娃二年纪开始特别喜欢Grace Lin的所有书 反复读了n遍基本可以背下来 之前和娃一起看了油管Grace 的Ted Talk讲她小学三年级非常想在学校play扮演The Wizard of Oz里面的Dorothy 满心欢喜和同学一起去try out结果被同学说长得不像 Why Couldn't Snow White be Chinese? - Finding Identity Through Children's Books by Grace Lin When I was in third grade, the class decided to put on a production of "The Wizard of Oz". The news spread across the playground like an electrical current, energizing every girl to ask, "Who will play Dorothy?" The thought was thrilling and delicious, each of us imaging ourselves with ruby shoes. I whispered to my friend Jill, "Do you think I could be Dorothy?" Jill stared at me in shock, "You couldn't be Dorothy. You're Chinese. Dorothy's not Chinese." And then I remembered. I was different. I felt stupid for even thinking I could be the star of a play. That Dorothy, like everyone and everything else important, was not like me. And what was I? Jill had bluntly termed me Chinese. But I didn't feel Chinese. I spoke English, I watched "Little House on the Prairie", learned American history and read books about girls named Betsy and boys named Billy. But, I had black hair and slanted eyes, I ate white rice at home with chopsticks and I got red envelopes for my birthday. Did I belong anywhere? The books that I loved and read did not help me answer that question. Betsy and Billy were nice friends but they didn't understand. Neither did Madeline, Eloise, or Mike Mulligan. Cinderella, Snow White? I didn't even try to explain. Rikki Tikki Tembo and Five Chinese Brothers tried to be pals, but really what did we have in common? Nothing. And so I remained different from my friends in real life, different from my fictional friends in stories... somehow always different. I'm older now, and wiser, and I appreciate that difference. Instead of the curse I had felt it was during my childhood, I now treasure it. I realize the beauty of two cultures blending and giving birth to me (!), an Asian American. When I decided to create children's books as my profession, I remembered my own childhood. I remembered the books I wished I had had when I was a child. Books that would have made me feel like I belonged, that there was someone else like me out there, and that who I was, was actually something great. So with this in mind, I create my books. I try to make books that make readers appreciate Asian American culture. I try to make books that the contemporary child can relate to. I try to make books that encourage Asian American children to embrace their identities. For example, "The Ugly Vegetables" takes place in a suburban neighborhood and deals with one child's chagrin of having a Chinese vegetable garden while the rest of the neighbors grow flowers. "Dim Sum for Everyone!" takes place in Boston's Chinatown and shows a modern family enjoying this unusual cuisine. "Kite-Flying" shows the same family, driving a car, making and flying their own Chinese dragon kite. They are depictions of a present-day Asian American child's life. Do these books make a difference? I think so. In my life, moments of insecurity and isolation could have been magically erased simply by having a book transform into a friend that shared what I saw and what I am. And, perhaps, if these books had been generously spread, exposing children of all races to the Asian part of the melting pot, perhaps then my childhood friend Jill would not have said, "Dorothy's not Chinese," but rather, "Sure, Dorothy could be Chinese." Why not? I'd click my heels three times to wish that. Grace Lin is the author and illustrator of more than a dozen picture books, including The Ugly Vegetables and Dim Sum for Everyone! Most recently, Grace's first children's novel The Year of the Dog was released with glowing praise. While most of Grace's books are about the Asian- American experience, she believes, "Books erase bias—they make the uncommon everyday, and the mundane exotic. A book makes all cultures universal." See more about Grace and her work at her website.
美国会拍中国的花木兰。并不是剽窃。当然! 没有把花木兰演成为欧洲人。 如果把 花木兰 演成为 白人? 不是欺骗,就是 剽窃。
所以,这就是为什么 选择一个 黄种人面孔 演员作为 花木兰
白人这个词就是错的,要细分, 太泛了
在美国长大的华裔相比在国内长大的, 肯定对肤色更加敏感, 而且长期白人那一套的洗脑.在国内的环境好歹不是少数.
当然,文化不能够是圈地为牢的,是会流动,沟通,融合的啊。 但是,需要诚实, 尊重历史,尊重文化与历史传承与记忆。
不能够欺骗, 剽窃, 偷梁换柱,改头换面,指鹿为马。
去你的吧 感情中国人跳芭蕾只能跳红色娘子军了?是不是跳个天鹅还得刷层白漆?
同理 还有pride 运动 白宫挂起了Pride旗帜 美国的国旗反而挂在两边 ……
如果你感受不到这种侵略 如果你没有危机意识 那么 请跟孩子一起看一会儿广告 记录下每个广告主角的种族 收集第一手的数据 告诉孩子什么是Diversity
最伟大的音乐剧之一Hamilton 了解一下?
中国人当然可以演天鹅 , 但是,不能够是在万泉河边?
不能够篡改 故事的背景,和作者原著的 意境。
在万泉河边? 只能演 红色娘子军! 明白没有
你的川大爷粉丝会告诉你 滚远远的 别亵渎经典。什么可以什么不可以 什么是交流什么是亵渎 等着原创者告诉你就好。
你这种人,理屈词穷以后 就歇斯底里的骂人?人身攻击, 有说服力吗
这叫理屈词穷?你搞笑呢吗?你不是原创者 为什么你可以告诉黑人 “你们不能演美人鱼” 而你自己就觉得可以演天鹅呢?是什么给了你entitlement?
与你这种情绪激动,善于人身攻击的人 理屈词穷,就歇斯底里。没有什么讨论的价值。 你可以保留自己的观点,但是,你骂人确实是 丢人现眼
你也配说我丢人现眼。我说的话 我到什么环境什么场合都敢这么说。亚洲女孩 黑人女孩都能当美人鱼。不论长相好看还是不好看。你敢吗?
哈哈,老外演红楼梦,想象不出会是啥样。不管白人还是黑人演,我估计都不会看电影, 看个trailer就好了。
是,我相信对于你这种横作走的人, 什么都敢! 没有什么奇怪的。林子大了什么鸟都有。 见怪不怪
好 祝福你别有女儿 祝福你别给你女儿买Disney公主裙 bless~
是,我相信对于你这种横作走的人, 什么都敢!美国现在就是被这些横作走的人,霸占了,占领了,鸠占鹊巢, 所以,什么一切都要换,这就是创造者,建设者,与猎杀者,猎食者认知与行为方式的区别 没有什么奇怪的。林子大了什么鸟都有。 见怪不怪。 我的意思是 人类文明是 应该 成为 创造者, 建设者, 而不是 鸠占鹊巢,的猎食者。 狩猎文化!
猎食者,狩猎文化 是一种破坏性, 灾难性的 原始部落的文化习惯。 很糟糕!
如果是我的女儿? 我希望 她未来成为 一个创造者,建设者。 而不是让她想 成为一个横作走的人, 整天心思,剽窃,偷盗,去霸占,占领,去鸠占鹊巢, 用 猎食者, 围猎,狩猎的方式 看待和 认知社会问题。
可以了 王國之淚 魚族新的皇后 長得像青蛙
這個黑人美少女 被扮醜了
艾滋病 也应该 按比例 感染 AA 感染模式。 病毒 也存在 严重的种族歧视!专门选择黑人