Common app 里是填weighted or u weighted GPA? Winnie.Yuna 发表于 2023-07-09 23:24
同问 --- 找到答案了 How do I report my class rank and GPA? You should report your current Class Rank and GPA, even if they might change later in the school year. If your school does not rank, select "None" from the drop down menu. If your school calculates both weighted and unweighted Class Rank/GPA, report the weighted value. If your school does not calculate a cumulative numerical GPA, or if it uses a GPA scale that is different than the options available in the drop down menu, leave the Cumulative GPA field blank. This field is not required for submission of your application. You can always use the Additional Information prompt in the Writing section to elaborate.
如果就GPA 而言,想进藤校,weighted GPA 到底需要达到多少分?
藤校学生不到全部学生的1%,想奔藤的孩子起码一切都照着Top 1% 的标准要求吧。
其实藤校是过线就可以,并不是录取最高的那个。 而且都是跟本校的比, 没有一个具体的值。 要是学校有ranking 可能更有用。
没有统一标准,各学校不一样。我觉得要尽量争取高一些,但是录取是要看运气,我周围有人wgpa没进top 5%, 也进了藤校。
Unweighted 与 weighted 同样重要。
unweighted 是看平均值,weighted 是看 AP 强度。
--- 找到答案了 How do I report my class rank and GPA? You should report your current Class Rank and GPA, even if they might change later in the school year. If your school does not rank, select "None" from the drop down menu. If your school calculates both weighted and unweighted Class Rank/GPA, report the weighted value. If your school does not calculate a cumulative numerical GPA, or if it uses a GPA scale that is different than the options available in the drop down menu, leave the Cumulative GPA field blank. This field is not required for submission of your application. You can always use the Additional Information prompt in the Writing section to elaborate.
不是大概都全部a就行 得看出選的課是否比較水甜 跟學生意向想要的專業是否有相關聯 有沒挑戰性 可以從學校的建立聲譽 以往高中錄取過的學生經驗 此高中在標準化例如sat ap等等成績..去交叉比對驗證預測學生的學術潛力