Q Losing their job may push some individuals to become entrepreneurs out of necessity because there are no good enough job opportunities and they have no other means of earning income (Blanchflower, 2004).28 Feb 2023 Unemployment benefits, entrepreneurship policies, and new business creation Springer https://link.springer.com/article/10.1007/s11187-023-00735-9
SUPPORTING BUSINESS CREATION FROM UNEMPLOYMENT IN FINLAND OECD https://www.oecd.org/employment/leed/rapid-assessment-Finland-Final.pdf For the unemployed, entrepreneurship offers an empowering route back into employment and there are examples of public policy actions such as the welfare bridge ... 30 pages
How Unemployment Can Spur People To Open New Businesses Forbes https://www.forbes.com/sites/forbesfinancecouncil/2021/05/25/how-unemployment-can-spur-people-to-open-new-businesses/ 25 May 2021 — Unemployment can cause people to turn to entrepreneurship since it lowers the opportunity cost and opens up new opportunities for visionaries. UQ
https://user.guancha.cn/main/content?id=1044121 “未来起点收入”——以共同富裕之策走出经济困局 翟东升 中国人民大学国际关系学院副院长
其实归根结底,我希望大家能够意识到,中国人不是生来就要被拴在机器边或者餐桌边去拧螺丝或者擦桌子的。作为智商最高的人类大的族群,我们其实更适合承担写字楼里边的研发、设计、营销工作。作为最和平、最世俗的民族,我们其实更适合游走于世界各国各民族之间,弥合各种宗教、各种族群之间的分歧,撮合各种交易。今天中国大多数孩子不得不做的脏活累活,可以交给机器人去做,交给还没有脱离绝对贫困的那些穷国的孩子去做,从而也带动他们的发展改善。 UQ
Q Losing their job may push some individuals to become entrepreneurs out of necessity because there are no good enough job opportunities and they have no other means of earning income (Blanchflower, 2004).28 Feb 2023
Unemployment benefits, entrepreneurship policies, and new business creation Springer https://link.springer.com/article/10.1007/s11187-023-00735-9
SUPPORTING BUSINESS CREATION FROM UNEMPLOYMENT IN FINLAND OECD https://www.oecd.org/employment/leed/rapid-assessment-Finland-Final.pdf
For the unemployed, entrepreneurship offers an empowering route back into employment and there are examples of public policy actions such as the welfare bridge ... 30 pages
How Unemployment Can Spur People To Open New Businesses Forbes https://www.forbes.com/sites/forbesfinancecouncil/2021/05/25/how-unemployment-can-spur-people-to-open-new-businesses/
25 May 2021 — Unemployment can cause people to turn to entrepreneurship since it lowers the opportunity cost and opens up new opportunities for visionaries. UQ