回复 103楼danflyingflying的帖子 不知道你具体什么课程,官网上有相关的说明 Curriculum fee: $60 per course. This fee covers books (including temporary access to online books, where applicable) and other resources that students receive as part of the instruction for each course. For courses that require textbooks, $30 of the curriculum fee will be refunded after enrollment if you notify the campus director that you already have all the required textbooks.
学中学几何的话找本the elements of geometry 就当翻着玩好了作为入门。 我觉得题目看多了解题感觉就上来了,再去看aops的书把没弄懂的细节完成。
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Curriculum fee: $60 per course. This fee covers books (including temporary access to online books, where applicable) and other resources that students receive as part of the instruction for each course. For courses that require textbooks, $30 of the curriculum fee will be refunded after enrollment if you notify the campus director that you already have all the required textbooks.
好奇的看了一下,Pre-algebra 1 (Self-Paced) 这个录播课要 $399 ... vs. AOPS Online 官网的 self-paced 课也就 $420.