我这很多人都把家里大树给砍了,就是担心会砸到自己和邻居。我家几年前把一个长得 好好地大树给砍了。砍树加搬走800美元。你家得多大的树要3000美元帮走?后来我们 把3-4个离房子近的树也给砍了,找了个熟人,500美元。也许费用是各付各的, 但邻居可以sue你。chatgpt的回答: Tree Inspection and Maintenance: Large, mature trees require regular inspection and maintenance to ensure their health and stability. If the tree owner has been negligent in maintaining the tree despite its size and age, they could be held liable for damages caused by its falling. Tree''s Natural Lifespan: Trees have a natural lifespan, and as they age, they can become more susceptible to disease, decay, or structural issues that increase the risk of falling. If it can be demonstrated that the tree was in poor health due to its advanced age, the responsibility for damages might rest on the tree owner. Mitigating Known Risks: If the tree was known to be unstable or pose a danger due to its size and condition, and appropriate actions were not taken to mitigate the risks (such as trimming or removal), the tree owner could be held accountable for any damages. Acts of God: In some cases, even if a large and old tree is well-maintained, its falling may still be considered an "Act of God" or an unforeseeable natural event. In such instances, the responsibility for damages may not fall on the tree owner but could be covered by insurance. Neighbor''s Responsibility: In some locations, there might be laws that impose a duty on the property owner where the tree falls to handle its removal, even if it came from the neighbor''s property.
和树倒的邻居家没有任何交往,比较entitled的白人中年夫妻一家,邻居了7,8年没有说过超过5句话,他们看到我们都是冷冷的脸,我们一开始还打招呼,后来见他们不理睬我们不打招呼了。我们另一边隔壁是白人老夫妻,人很客气,我们看到都要聊一聊。如果是老夫妻一家,我肯定二话不说就全处理了。因为我和老公商量好了要一起给他家修,今天我们带修栅栏的他们家后院拍照量尺寸,他们还是一副冷脸,爱理不理的,好像我们欠他们的一样,他们肯定知道我们不需要负责他们家的。 我今天下午有点生气,在想要不直接把quote发给他们让他们付一半的钱,老公说算了算了。我想到他们家平时那副嘴脸心里真的很郁闷,5000刀对我们来说不是小数目,如果是他家树倒到我们家,他们绝对不会管。
15000? 现在改行学handyman来得及吗?急急急。。。
我这很多人都把家里大树给砍了,就是担心会砸到自己和邻居。我家几年前把一个长得 好好地大树给砍了。砍树加搬走800美元。你家得多大的树要3000美元帮走?后来我们 把3-4个离房子近的树也给砍了,找了个熟人,500美元。也许费用是各付各的, 但邻居可以sue你。chatgpt的回答:
Tree Inspection and Maintenance: Large, mature trees require regular inspection and maintenance to ensure their health and stability. If the tree owner has been negligent in maintaining the tree despite its size and age, they could be held liable for damages caused by its falling.
Tree''s Natural Lifespan: Trees have a natural lifespan, and as they age, they can become more susceptible to disease, decay, or structural issues that increase the risk of falling. If it can be demonstrated that the tree was in poor health due to its advanced age, the responsibility for damages might rest on the tree owner.
Mitigating Known Risks: If the tree was known to be unstable or pose a danger due to its size and condition, and appropriate actions were not taken to mitigate the risks (such as trimming or removal), the tree owner could be held accountable for any damages.
Acts of God: In some cases, even if a large and old tree is well-maintained, its falling may still be considered an "Act of God" or an unforeseeable natural event. In such instances, the responsibility for damages may not fall on the tree owner but could be covered by insurance.
Neighbor''s Responsibility: In some locations, there might be laws that impose a duty on the property owner where the tree falls to handle its removal, even if it came from the neighbor''s property.
这种情况保留以前砍树记录,如果邻居sue你们,可以用来说明你们没有negligent in maintaining the tree.
这种law suit不少。如果树很大,树龄够长,只要邻居lawyer能证明这个树不healthy或者dying, LZ没有好好maintain, 是可以sue LZ的。谁知道LZ邻居会不会找人inspect这个树,证明这个树 是因为不healthy被风吹倒的,而不是自然灾害。如果树确实像LZ说的很healthy, 是被很大的风 吹倒,那是自然灾害,LZ没责任。
什么迫害妄想?不会自己到网上查?一堆例子。你觉得没事就别管你院子里的树, 看以后倒了你邻居会不会sue你。