看这段话 Further analysis showed there was no rapid increase in immune cells targeting SARS-CoV-2, but there was an increase in T-cells targeting CMV -- a common virus that is usually harmless but can stay in the body for life once you’re infected with it. That suggests that the prolonged T-cell activation observed at three months in severe patients may not be driven by SARS-CoV-2, but instead may be "bystander driven" by dormant viruses that were reactivated. 不是病毒引起是 dormant viruses that were reactivated , 疫苗算不算呢
看这段话 Further analysis showed there was no rapid increase in immune cells targeting SARS-CoV-2, but there was an increase in T-cells targeting CMV -- a common virus that is usually harmless but can stay in the body for life once you’re infected with it. That suggests that the prolonged T-cell activation observed at three months in severe patients may not be driven by SARS-CoV-2, but instead may be "bystander driven" by dormant viruses that were reactivated. 不是病毒引起是 dormant viruses that were reactivated , 疫苗算不算呢
另一篇文章说的是 This indicates that the prolonged T-cell activation observed at three months in severe patients may not be driven by SARS-CoV-2 but instead may be "bystander driven" i.e. driven by cytokines 这个cytokines又是什么? mRNA 算不算cytokines 呢 ?
看这段话 Further analysis showed there was no rapid increase in immune cells targeting SARS-CoV-2, but there was an increase in T-cells targeting CMV -- a common virus that is usually harmless but can stay in the body for life once you’re infected with it. That suggests that the prolonged T-cell activation observed at three months in severe patients may not be driven by SARS-CoV-2, but instead may be "bystander driven" by dormant viruses that were reactivated. 不是病毒引起是 dormant viruses that were reactivated , 疫苗算不算呢
另一篇文章说的是 This indicates that the prolonged T-cell activation observed at three months in severe patients may not be driven by SARS-CoV-2 but instead may be "bystander driven" i.e. driven by cytokines 这个cytokines又是什么? mRNA 算不算cytokines 呢 ? springday 发表于 2023-07-05 17:25
那就还是covid病毒引起的 直接 vs. 间接
不是病毒引起是 dormant viruses that were reactivated , 疫苗算不算呢
MRNA 疫苗本身不含病毒,只是仿病毒结构制成的,因此它不存在deactived viruses (被灭火的病毒)某一天重新reactivated 的问题。当然,它有可能会引起其他一些不良反应。
另一篇文章说的是 This indicates that the prolonged T-cell activation observed at three months in severe patients may not be driven by SARS-CoV-2 but instead may be "bystander driven" i.e. driven by cytokines 这个cytokines又是什么? mRNA 算不算cytokines 呢 ?
Science 刚报道疫苗也有可能对极少数人引起长新冠症状,总之基因不好碰到这个病毒或者对疫苗又不好的反应即使几率不是特别的大,但绝对人数是相当可观的
对这个疫苗, 各种副作用总是一开始断然否定, 然后是极少数人有, 然后就越来越多压不住了
美国生物界 嚯嚯全世界 恶意造病毒 人类要毁灭