大家最痛恨的AA Affirmative action for the rich In a concurring opinion in the affirmative action case, Justice Neil Gorsuch addressed the practice of favoring the children of alumni and donors, which is also the subject of a new case. “While race-neutral on their face, too, these preferences undoubtedly benefit white and wealthy applicants the most,” he wrote.
然后有超过一半学生拿 financial aid,纽约时报也给报道一下啊。
我对AA 以及lagecy都没有意见,看不惯的是精致的利己非得什么都得对自己有利才善罢甘休 否则就网上撒泼打滚
再说运动员从拿Fa的角度看也不是单独一个 pool。有拿Fa 的运动员,也有不拿Fa 的