How California regulates home insurance High rebuild costs, increasingly severe wildfires and high prices of reinsurance are all risks that insurance companies might be willing to take on. But only for the right price. Increases in insurance premiums in California are approved or denied by the state’s elected insurance commissioner, Ricardo Lara. Industry groups have long argued that Lara’s office has not allowed providers to set prices commensurate with the cost of doing business in fire-prone California.
How California regulates home insurance High rebuild costs, increasingly severe wildfires and high prices of reinsurance are all risks that insurance companies might be willing to take on. But only for the right price. Increases in insurance premiums in California are approved or denied by the state’s elected insurance commissioner, Ricardo Lara. Industry groups have long argued that Lara’s office has not allowed providers to set prices commensurate with the cost of doing business in fire-prone California. hcrab 发表于 2023-07-17 01:05
下一步就是搬家啊!早就说过加州天灾不断,现在又加上人祸( 流浪汉、治安问题 )还有什么好留恋的呢!
How California regulates home insurance High rebuild costs, increasingly severe wildfires and high prices of reinsurance are all risks that insurance companies might be willing to take on. But only for the right price. Increases in insurance premiums in California are approved or denied by the state’s elected insurance commissioner, Ricardo Lara. Industry groups have long argued that Lara’s office has not allowed providers to set prices commensurate with the cost of doing business in fire-prone California.
不行 因为加州规定保险公司不能只保一些房子而拒绝其他房子
正解。 一方面是成本太高:前些年每年的巨大山火导致保险公司在加州亏损,而且重建费用越来越高。 另一方面是加州政府出于保护消费者不允许保险公司大幅度提高年费。 结果现在保险公司索性不玩了。。。。
涨保费不就行了吗 一年1万 不行2万 我就不信不够赔的 看看医疗保险 按说保险是个稳赚不赔的买卖啊
关键是加州政府不同意。其实保险的 Securitization 是最好的解决方法,把风险转嫁给投资者,让市场决定保费,保险公司只收取手续费。很大程度还是各州的 regulator 从中作梗,不懂还要管。
这不就是鼓励居民在危险地区住么?加州真是左逼当家房屋倒塌,literally 房屋倒塌。。。
Affordability issue.