多半是因为panic 前几天朋友发给我的信息,我觉得解释了很多 ***************************************** Many kids will drown right in front of their parents because drowning doesn’t look like what you think it does. Do YOU know what it looks like? It’s not what you see on TV. TV dramatizes it to keep you in suspense and make you keep watching. This is what drowning REALLY looks like: 1) It’s SILENT. No splashes. No screams. They are trying to breathe and can’t make noises. 2) It’s FAST! It takes 20-60 seconds. 3) There is no jumping out of the water or arms flailing around. It happens almost entirely underwater. 4) Their head will be arched up, attempting to reach the surface to breathe. They may bob up and down just at the surface for a little while, and this can look like doggy paddling/playing. 5) Under the water, they are in a vertical, up and down position, and their arms and legs are cycling as if they are trying to climb a ladder. 6) They can’t move forward much, if at all….not enough to get to safety. 7) They can be right next to the wall or an exit and still not be able to reach it…and they will drown inches away from safety. 8 ) They can be in water shallow enough for them to stand in but not realize they can simply stand up, as they are in panic mode. Learn to spot drowning. You just might save a little life!!
多半是因为panic 前几天朋友发给我的信息,我觉得解释了很多 ***************************************** Many kids will drown right in front of their parents because drowning doesn’t look like what you think it does. Do YOU know what it looks like? It’s not what you see on TV. TV dramatizes it to keep you in suspense and make you keep watching. This is what drowning REALLY looks like: 1) It’s SILENT. No splashes. No screams. They are trying to breathe and can’t make noises. 2) It’s FAST! It takes 20-60 seconds. 3) There is no jumping out of the water or arms flailing around. It happens almost entirely underwater. 4) Their head will be arched up, attempting to reach the surface to breathe. They may bob up and down just at the surface for a little while, and this can look like doggy paddling/playing. 5) Under the water, they are in a vertical, up and down position, and their arms and legs are cycling as if they are trying to climb a ladder. 6) They can’t move forward much, if at all….not enough to get to safety. 7) They can be right next to the wall or an exit and still not be able to reach it…and they will drown inches away from safety. 8 ) They can be in water shallow enough for them to stand in but not realize they can simply stand up, as they are in panic mode. Learn to spot drowning. You just might save a little life!!
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是camp,家长不在场的 学校有不可推卸的责任 之前据说harker树也倒了砸了人了
我家孩子曾经的泳校校长,每年都会到当地的图书馆、学校,给家长、老师、孩子们讲游泳安全须知。什么是真正的溺水,什么是secondary drowning, dry drowning.
谢谢提醒,以前看过这类文章,回到家还得观察才能排除危险。我儿子说 camp里有孩子言语威胁他,说要揍他什么的,我让他游泳时一定要避开他,太容易出事了。真不舍得那个出事的孩子🙏
我在water park有过类似经历,滑梯落到一个很浅的池子里,我是特别胆小的人,事前查过水深和滑梯高度,看过别人玩,觉得能行,还让我老公在边上等着。结果滑落的瞬间,完全懵,人紧张就会挣扎,更下沉,我把自己折腾到脸朝下,忽然想起朋友教的,收褪,膝盖靠胸,抱膝,这样人会立起来,头出水人就会镇静,我做到了,然后放松,脚其实可以稳稳踩到池底的。可怕的是,挣扎的时候就是觉得一直一直在下沉,又一直不触底。更可怕的是,我走出池子,我老公说完全没看到异常,我滑下来,划拉两下,翻身,就站起来了,我自己觉得无比漫长,但是应该不长,我没呛水,一直屏气的。如果不是想起朋友教的,而是继续胡乱挣扎,就难说了。听说很多出事的也是旁边的人没经验,没看出异常,没有即时出手救援。
我有一次坐water slide下来乱翻,被救生员拉起来了。。。其实我自己没有慌。现在看起来那个救生员好负责啊
Many kids will drown right in front of their parents because drowning doesn’t look like what you think it does.
Do YOU know what it looks like? It’s not what you see on TV. TV dramatizes it to keep you in suspense and make you keep watching.
This is what drowning REALLY looks like:
1) It’s SILENT. No splashes. No screams. They are trying to breathe and can’t make noises. 2) It’s FAST! It takes 20-60 seconds. 3) There is no jumping out of the water or arms flailing around. It happens almost entirely underwater. 4) Their head will be arched up, attempting to reach the surface to breathe. They may bob up and down just at the surface for a little while, and this can look like doggy paddling/playing. 5) Under the water, they are in a vertical, up and down position, and their arms and legs are cycling as if they are trying to climb a ladder. 6) They can’t move forward much, if at all….not enough to get to safety. 7) They can be right next to the wall or an exit and still not be able to reach it…and they will drown inches away from safety. 8 ) They can be in water shallow enough for them to stand in but not realize they can simply stand up, as they are in panic mode.
Learn to spot drowning. You just might save a little life!!
成人溺水好像少很多 是什么原因呢
因为成人比小孩玩水少,外加成人身高一下子能挨着底,头抬起来不容易呛。成人也躲不过抽筋造成溺水。 小孩因素就多了。。
我也有一次坐水滑梯冲进池子以后一慌就站不起来了,旁边有个人发现不对,给我捞起来了。我那次真的是命大,那个是在欧洲一个小镇很local 的公园,当地几乎就没什么中国人,结果居然就有就那么一个中国人看见了我扑腾吼了一句你没事吧拉了我一把,后来坐池边喘气的时候看到那个水滑梯并不是一直有人玩,有时候就是几分钟都没有人,我要是在那么一个空档下来,估计就交代在那里了……之后想谢谢那个中国人,结果满园子又逛了几个小时也没有再看到一个华人面孔,后来想简直是神跑来救的
有的还在中午时候游泳呢, 不去的话只能站泳池旁边看着。我也很不喜欢学校或camp的游泳课,而且水还挺深的。
你的娃好厉害啊,自己可以爬上来,不过water slide下面水不会太浅吧,因为有冲力都往下去,水太浅会怕伤到人。所以我自己不敢玩water slide的。
当你的平衡功能被破坏掉后,比如源于恐惧或者翻滚运动,你即使在浅水里也是很难站起来的。 以前有一个很“致命”的游戏,小朋友,尤其青少年经常在水边玩的。在岸上,让你弯着腰,一只手摸着地上的一块石头,然后以那个点为圆心,围着石头开始转圈,手不可离开那块石头。转上20圈,然后一帮人扶着你走到河里,只要水过膝盖就可以了,然后放手,你基本上就是在水里扑腾,站不起来,甭管你多会游泳,没用。
别说Summer Camp, 连高中里的游泳课都有淹死的。我们这儿前两年刚出过这事儿。校方一开始还想spin成孩子在泳池里自杀。亏他们想得出。后来家长告了学区,赔钱了事。此后,就取消了游泳课。
那种酒店的小slide我没玩过而且是晚上… 真的吓得我不轻。我就拼命推她把她往岸上拱,太吓人啦!
是,一个人要是没有预先准备,在失去对垂直方向的感知能力的那一瞬间,不知道哪里是朝上那里是朝下,人马上就慌了。如果这时候还呛了一大口水,更是 doomed
对,summer camp很多都是高中生看着,涉及到水的真是不放心。想练游泳送游泳队,想玩水家长带着去泳池或者water park。我家参加的outdoor camp有在小溪里淌水走的,我都叮嘱千万不要去水没过膝盖的地方。
我也是玩水上滑梯遭遇了同样的事情 水里一顿挣扎 家人后来还说 突然就看不到我了… 一直不敢再玩水上滑梯了 也不敢游泳 scar of my life….
我自己带孩子去玩的时候,深水我跟着下去,如果我不下去,他们只能玩最高3''6"的地方,那个地方有3个guard可以看到。 我就不在边上看着了。我看大部分家长也不会站水边上看着,都是坐草地里等,或者找人聊天
的确责任重大, 但一般都被迫签了Waiver, 不知道最后学校会负什么责任
是optional的呀!我娃游泳很好了,但是不喜欢summer camp的water day,她就不穿游泳衣去但是会坐bus和大家一起去pool,她在岸上玩,别人在水里
哈哈我也翻了 原来我不是一个人 不过下面有工作人员,还跑来问我是不是OK