加拿大移民局官网有下述说明。不同的人有不同的理解。 Other relative You may sponsor one relative, related by blood or adoption, of any age, if you meet all of these conditions: you (the person who wants to sponsor your relative) don't have a living relative you could sponsor instead, such as a: spouse common-law partner conjugal partner son or daughter parent grandparent orphaned brother or sister orphaned nephew or niece orphaned grandchild you (the potential sponsor) don’t have any relatives (aunt or uncle or any of the relatives listed above), who is a: Canadian citizen permanent resident registered Indian under the Indian Act 我的理解是你可以担保任何年龄的亲戚,只要满足一下两个条件: 你不担保其他人 你没有亲戚在加拿大。 看有的中文移民网站,翻译成: 你没有可以担保的亲属在世。 这两者理解大相径庭。前者的话我可以担保我任何的直系亲属包括兄弟姐妹移民。要是后者的话就没有了可能。 请英语好或者懂政策的给看看。 非常感谢!
加拿大移民局官网有下述说明。不同的人有不同的理解。 Other relative You may sponsor one relative, related by blood or adoption, of any age, if you meet all of these conditions: you (the person who wants to sponsor your relative) don''t have a living relative you could sponsor instead, such as a: spouse common-law partner conjugal partner son or daughter parent grandparent orphaned brother or sister orphaned nephew or niece orphaned grandchild you (the potential sponsor) don’t have any relatives (aunt or uncle or any of the relatives listed above), who is a: Canadian citizen permanent resident registered Indian under the Indian Act 我的理解是你可以担保任何年龄的亲戚,只要满足一下两个条件: 你不担保其他人 你没有亲戚在加拿大。 看有的中文移民网站,翻译成: 你没有可以担保的亲属在世。 这两者理解大相径庭。前者的话我可以担保我任何的直系亲属包括兄弟姐妹移民。要是后者的话就没有了可能。 请英语好或者懂政策的给看看。 非常感谢!
Other relative You may sponsor one relative, related by blood or adoption, of any age, if you meet all of these conditions:
you (the person who wants to sponsor your relative) don't have a living relative you could sponsor instead, such as a: spouse common-law partner conjugal partner son or daughter parent grandparent orphaned brother or sister orphaned nephew or niece orphaned grandchild you (the potential sponsor) don’t have any relatives (aunt or uncle or any of the relatives listed above), who is a: Canadian citizen permanent resident registered Indian under the Indian Act
我的理解是你可以担保任何年龄的亲戚,只要满足一下两个条件: 你不担保其他人 你没有亲戚在加拿大。
看有的中文移民网站,翻译成: 你没有可以担保的亲属在世。