回复 1楼fallcomes的帖子 Definitely Georgetown if he can get in... too many reasons 1) It's his dream school, you don't want him to have any regrets 2) Where you go to undergrad gets branded with you for your whole life, a state school just cannot compare with a top 25 school. If he goes to a state school, he may want to try going to a better grad school, why not just go to a name brand undergrad to begin with? 3) Caliber of students, the average student at a top school is different from a state school, that's going to influence his thinking and behavior, values etc 4) Upside potential in terms of jobs, career, alumni networking, dating when he is looking for a girlfriend blah blah 5) I've never met any Chinese or Chinese American regretting going in tuition debt or paying for a name brand college, but i've definitely met people who regretted not going to the best college they got into...
回复 1楼fallcomes的帖子 Also my opinion (but i'm sure many people would agree) University of Georgia is not really considered a good public school... the good ones people think of are Michigan, Berkeley followed by UCLA, UVA, UNC, UT Austin...
回复 1楼fallcomes的帖子 Definitely Georgetown if he can get in... too many reasons 1) It's his dream school, you don't want him to have any regrets 2) Where you go to undergrad gets branded with you for your whole life, a state school just cannot compare with a top 25 school. If he goes to a state school, he may want to try going to a better grad school, why not just go to a name brand undergrad to begin with? 3) Caliber of students, the average student at a top school is different from a state school, that's going to influence his thinking and behavior, values etc 4) Upside potential in terms of jobs, career, alumni networking, dating when he is looking for a girlfriend blah blah 5) I've never met any Chinese or Chinese American regretting going in tuition debt or paying for a name brand college, but i've definitely met people who regretted not going to the best college they got into... red_is_bright 发表于 2023-07-17 00:37
回复 1楼fallcomes的帖子 Definitely Georgetown if he can get in... too many reasons 1) It's his dream school, you don't want him to have any regrets 2) Where you go to undergrad gets branded with you for your whole life, a state school just cannot compare with a top 25 school. If he goes to a state school, he may want to try going to a better grad school, why not just go to a name brand undergrad to begin with? 3) Caliber of students, the average student at a top school is different from a state school, that's going to influence his thinking and behavior, values etc 4) Upside potential in terms of jobs, career, alumni networking, dating when he is looking for a girlfriend blah blah 5) I've never met any Chinese or Chinese American regretting going in tuition debt or paying for a name brand college, but i've definitely met people who regretted not going to the best college they got into... red_is_bright 发表于 2023-07-17 00:37
uga感觉不太行。特别是Poli sci 那种。 可以支持州立学费在多点。 也可以考虑好好学第三年tranfer
可以参考naval academy 什么的。
naval academy 比Georgetown 还难考。
Definitely Georgetown if he can get in... too many reasons
1) It's his dream school, you don't want him to have any regrets 2) Where you go to undergrad gets branded with you for your whole life, a state school just cannot compare with a top 25 school. If he goes to a state school, he may want to try going to a better grad school, why not just go to a name brand undergrad to begin with? 3) Caliber of students, the average student at a top school is different from a state school, that's going to influence his thinking and behavior, values etc 4) Upside potential in terms of jobs, career, alumni networking, dating when he is looking for a girlfriend blah blah 5) I've never met any Chinese or Chinese American regretting going in tuition debt or paying for a name brand college, but i've definitely met people who regretted not going to the best college they got into...
Also my opinion (but i'm sure many people would agree) University of Georgia is not really considered a good public school... the good ones people think of are Michigan, Berkeley followed by UCLA, UVA, UNC, UT Austin...
是,我们也给了同样的选择,孩子毫不犹豫地放弃了UT Austin的全奖,去了私立。也许以后会后悔,但是是自己选的,不能抱怨父母没给机会。
支持孩子追求梦想, 都只考虑钱, 华人地位没法提高
我娃的同学韩国裔也是这个问题,早早就决定了放弃申请georgetown等等学校,听从父母的话,去了umd cs全奖 父母杀鱼卖鱼为生,供私校太难了
不是说贫困家庭都有financial aid吗
我猜是George town,学政经毕业了可以进投行或者读jd,出路很好呀。我们组里有见过好几个乔治城的投行analysts。要真是毕业了从政为华人社区发声,那更是大好事呀。
100% agree
万一以后要读professional school呢?本科就花掉理智吗
肯定不是贫困家庭 中产家庭吧啥financial aid也没有
我觉得本科读PoliSci未必是不好的选择,也不太明白你们在试错之后想让孩子读什么专业。GU整体学校排名不错,即使试错之后从政治经济类转到stem专业,也应该比UGA好吧。如果你们收入不够高,也许可以拿到一部分FA,如果拿不到的话,你们收入应该是跟很多辛苦付娃学费的华人家庭差不多,我觉得你们可以尽自己能力帮他付学费,不够的话可以贷款。他能不能拿到FA是你们的收入决定的,他拿得到州大full ride也是因为他够优秀。如果你们坚决不愿意付学费,那么就不用申请了吧。
实在不行贷款吧 说不定以后都不用还学贷了
花钱花在小孩教育上, 而且是 dream school 是最不遗憾的。 真是没法理解那些, 不交学费, 交首付的。
看看法学院录取吧,和医学院可不一样。本科出身非常非常非常重要。Georgetown 和 UMD, gtech 这种完全两个档。
楼主的收入既然能支撑的起(完全拿不到financial aid的话,说明你们的收入还是不低的),就尽量支持吧。楼主老公既然说了,将来这钱还是留给儿子,那么为什么不能现在就给他让他做他希望的事(而且对他的将来也是有意义的)呢?
哇 五条都太同意了 手动点赞。尤其第五
楼主应该就是算过financial aid之后觉得大概要花十万。
但关键在于,第一,楼主说了,她们撑一撑是付得起的。 第二,我(以及这里很多人都)认为,楼主老公的这个观点:“读B校和往火坑里扔钱没什么两样,他主要是觉得我儿子要读的专业不确定很大,很大程度上是一个试错的过程”,以及“用这样稀里糊涂不问结果的方式花出去”,实际上是错的。Georgetown这样的学校在相关专业的影响是实实在在存在的,绝不是往火坑里扔钱。
你们孩子是有可能将来读法学院吗?昨天在网上看见的T14 feeder schools
暑假打工影响作别的事比如学习和写essay. 你这个建议影响到他对梦校的努力了。打工赚学费反而是20%-40%的几率才能用到的努力。 明年暑假打工可以。但那也是LZ答应付钱接受申请之后的事了。对LZ的决定帮助不大
你们是只有一个孩子吗? 如果是老大咬咬牙拿得出,老二一碗水端平就拿不出了怎么办?
孩子都想到参军免学费了,不是不懂事的孩子,对所学专业也有决心和规划。 现在的问题主要是LZ夫妻俩对孩子的专业不认可,也不觉得孩子下定决心了。建议LZ和LG了解下孩子的决心和喜好,纠正下自己的偏见。华人重理工,但政治经济类也有前途啊,又不是文学艺术类的找工作困难的。 而且政治经济类的,学校排名和资源更重要。 还要看本科以后的升学和就业。如果因为省钱去差一点的学校影响到他以后继续读书和就业,这影响会是长期的。 LZ LG觉得孩子上大学会转专业,这概率有多大,还是早弄清楚的好。 建议不要为学费省钱。
我大学学的纯文科,当时父母给了我意见,我没听,他们尊重我自己的决定,不过我有free ride然后自己打工,对父母没有经济上的影响。BUT,后来我转了专业,完全没有按照自己高中毕业时的“梦想”走,而是走上了当时我父母建议我的路。。。说这些是想说,父母对子女的支持和尊重是很重要的,但是孩子就是孩子,所谓梦想,理想都不是确定不可变的,甚至可以说变数非常大。作为父母要理智思考,不需要孩子要上文科立刻就脑补law school,大律师了,和孩子平等理智的讨论,把自己的想法concern说出来。个人的梦想需要自己去实现,孩子要在现实中历练才能成长,父母不需要牺牲自己去为孩子的梦想买单,上大学只是人生的开始,并不是终极目标。
哦。 人间清醒。学习了
学校B是georgetown或者george mason的话,在政经类也算是top school了。还是值得的。 尤其gorgetown.以后弄个法学院啥的。
George Mason? Srsly?
他想搞政治经济。那还得把网撒大点。 万一中了别的学校,说不定不用考虑这两个了。
yeah, georgetown is not that hard to get in
这里有些admission stats:https://thehoya.com/georgetown-admits-13-of-applicants-to-undergraduate-class-of-2027/ 我听说的是GU没那么好进,但他家不完全看学习,不知道看什么,我知道的EA进GU的WGPA并不在top 5%,而一些学习更好的申了反而没进。我觉得你娃学习和EC都不错,应该有挺大的希望进GU的,只是UC已经足够好,GU可能对他来说就没那么大吸引力了。