Young(受害者)told CBS that she’d like to talk to the girls to try to resolve the issue so that her daughters can learn from their frightening experience. “I want everyone to see that we can bridge this, that maybe there’s good in those girls,” she said.” And I want something positive to come out, instead of just throwing them in jail.” While police are investigating the assault as a potential hate crime over some of the teens’ torments, the victims told ABC they don’t think the attack was racially motivated though they still want there to be accountability. “We don’t know what battles other people have in their lives, but I can imagine they’re probably not as privileged,” Sue Young’s husband told the station. “That probably has a lot to do with their outlook on the world and the anger they may have.”
Young(受害者)told CBS that she’d like to talk to the girls to try to resolve the issue so that her daughters can learn from their frightening experience. “I want everyone to see that we can bridge this, that maybe there’s good in those girls,” she said.” And I want something positive to come out, instead of just throwing them in jail.” While police are investigating the assault as a potential hate crime over some of the teens’ torments, the victims told ABC they don’t think the attack was racially motivated though they still want there to be accountability. “We don’t know what battles other people have in their lives, but I can imagine they’re probably not as privileged,” Sue Young’s husband told the station. “That probably has a lot to do with their outlook on the world and the anger they may have.”
大妈说了自己为啥被打:Laughing and pointing, that's how it started. Sue Young, who was visiting from Nevada, was hoping the group of young girls sitting across from her on an F train near West 14th Street on Thursday night weren't making fun of her family, so she shared a laugh with them, which only made it worse.傻逼大妈看到黑人女嘲笑他们一家,想要和她们同乐,然后就悲剧了
Young(受害者)told CBS that she’d like to talk to the girls to try to resolve the issue so that her daughters can learn from their frightening experience. “I want everyone to see that we can bridge this, that maybe there’s good in those girls,” she said.” And I want something positive to come out, instead of just throwing them in jail.” While police are investigating the assault as a potential hate crime over some of the teens’ torments, the victims told ABC they don’t think the attack was racially motivated though they still want there to be accountability. “We don’t know what battles other people have in their lives, but I can imagine they’re probably not as privileged,” Sue Young’s husband told the station. “That probably has a lot to do with their outlook on the world and the anger they may have.”
大妈说了自己为啥被打:Laughing and pointing, that's how it started. Sue Young, who was visiting from Nevada, was hoping the group of young girls sitting across from her on an F train near West 14th Street on Thursday night weren't making fun of her family, so she shared a laugh with them, which only made it worse.傻逼大妈看到黑人女嘲笑他们一家,想要和她们同乐,然后就悲剧了 180maidenlane 发表于 2023-08-08 19:19
Young(受害者)told CBS that she’d like to talk to the girls to try to resolve the issue so that her daughters can learn from their frightening experience. “I want everyone to see that we can bridge this, that maybe there’s good in those girls,” she said.” And I want something positive to come out, instead of just throwing them in jail.” While police are investigating the assault as a potential hate crime over some of the teens’ torments, the victims told ABC they don’t think the attack was racially motivated though they still want there to be accountability. “We don’t know what battles other people have in their lives, but I can imagine they’re probably not as privileged,” Sue Young’s husband told the station. “That probably has a lot to do with their outlook on the world and the anger they may have.”
I deeply feel sorry for her own daughters. 11 yr-old kids were assaulted and terrified by 14-yr bullies on an otherwise happy trip to New York, where the statue of liberty stands tall, and now they don't even have the freedom to have true feelings for themselves, but guilty of being "privileged". Parents don't protect their own kids, unreasonable.
躲开并不是一个懦弱的表现。比如说,你在丛林里遇到狗熊了,你和它讲道理没用,你和它硬拼就算能拼得过也要受很重的伤,关键是和畜生硬拼就算赢了也是输了。所以走开是最好的做法。通过我在纽约地铁上的观察,白人也是走开。所以不要因为退让走开妄自菲薄亚裔没种。 by the way, 我引用错了,想引用你的引用,结果引用你的comment了
躲开并不是一个懦弱的表现。比如说,你在丛林里遇到狗熊了,你和它讲道理没用,你和它硬拼就算能拼得过也要受很重的伤,关键是和畜生硬拼就算赢了也是输了。所以走开是最好的做法。通过我在纽约地铁上的观察,白人也是走开。所以不要因为退让走开妄自菲薄亚裔没种。 by the way, 我引用错了,想引用你的引用,结果引用你的comment了 180maidenlane 发表于 2023-08-09 10:09
I deeply feel sorry for her own daughters. 11 yr-old kids were assaulted and terrified by 14-yr bullies on an otherwise happy trip to New York, where the statue of liberty stands tall, and now they don't even have the freedom to have true feelings for themselves, but guilty of being "privileged". Parents don't protect their own kids, unreasonable. homenhome 发表于 2023-08-09 07:39
躲开并不是一个懦弱的表现。比如说,你在丛林里遇到狗熊了,你和它讲道理没用,你和它硬拼就算能拼得过也要受很重的伤,关键是和畜生硬拼就算赢了也是输了。所以走开是最好的做法。通过我在纽约地铁上的观察,白人也是走开。所以不要因为退让走开妄自菲薄亚裔没种。 by the way, 我引用错了,想引用你的引用,结果引用你的comment了 180maidenlane 发表于 2023-08-09 10:09
“I want everyone to see that we can bridge this, that maybe there’s good in those girls,” she said.” And I want something positive to come out, instead of just throwing them in jail.”
While police are investigating the assault as a potential hate crime over some of the teens’ torments, the victims told ABC they don’t think the attack was racially motivated though they still want there to be accountability. “We don’t know what battles other people have in their lives, but I can imagine they’re probably not as privileged,” Sue Young’s husband told the station. “That probably has a lot to do with their outlook on the world and the anger they may have.”
🔥 最新回帖
中国这么怂的锅可不敢背 如假包换的美国高等华人, 鲜花榜上一大群类似大妈 我敢打赌这货说不定也有华人网账户
不准确, 全世界的黑锅都是中国的
Nevada 也很多左左吗?这家是来旅游的, from Nevada
🛋️ 沙发板凳
活下来啊。 很好笑都它妈的贼牛逼 社会地位最低
高华在中国被欺负:怼天怼地怼政府怼制度怼中国人的劣根性。 高华在美国被欺负:快反思一下自己是不是有什么地方做得不好/不够融入美国文化+都是被中国政府连累。
而且Lin 明明白白地把这个事件叫做hate crime 。
应该不是,感觉是韩国人?我韩国同学有姓Young. 但此种作为的华人也不少啊,这个版上就不少
参考隔壁帖的几乎统一口径的留言,有xxx基础的 :一个小故事:遇到抢劫,男士自己溜了.
是的,太不是东西了 这些teens也不是人,是野兽
不会是韩国人。。。 韩国男人性子暴,当年洛杉矶暴乱的时候,只有韩国人自己组织起来拥枪抗敌。。。
从小在家里跟自己兄弟姐妹掐 家门口邻居掐 校内同学掐 校外混混掐 总结就是战斗力以及经验十足 生活环境差需自保之后变刚需
真的是这样。看看隔壁那个not China made 的帖子不正是这种人,跪在那里自我检讨,怎么让主子们满意。
这视频在华人网贴了N多遍了 你居然还没有看过
哈哈哈 活该
看到一个Young 就骂是华人大妈,有理有据抗争的林姑娘一个个都看不见。到底是谁自恨?
岁月静好自恨党, 玩圣母人设, 被人爆揍, 还挣扎着反省
I deeply feel sorry for her own daughters. 11 yr-old kids were assaulted and terrified by 14-yr bullies on an otherwise happy trip to New York, where the statue of liberty stands tall, and now they don't even have the freedom to have true feelings for themselves, but guilty of being "privileged". Parents don't protect their own kids, unreasonable.
by the way, 我引用错了,想引用你的引用,结果引用你的comment了
相当于女人坐着被暴打, 周围人漠不关心, 事后女孩微博道歉:自己被打纯属活该,给闺蜜们上了一课学到教训
以前买提有个总结: 印度人:印度的都是牛逼的 韩国人:牛逼的都是韩国的
大妈网要加一条: 丢人的都是韩国的。。
被某些思想洗脑了就这样。common sense会消失。
被人打 反击 是人的本性 至于要不要受教育 是社会体制法律的问题 和这些圣母有什么关系
碰上天使teen绕道走 逃命的走 现在谁都不想管 这是个浑水 谁都怕
在地铁上碰上这种情况 只能躲远点 大环境如此 谁碰上 谁倒霉 离远点 拍下肇事者视频 给警察和媒体留个证据 除非 自己学过武术 或者有后台
自己家里人 那是没法的 如果是老公被打 只有当场拿钱解决 找人帮 或者 给钱 还不能解决 只有硬上了 警察不会怎样的
大家防着吧 这就是纽约现状
远离天使 带刀 蓝州 天使 想成正当防卫 没有那么容易脱身的