道 亚裔不是哑巴不是聋子的办法 求赐教
更新: First-time visitors to one of retail giant Costco''s wholesale warehouses may notice something special when a red-vested associate walks up: they''re just so… nice. As it turns out, that''s by design. The company considers great service to be its "most critical commodity," saying that without it, all other efforts by the business would be "fruitless," according to a copy of the 2022 Employee Agreement reviewed by Insider. Front-end workers should "greet every member with a smile and present yourself in a professional, friendly manner," the handbook says. It also says a smile is one of the easiest ways to demonstrate good customer service, and that they should "give each member your sincere gratitude." Of course, Costco is by no means the only company with a smile policy.
Not bad for a company that requires a $60 membership to shop there.
难度等同于在红州要堕胎权,gun control那么难
楼主你真的太闲了,这真的是很小很小很微不足道的事情,如果这么一点点米粒大的事都能让你不高兴甚至发帖吐槽,你可能生活太顺利了。be the bigger person
这种也不要说 太怂了 结完账直接不要看他扭头推车子走人
Costco front-end workers should "greet every member with a smile and present yourself in a professional, friendly manner," the employee handbook says. John Gress/Reuters The Costco employee handbook says front end workers must "greet every member with a smile." The company says it takes significant pride in putting members' needs first, outlining a high standard for workers. Costco boasts the highest customer satisfaction ratings of any major general merchandise retailer surveyed by the ASCI.
你的礼貌举止,表现的是你的修养,和他人无关。要是真想较真儿,直接发问。比如,”Excuse me, did I offend you by any chance?”, 或者明说,”You seem tired, I wish you had a better day!” 又或,”You don’t have to say thank you, but you are welcome!”
不闲 很忙 但是很在乎自己的心情 也很在乎自己的权利 不想做包子 也不想你我他 这种普通华人的隐忍给那些人继续肆无忌惮隐形歧视我们的机会 我已经打电话给他们warehouse投诉了 下次再去 我会去找那个cashier 记住她的名字 然后直接汇报给manager
这几句很不错哦 我试着练习 下次用微笑的态度 清楚的一字一句的说出来
支持你投诉。我在Walgreens 遇到一次同样的事,转头就上Google给差评。有的人就是这样没素质的,过几天这事在你心里就淡了
这也太用力了,直接问是不是having a bad day,要不就祝ta have a better rest of the day
我遇到的是一个非洲裔青年男子,跟你说的一摸一样,除此之外,由于我无意间挡住了一个lady的出口,还被他叽叽歪歪的说了至少两分钟,说什么everyone is tired,急着回家等等,反正他帮我扫描之后,一句话没有,立马背着我 跟他同族裔的女cashier谈笑风生了,,隔壁cashier白大妈看不惯,我俩心照不宣的相对一笑,,我也没当回事,就走了。
这句我也练一下 多谢