
楼主 (北美华人网)
( ***** 该内容需浏览者魅力高于20 才可浏览 ***** [此贴子已经被amychen106于2007-3-16 13:05:08编辑过]
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以下是引用warmice在2007-3-14 19:50:00的发言:
购物狂给我们好好说说,怎么免税啊,我公婆住满半年了那,不过是从10/27/06-4/27/07. 你这样的不算的。要在一个tax year里住满183天。前一年的住的时间可以算一半。所以他们都说下半年来是最好的,因为有7月8月。你公婆如果今年再过来住一两个月就可以了。
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以下是引用OuiCestLaVie在2007-3-14 19:01:00的发言:
要拿tax id才能省税吧... 没有身份怎么拿啊? 还有MM在加州八, 估计省不下什么税, 如果两个人工作, 很容易就AMT的...
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以下是引用yilan在2007-3-14 19:59:00的发言:
最好不要卡在最后一天 可是那样的话一趟怎么可能凑够183天呢?如果不延期的话? 卡在最后一天有什么坏处?除了航班问题当天走不了?
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以下是引用Gargamel在2007-3-14 20:28:00的发言:
要拿tax id才能省税吧... 没有身份怎么拿啊? 还有MM在加州八, 估计省不下什么税, 如果两个人工作, 很容易就AMT的... tax id 不都可以去申请的吗?不然大家的父母来探亲是怎么帮着省税的? 我在加州。昨天用turbo估算了一下,多两个dependent可以省快$2000的税阿,难道我算错了? 什么样的情况下会有Alternative Minimum Tax? 我以为是tax due太少才会阿,我们就算3个dependent 税也不少阿。
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以下是引用OuiCestLaVie在2007-3-14 21:14:00的发言:
tax id 不都可以去申请的吗?不然大家的父母来探亲是怎么帮着省税的? 我在加州。昨天用turbo估算了一下,多两个dependent可以省快$2000的税阿,难道我算错了? 什么样的情况下会有Alternative Minimum Tax? 我以为是tax due太少才会阿,我们就算3个dependent 税也不少阿。 如果你claim很多个personal exemption就会容易AMT, 因为在算AMT的时候PE是会被addback的;这样你的AMT有可能比你的regular tax高。therefore, you are in AMT... mm, 再问你一声,你家娃出门哭吗?我们家老是哭,我都不敢带他出去了。有什么招吗?
12 楼
AMT is not about how much tax due it is... it is very complicated, but if you have high income and quiet a few dependents, it is easier to trigger AMT. AMT is affecting more and more tax payers..... you might be the next.
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以下是引用小小鸟在2007-3-14 21:45:00的发言:
AMT is not about how much tax due it is... it is very complicated, but if you have high income and quiet a few dependents, it is easier to trigger AMT. AMT is affecting more and more tax payers..... you might be the next. trigger 了 Alternative Minimum Tax 会有什么坏的影响吗?
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以下是引用OuiCestLaVie在2007-3-14 19:01:00的发言:
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我查了一下,taxcut里面是这样写的, To qualify as your dependent, the person must be either: A qualifying child A qualifying relative A qualifying relative is: A person related to you or a person who lived with you for the full year and who: Is not a qualifying child of any other person in 2006. Had gross income less than $3,300. Is a person for whom you provided over half of his/her support for 2006. The qualifying child or qualifying relative
  must also: Be a U.S. citizen or national, or a resident of the United States, Canada, or Mexico. Not file a joint return with his or her spouse unless the return is filed only to claim a refund and no tax liability would exist for either spouse if separate returns were filed.
[此贴子已经被作者于2007-3-14 22:12:04编辑过]
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以下是引用xcosmos在2007-3-14 22:02:00的发言:
trigger 了 Alternative Minimum Tax 会有什么坏的影响吗? no 坏的影响, you have to pay more taxes that is all. Dependent no longer can help you reduce tax due to AMT. Google AMT, you will find tons of information about it. AMT is very very complicated
19 楼
以下是引用小小鸟在2007-3-14 22:20:00的发言:
no 坏的影响, you have to pay more taxes that is all. Dependent no longer can help you reduce tax due to AMT. Google AMT, you will find tons of information about it. AMT is very very complicated 嗯,谢谢妹妹,google过了,明白一点点了。
20 楼
180,not 183 days. yes, you need to apply for an tax id for your dependents. If they stay here say from 6.4 until 12.1 or longer, it is qualified.
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以下是引用ANA在2007-3-14 21:28:00的发言:
如果你claim很多个personal exemption就会容易AMT, 因为在算AMT的时候PE是会被addback的;这样你的AMT有可能比你的regular tax高。therefore, you are in AMT... mm, 再问你一声,你家娃出门哭吗?我们家老是哭,我都不敢带他出去了。有什么招吗? 两个人的income claim 3个personal exemption多吗?怎么样才能知道会AMT呢?比如哪里有表可以查查的? Henry最开始的时候做carseat要哭,现在已经习惯了,因为我几乎天天带他出门,他知道放到carseat里就是可以看外面的花花世界了。每次进了商店他眼睛都瞪得好大。 有时候会在车上或者店里哭。车上哭的话或者喂bottle或者给pacifier, 一般都会quiet down. 不在车上的话他如果哭多半是在car seat里坐烦了,要抱抱。 不过我都是有爸爸或者妈妈一起出去的,一个人带出去估计受不了。
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以下是引用小小鸟在2007-3-14 21:45:00的发言:
AMT is not about how much tax due it is... it is very complicated, but if you have high income and quiet a few dependents, it is easier to trigger AMT. AMT is affecting more and more tax payers..... you might be the next. 有没有办法事先估算呢?
23 楼
以下是引用OuiCestLaVie在2007-3-15 0:03:00的发言:
有没有办法事先估算呢? 没有啊... GOOGLE AMT就知道了.
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以下是引用waway在2007-3-14 22:07:00的发言:
我是最怕公婆来了,幸亏他们也没有可能来。我婆婆是坏了的肉也非得吃的那种,吃完后就直接送医院的那种。 我会告诉他们这里的医院有多贵,让他们自己衡量扔掉肉还是扔掉更多的钱。
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以下是引用xhxck在2007-3-14 22:52:00的发言:
180,not 183 days. yes, you need to apply for an tax id for your dependents. If they stay here say from 6.4 until 12.1 or longer, it is qualified.
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以下是引用OuiCestLaVie在2007-3-15 0:06:00的发言:
怎么变成180了?我看到的都说是183啊? you r right, 183 days for 2006.  
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以下是引用xhxck在2007-3-15 1:03:00的发言:
you r right, 183 days for 2006.  
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以下是引用OuiCestLaVie在2007-3-14 21:14:00的发言:
tax id 不都可以去申请的吗?不然大家的父母来探亲是怎么帮着省税的? 我在加州。昨天用turbo估算了一下,多两个dependent可以省快$2000的税阿,难道我算错了? 什么样的情况下会有Alternative Minimum Tax? 我以为是tax due太少才会阿,我们就算3个dependent 税也不少阿。 我记得以前是很好拿的, 从911后就很难了, 没有GC, 没得拿. 偶曾经在NY试过, 不给. 从2003开始, tax exampt必须是GC holder :(  不过还是看到有说申请到的... 不知道怎么弄哎... 我听说很容易就有AMT了, 有个房子, 两个人在工作, 卖点股票, 一下子就AMT了, 一点办法都没有, 除非一个人不工作...
29 楼
I remember it was 180 once, but not sure. Since my friend had claimed parents as dependent, he told me if the parents visit in Jul, Aug, with other 2 months of 31 days, then they got 183, they can use 3 extra days as grace peiod for leaving.  183 is too tight for parents if no extension, you cannot just have them leave on the last day before visa expires, what if the flight gets canceled? their status becomes illegal.
以下是引用OuiCestLaVie在2007-3-15 1:06:00的发言:
30 楼
我记得以前是很好拿的, 从911后就很难了, 没有GC, 没得拿. 偶曾经在NY试过, 不给. 从2003开始, tax exampt必须是GC holder :(  不过还是看到有说申请到的... 不知道怎么弄哎... 我听说很容易就有AMT了, 有个房子, 两个人在工作, 卖点股票, 一下子就AMT了, 一点办法都没有, 除非一个人不工作...

not true, see here , http://www.irs.gov/taxtopics/tc851.html

The second test is the "substantial presence test." To meet this test,
                     you must have been physically present in the United States on at least 31
                     days during the current year, and 183 days during the 3 year period that includes
                     the current year and the 2 years immediately before. To satisfy the 183 days
                     requirement, count all of the days you were present in the current year, and
                     one–third of the days you were present in the first year before the
                     current year, and one–sixth of the days you were present in the second
                     year before the current year.

to summarize it

if you are not GC, but you stay in US

(days in 2004)*1/6 +(days in 2005)*1/3+ (days in 2006) >= 183

then you can be filed as resident, but this does not apply to F1 visa.

[此贴子已经被作者于2007-3-15 1:31:55编辑过]
31 楼
以下是引用OuiCestLaVie在2007-3-15 0:02:00的发言:
两个人的income claim 3个personal exemption多吗?怎么样才能知道会AMT呢?比如哪里有表可以查查的? Henry最开始的时候做carseat要哭,现在已经习惯了,因为我几乎天天带他出门,他知道放到carseat里就是可以看外面的花花世界了。每次进了商店他眼睛都瞪得好大。 有时候会在车上或者店里哭。车上哭的话或者喂bottle或者给pacifier, 一般都会quiet down. 不在车上的话他如果哭多半是在car seat里坐烦了,要抱抱。 不过我都是有爸爸或者妈妈一起出去的,一个人带出去估计受不了。 I don't think amt will be triggered with 2,3 more dependents. to find out, you need to caculate your amt rate to see if it exceeds your current rate.

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以下是引用OuiCestLaVie在2007-3-15 0:06:00的发言:
怎么变成180了?我看到的都说是183啊? 妹妹在哪儿看到的呀?
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以下是引用Gargamel在2007-3-15 1:21:00的发言:
我记得以前是很好拿的, 从911后就很难了, 没有GC, 没得拿. 偶曾经在NY试过, 不给. 从2003开始, tax exampt必须是GC holder :(  不过还是看到有说申请到的... 不知道怎么弄哎... 我听说很容易就有AMT了, 有个房子, 两个人在工作, 卖点股票, 一下子就AMT了, 一点办法都没有, 除非一个人不工作... 妹妹能不能说一下上哪儿去申请呢?如何申请呢?要哪些证件?我想试一试。谢谢了。
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以下是引用xhxck在2007-3-14 22:52:00的发言:
180,not 183 days. yes, you need to apply for an tax id for your dependents. If they stay here say from 6.4 until 12.1 or longer, it is qualified.
35 楼
这个我昨天专门跑到LOCAL IRS问的。 LOCAL IRS问的。 1) TAX ID (TITN) LOCAL IRS已经不再提前给了,只需要attach W7 到your tax return 就行了。还需要notarized copy of the passport, visa, I-94, etc (check irs.gov for more information). 一般银行就可以公证。 2) 如果你愿意,你可以填好后,拿着所有的东西(tax return, W7, etc.) to your local IRS office. I was told that they will put a stamp on your return, and mail those for you. And I was also advised that it's better to do so, since those tax return need to be filed to a special place, and the address changes frequently. If your local IRS office is very far away, you can call to make sure the mailing address. 3) 当然不用是公民OR绿卡,如果已经是公民OR绿卡,they can apply for SSN, as a result, they can not (don't need to) apply for TITN any more. 37楼补充: MM啊,是的,我说的不完全对的,我说的只是针对爸爸妈妈作为dependent的case而已。我也知道你说的,我都读过。可是那个是要你的爸爸妈妈去file 1040,那么没有GC也可以拿ID。如果只是做dependent, 以前很好拿的,到IRS的office就可以拿。后来不行了,一定要是GC才给。我给我的爸爸妈妈试过,没给,翻出厚厚的一本书读给我听,说还是等你爸爸妈妈有了GC再补吧。。。 气得我,我们等了又两三小时啊, 爬车硬币都补投了不知道多少的!!! NO, it is not true. If your parents have GC, IRS will not give your TITN since they can apply for SSN. TITN is only for people who are not eligible for SSN.
[此贴子已经被amychen106于2007-3-15 18:35:01编辑过]
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以下是引用xhxck在2007-3-15 1:28:00的发言:
我记得以前是很好拿的, 从911后就很难了, 没有GC, 没得拿. 偶曾经在NY试过, 不给. 从2003开始, tax exampt必须是GC holder :(  不过还是看到有说申请到的... 不知道怎么弄哎... 我听说很容易就有AMT了, 有个房子, 两个人在工作, 卖点股票, 一下子就AMT了, 一点办法都没有, 除非一个人不工作...

not true, see here , http://www.irs.gov/taxtopics/tc851.html

The second test is the "substantial presence test." To meet this test,
                     you must have been physically present in the United States on at least 31
                     days during the current year, and 183 days during the 3 year period that includes
                     the current year and the 2 years immediately before. To satisfy the 183 days
                     requirement, count all of the days you were present in the current year, and
                     one–third of the days you were present in the first year before the
                     current year, and one–sixth of the days you were present in the second
                     year before the current year.

to summarize it

if you are not GC, but you stay in US

(days in 2004)*1/6 +(days in 2005)*1/3+ (days in 2006) >= 183

then you can be filed as resident, but this does not apply to F1 visa.

MM啊,是的,我说的不完全对的,我说的只是针对爸爸妈妈作为dependent的case而已。我也知道你说的,我都读过。可是那个是要你的爸爸妈妈去file 1040,那么没有GC也可以拿ID。如果只是做dependent, 以前很好拿的,到IRS的office就可以拿。后来不行了,一定要是GC才给。我给我的爸爸妈妈试过,没给,翻出厚厚的一本书读给我听,说还是等你爸爸妈妈有了GC再补吧。。。 气得我,我们等了又两三小时啊, 爬车硬币都补投了不知道多少的!!!
37 楼
以下是引用Gargamel在2007-3-15 12:04:00的发言:
MM啊,是的,我说的不完全对的,我说的只是针对爸爸妈妈作为dependent的case而已。我也知道你说的,我都读过。可是那个是要你的爸爸妈妈去file 1040,那么没有GC也可以拿ID。如果只是做dependent, 以前很好拿的,到IRS的office就可以拿。后来不行了,一定要是GC才给。我给我的爸爸妈妈试过,没给,翻出厚厚的一本书读给我听,说还是等你爸爸妈妈有了GC再补吧。。。 气得我,我们等了又两三小时啊, 爬车硬币都补投了不知道多少的!!! NO, it is not true. If your parents have GC, IRS will not give your TITN since they can apply for SSN. TITN is only for people who are not eligible for SSN.
38 楼
以下是引用Pangpang在2007-3-15 11:57:00的发言:
这个我昨天专门跑到LOCAL IRS问的。 LOCAL IRS问的。
         1) TAX ID (TITN) LOCAL IRS已经不再提前给了,只需要attach W7 到your tax return 就行了。还需要notarized copy of the passport, visa, I-94, etc (check irs.gov for more information). 一般银行就可以公证。 2) 如果你愿意,你可以填好后,拿着所有的东西(tax return, W7, etc.) to your local IRS office. I was told that they will put a stamp on your return, and mail those for you. And I was also advised that it's better to do so, since those tax return need to be filed to a special place, and the address changes frequently. If your local IRS office is very far away, you can call to make sure the mailing address. 3) 当然不用是公民OR绿卡,如果已经是公民OR绿卡,they can apply for SSN, as a result, they can not (don't need to) apply for TITN any more. Thanks for sharing!  This should be marked as 精华。
39 楼
以下是引用Pangpang在2007-3-15 11:57:00的发言:
这个我昨天专门跑到LOCAL IRS问的。 LOCAL IRS问的。 1) TAX ID (TITN) LOCAL IRS已经不再提前给了,只需要attach W7 到your tax return 就行了。还需要notarized copy of the passport, visa, I-94, etc (check irs.gov for more information). 一般银行就可以公证。 2) 如果你愿意,你可以填好后,拿着所有的东西(tax return, W7, etc.) to your local IRS office. I was told that they will put a stamp on your return, and mail those for you. And I was also advised that it's better to do so, since those tax return need to be filed to a special place, and the address changes frequently. If your local IRS office is very far away, you can call to make sure the mailing address. 3) 当然不用是公民OR绿卡,如果已经是公民OR绿卡,they can apply for SSN, as a result, they can not (don't need to) apply for TITN any more. 没错没错。。。 好像是的。。。 就是要当年attach了所有的东西,而且TAX FORM不是寄到大家寄的那个地址。。 是不同的地址,他们先处理ID以后,在送到处理税表的部门。。。 不过好像我又记得说要有身份。。。 哎,年代久远,我也记不大清除了。。。
[此贴子已经被作者于2007-3-15 12:26:07编辑过]
40 楼
以下是引用OuiCestLaVie在2007-3-15 0:02:00的发言:
两个人的income claim 3个personal exemption多吗?怎么样才能知道会AMT呢?比如哪里有表可以查查的? Henry最开始的时候做carseat要哭,现在已经习惯了,因为我几乎天天带他出门,他知道放到carseat里就是可以看外面的花花世界了。每次进了商店他眼睛都瞪得好大。 有时候会在车上或者店里哭。车上哭的话或者喂bottle或者给pacifier, 一般都会quiet down. 不在车上的话他如果哭多半是在car seat里坐烦了,要抱抱。 不过我都是有爸爸或者妈妈一起出去的,一个人带出去估计受不了。 你不需要worry about AMT如果就你们3个人。如果你claim你的公婆,就有5个了;也不见得会有。我们有个professor, 有10个小孩,所以他们就AMT了:)就算你某年付了AMT, 然后第2年你的regular tax is higher than AMT, then the AMT tax you paid in previous year can be used as credit on your 1040.  AMT is complicated; it is totally different calculation than your regular tax.
41 楼
以下是引用Pangpang在2007-3-15 12:10:00的发言:
MM啊,是的,我说的不完全对的,我说的只是针对爸爸妈妈作为dependent的case而已。我也知道你说的,我都读过。可是那个是要你的爸爸妈妈去file 1040,那么没有GC也可以拿ID。如果只是做dependent, 以前很好拿的,到IRS的office就可以拿。后来不行了,一定要是GC才给。我给我的爸爸妈妈试过,没给,翻出厚厚的一本书读给我听,说还是等你爸爸妈妈有了GC再补吧。。。 气得我,我们等了又两三小时啊, 爬车硬币都补投了不知道多少的!!! NO, it is not true. If your parents have GC, IRS will not give your TITN since they can apply for SSN. TITN is only for people who are not eligible for SSN. 是的是的。。。 后来没有申请TITN了。。。因为没有申请到。。。后来就直接上SSN了。。。
42 楼
以下是引用bluemask在2007-3-15 12:17:00的发言:
Thanks for sharing!  This should be marked as 精华。 呵呵,I had same questions/confusions as other JMs, and that's why I went to IRS personally to make sure. 如果版版能给点奖励就太好了,偶的魅力太少,很多宝宝和美妈的片片都看不到:-(
[此贴子已经被作者于2007-3-15 12:34:51编辑过]
43 楼
以下是引用xhxck在2007-3-15 1:23:00的发言:
I remember it was 180 once, but not sure. Since my friend had claimed parents as dependent, he told me if the parents visit in Jul, Aug, with other 2 months of 31 days, then they got 183, they can use 3 extra days as grace peiod for leaving.  183 is too tight for parents if no extension, you cannot just have them leave on the last day before visa expires, what if the flight gets canceled? their status becomes illegal.
no, it never has been 180 days, it is 183 days all the time, there is no such thing as 3 days grace period for tax return purposes. If your parents stayed 180 days only, you cannot claim them as dependents.
44 楼
以下是引用Pangpang在2007-3-15 11:57:00的发言:
这个我昨天专门跑到LOCAL IRS问的。 LOCAL IRS问的。
         1) TAX ID (TITN) LOCAL IRS已经不再提前给了,只需要attach W7 到your tax return 就行了。还需要notarized copy of the passport, visa, I-94, etc (check irs.gov for more information). 一般银行就可以公证。 2) 如果你愿意,你可以填好后,拿着所有的东西(tax return, W7, etc.) to your local IRS office. I was told that they will put a stamp on your return, and mail those for you. And I was also advised that it's better to do so, since those tax return need to be filed to a special place, and the address changes frequently. If your local IRS office is very far away, you can call to make sure the mailing address. 3) 当然不用是公民OR绿卡,如果已经是公民OR绿卡,they can apply for SSN, as a result, they can not (don't need to) apply for TITN any more. 谢谢妹妹的详细解答,真是太有用了!
1, 你到哪儿查到的local IRS, IRS的网站上吗?
2, W7是什么表?notarize的时候是带原件吗?还是photocopy就可以了?
3, 如果父母两次入境,有两个I-94,那么是两个都需要呢?还是最近一个就好?
45 楼
以下是引用xcosmos在2007-3-15 13:04:00的发言:
1, 你到哪儿查到的local IRS, IRS的网站上吗?
2, W7是什么表?notarize的时候是带原件吗?还是photocopy就可以了?
3, 如果父母两次入境,有两个I-94,那么是两个都需要呢?还是最近一个就好?
再次谢谢妹妹了! 是啊是啊。。。 我一直说的就是指父母没有GC没有办法做dependent的, 也拿不到ITIN(不想父母通过自己报1040去拿)。 以前去NY IRS里询问的结果就是不给ITIN,也不给做dependent... 不过我有朋友的父母没有GC,可是有ITIN -- 好久以前申请的, 他们就一直都可以报成dependent, 好像IRS也不查。。。 
46 楼
以下是引用Pangpang在2007-3-15 11:57:00的发言:
这个我昨天专门跑到LOCAL IRS问的。 LOCAL IRS问的。 1) TAX ID (TITN) LOCAL IRS已经不再提前给了,只需要attach W7 到your tax return 就行了。还需要notarized copy of the passport, visa, I-94, etc (check irs.gov for more information). 一般银行就可以公证。 2) 如果你愿意,你可以填好后,拿着所有的东西(tax return, W7, etc.) to your local IRS office. I was told that they will put a stamp on your return, and mail those for you. And I was also advised that it's better to do so, since those tax return need to be filed to a special place, and the address changes frequently. If your local IRS office is very far away, you can call to make sure the mailing address. 3) 当然不用是公民OR绿卡,如果已经是公民OR绿卡,they can apply for SSN, as a result, they can not (don't need to) apply for TITN any more. 太好了。多谢mm的信息。 可是从notarized copy of the passport, visa, I-94, etc上怎么看出183天呢?I-94只显示入境时间啊?出境时间怎么算?
47 楼
以下是引用ANA在2007-3-15 12:24:00的发言:
你不需要worry about AMT如果就你们3个人。如果你claim你的公婆,就有5个了;也不见得会有。我们有个professor, 有10个小孩,所以他们就AMT了:)就算你某年付了AMT, 然后第2年你的regular tax is higher than AMT, then the AMT tax you paid in previous year can be used as credit on your 1040.  AMT is complicated; it is totally different calculation than your regular tax. 啊这样啊,刚才又goole了AMT, 总算明白一点点了。我们没有property tax,capital gain 什么的, 估计就是用standard deduction, 看上去好像应该不会trigger AMT.
48 楼
以下是引用Pangpang在2007-3-15 12:35:00的发言:
呵呵,I had same questions/confusions as other JMs, and that's why I went to IRS personally to make sure. 如果版版能给点奖励就太好了,偶的魅力太少,很多宝宝和美妈的片片都看不到:-(
49 楼
以下是引用Pangpang在2007-3-15 12:35:00的发言:
呵呵,I had same questions/confusions as other JMs, and that's why I went to IRS personally to make sure. 如果版版能给点奖励就太好了,偶的魅力太少,很多宝宝和美妈的片片都看不到:-(
35楼加精华了。发50/50/50。 谢谢妹妹的详细回复,对小版非常实用。不过看美女,还要good good watering, 魅力才能day day up!
50 楼
关注。但是我当年上税课时记得明确要求是resident 的。不知道为什么有人可以报。 不过有人报了也不一定对。 持保留意见。
51 楼
are you guys sure是183天?我怎么跑去问说是得一个FULL YEAR啊 还有就是申请TAX ID是不是得要护照原件啊? 还有就是省3000是CREDIT吧不是钱吧?就如同每个孩子可以给1000的CREDIT一样
52 楼
以下是引用amychen106在2007-3-15 18:39:00的发言:
35楼加精华了。发50/50/50。 谢谢妹妹的详细回复,对小版非常实用。不过看美女,还要good good watering, 魅力才能day day up! 多谢版版!看到有些JM的问题,下面是我知道的。因为偶打字特慢,所以就用英文了。 1. You can find all the information you need for TITN (including your local IRS, W7, etc.) here: http://www.irs.gov/individuals/article/0,,id=96287,00.html#where 2. You need to bring the original documents for the notary (otherwise how could they certify your documents?) 3. We certainly need to approve that ours parents had stayed here more than 183 days, I heard you could use flight tickets to show the leaving US date. 4. My understanding is that non-GC holder can be the dependent. If you look at the W7 form, there is an option "d" for "Dependent of U.S. citizen/resident alien. And the officer in my local IRS also told me that I could just attach my in-laws W7 form to our tax return. I am in NJ, I think the local IRS is very familiar with W7, TITN, and the 183 rules since they must have been asked about it a lot.
53 楼
以下是引用Pangpang在2007-3-16 12:06:00的发言:
多谢版版!看到有些JM的问题,下面是我知道的。因为偶打字特慢,所以就用英文了。 1. You can find all the information you need for TITN (including your local IRS, W7, etc.) here: http://www.irs.gov/individuals/article/0,,id=96287,00.html#where 2. You need to bring the original documents for the notary (otherwise how could they certify your documents?) 3. We certainly need to approve that ours parents had stayed here more than 183 days, I heard you could use flight tickets to show the leaving US date. 4. My understanding is that non-GC holder can be the dependent. If you look at the W7 form, there is an option "d" for "Dependent of U.S. citizen/resident alien. And the officer in my local IRS also told me that I could just attach my in-laws W7 form to our tax return. I am in NJ, I think the local IRS is very familiar with W7, TITN, and the 183 rules since they must have been asked about it a lot. MM,我可以问一下,我要是带着护照去LOCAL OFFICE, 还需要公证吗? 他们不会把我的护照原件也寄走吧, 还有大概多长时间可以收到ITIN呢? 谢谢MM
54 楼
以下是引用STACY~在2007-3-16 12:05:00的发言:
are you guys sure是183天?我怎么跑去问说是得一个FULL YEAR啊 还有就是申请TAX ID是不是得要护照原件啊? 还有就是省3000是CREDIT吧不是钱吧?就如同每个孩子可以给1000的CREDIT一样 嗯,taxcut上也是这么说的。
55 楼
以下是引用Pangpang在2007-3-16 12:06:00的发言:
多谢版版!看到有些JM的问题,下面是我知道的。因为偶打字特慢,所以就用英文了。 1. You can find all the information you need for TITN (including your local IRS, W7, etc.) here: http://www.irs.gov/individuals/article/0,,id=96287,00.html#where 2. You need to bring the original documents for the notary (otherwise how could they certify your documents?) 3. We certainly need to approve that ours parents had stayed here more than 183 days, I heard you could use flight tickets to show the leaving US date. 4. My understanding is that non-GC holder can be the dependent. If you look at the W7 form, there is an option "d" for "Dependent of U.S. citizen/resident alien. And the officer in my local IRS also told me that I could just attach my in-laws W7 form to our tax return. I am in NJ, I think the local IRS is very familiar with W7, TITN, and the 183 rules since they must have been asked about it a lot. 谢谢妹妹的详细解答!看来无论如何,我也要试一试。 谢谢谢谢 是不是这一楼也可以加精呀!
56 楼
以下是引用冰冰凉在2007-3-16 12:12:00的发言:
MM,我可以问一下,我要是带着护照去LOCAL OFFICE, 还需要公证吗? 他们不会把我的护照原件也寄走吧, 还有大概多长时间可以收到ITIN呢? 谢谢MM 这要看你们LOCAL OFFICE了,这个我专门问了,他们说还需要公证,因为他们那里不
给公证。但我知道有的LOCAL IRS是给公证的。你可以去问问。如果你有公证过的DOCUMENTS,
57 楼
以下是引用xcosmos在2007-3-16 12:15:00的发言:
嗯,taxcut上也是这么说的。 关于这个‘FULL YEAR’的问题,我实在懒得解释了。不过你只需知道只要符合那个
“183”天就行了。所有的信息在 irs.org上都能找到。
58 楼
http://finance.yahoo.com/how-to-guide/taxes/16227#c3 if you want to claim your parents as your dependent, they must be citizen and natiaonal. Qualifying Relatives An individual is your qualified relative for 2006 if the following tests are met:

1. The individual is your relative other than a qualifying child or is a member of your household.

2. The individual had gross income for 2006 of under $3,300.

3. You contributed over half of the individual’s support for 2006 or more than 10% of his or her support under the multiple support test.
Back to top Additional Tests for Claiming Dependents Even if a person is your qualifying child or relative, you cannot claim that person as your dependent if any of the following apply:

1. You, or your spouse if filing jointly, could be claimed as a dependent by another taxpayer for the taxable year;

2. The child/relative is not a U.S. citizen or national, or a resident of the U.S., Canada, or Mexico for at least some part of the year; there is an exception for certain adopted children;

3. If married, the child/relative files a joint return, unless the return is only a claim for refund and neither spouse would owe tax on a separate return.
59 楼
以下是引用duoduomei在2007-3-16 13:45:00的发言:
http://finance.yahoo.com/how-to-guide/taxes/16227#c3 if you want to claim your parents as your dependent, they must be citizen and natiaonal. Qualifying Relatives An individual is your qualified relative for 2006 if the following tests are met:

1. The individual is your relative other than a qualifying child or is a member of your household.

2. The individual had gross income for 2006 of under $3,300.

3. You contributed over half of the individual’s support for 2006 or more than 10% of his or her support under the multiple support test.
Back to top Additional Tests for Claiming Dependents Even if a person is your qualifying child or relative, you cannot claim that person as your dependent if any of the following apply:

1. You, or your spouse if filing jointly, could be claimed as a dependent by another taxpayer for the taxable year;

2. The child/relative is not a U.S. citizen or national, or a resident of the U.S., Canada, or Mexico for at least some part of the year; there is an exception for certain adopted children;

3. If married, the child/relative files a joint return, unless the return is only a claim for refund and neither spouse would owe tax on a separate return. 你highlight的是想说明什么问题呢?住满183天就可以当成resident of U.S.了阿。
60 楼
61 楼
full year的情况不是说父母子女这类关系,比如你兄弟姐妹的孩子或者根本就没有血缘关系的人,gf/bf都算的. 
[此贴子已经被作者于2007-3-16 23:23:13编辑过]