等到美国彻底放开,我给我爸妈买了两张从上海到洛杉矶的公务舱特价票,羽田机场转机,当时没想到机场会滞留,网上信息不完整,我搜到说定三号航站楼里面的royal park Haneda hotel, 很方便就订了房间 后来才发现酒店分两个部分,有过境签证或者免签的人可以出关后正常入住,很小部分也就10来个房间的那个部分可以直接入住不需要签证,中国公民(除非你有日本签证)定的时候一定要 book transit hotel from the official website, if you book it from bookings.com like I did then it is the regular side of hotel requires visa 我打过电话到酒店确认过 网上还说啥shore pass, total BS, 我打电话到日航,日本领馆,都说没这回事 一圈下来没办法,我爸妈最后是在机场过夜的,他们一路用贵宾室,只有四个小时没办法在贵宾室,在外面候机大厅的座椅上横躺了一会。日航贵宾室早上开到2点,6点又开门了。机场三号楼是24小时的这点可以放心。 实在不放心的人可以根据transit hotel availablility 来买机票 最后祝大家父母出行顺利
等到美国彻底放开,我给我爸妈买了两张从上海到洛杉矶的公务舱特价票,羽田机场转机,当时没想到机场会滞留,网上信息不完整,我搜到说定三号航站楼里面的royal park Haneda hotel, 很方便就订了房间 后来才发现酒店分两个部分,有过境签证或者免签的人可以出关后正常入住,很小部分也就10来个房间的那个部分可以直接入住不需要签证,中国公民(除非你有日本签证)定的时候一定要 book transit hotel from the official website, if you book it from bookings.com like I did then it is the regular side of hotel requires visa 我打过电话到酒店确认过 网上还说啥shore pass, total BS, 我打电话到日航,日本领馆,都说没这回事 一圈下来没办法,我爸妈最后是在机场过夜的,他们一路用贵宾室,只有四个小时没办法在贵宾室,在外面候机大厅的座椅上横躺了一会。日航贵宾室早上开到2点,6点又开门了。机场三号楼是24小时的这点可以放心。 实在不放心的人可以根据transit hotel availablility 来买机票 最后祝大家父母出行顺利 tncountrygal 发表于 2023-06-13 13:38
小红书上好多人晒的。其实就是航空公司做担保的,所以得坐日本的两个航空公司的,他们才肯帮忙。反正攻略小红书上很多。 这是日本领事馆官网的介绍: What is a Japan Shore Pass? The Shore Pass is essential if you don't have a connecting flight on the same day you arrive, and the flight will be in the next 72 hours. Travelers may obtain a transit visa on arrival, which is called the Japan Shore Pass in Japan. The airline can process the Shore Pass application upon your arrival, but it is better to contact them before boarding the plane to avoid the hassle. The eligibility criteria for Japan Shore Pass are as follows: You possess the necessary travel documents to your final destination country. You have sufficient finances to stay in Japan until the day of your connecting flight. You arrive and leave from a seaport/airport in the same groups.
小红书上好多人晒的。其实就是航空公司做担保的,所以得坐日本的两个航空公司的,他们才肯帮忙。反正攻略小红书上很多。 这是日本领事馆官网的介绍: What is a Japan Shore Pass? The Shore Pass is essential if you don't have a connecting flight on the same day you arrive, and the flight will be in the next 72 hours. Travelers may obtain a transit visa on arrival, which is called the Japan Shore Pass in Japan. The airline can process the Shore Pass application upon your arrival, but it is better to contact them before boarding the plane to avoid the hassle. The eligibility criteria for Japan Shore Pass are as follows: You possess the necessary travel documents to your final destination country. You have sufficient finances to stay in Japan until the day of your connecting flight. You arrive and leave from a seaport/airport in the same groups.
等到美国彻底放开,我给我爸妈买了两张从上海到洛杉矶的公务舱特价票,羽田机场转机,当时没想到机场会滞留,网上信息不完整,我搜到说定三号航站楼里面的royal park Haneda hotel, 很方便就订了房间 后来才发现酒店分两个部分,有过境签证或者免签的人可以出关后正常入住,很小部分也就10来个房间的那个部分可以直接入住不需要签证,中国公民(除非你有日本签证)定的时候一定要 book transit hotel from the official website, if you book it from bookings.com like I did then it is the regular side of hotel requires visa 我打过电话到酒店确认过 网上还说啥shore pass, total BS, 我打电话到日航,日本领馆,都说没这回事 一圈下来没办法,我爸妈最后是在机场过夜的,他们一路用贵宾室,只有四个小时没办法在贵宾室,在外面候机大厅的座椅上横躺了一会。日航贵宾室早上开到2点,6点又开门了。机场三号楼是24小时的这点可以放心。 实在不放心的人可以根据transit hotel availablility 来买机票 最后祝大家父母出行顺利 tncountrygal 发表于 2023-06-13 13:38
等到美国彻底放开,我给我爸妈买了两张从上海到洛杉矶的公务舱特价票,羽田机场转机,当时没想到机场会滞留,网上信息不完整,我搜到说定三号航站楼里面的royal park Haneda hotel, 很方便就订了房间 后来才发现酒店分两个部分,有过境签证或者免签的人可以出关后正常入住,很小部分也就10来个房间的那个部分可以直接入住不需要签证,中国公民(除非你有日本签证)定的时候一定要 book transit hotel from the official website, if you book it from bookings.com like I did then it is the regular side of hotel requires visa 我打过电话到酒店确认过 网上还说啥shore pass, total BS, 我打电话到日航,日本领馆,都说没这回事 一圈下来没办法,我爸妈最后是在机场过夜的,他们一路用贵宾室,只有四个小时没办法在贵宾室,在外面候机大厅的座椅上横躺了一会。日航贵宾室早上开到2点,6点又开门了。机场三号楼是24小时的这点可以放心。 实在不放心的人可以根据transit hotel availablility 来买机票 最后祝大家父母出行顺利
15个小时没法出关,只能在有限区域走动,也算“滞留“吧, 可能用词不当,贵宾室椅子舒服点吧,你一个半小时都在一个区域应该来得及
只要是美国护照首尔过境没问题 中国护照还是保险一点查一下有没有过境签证问题
Shore pass以前肯定有,20多年前吧
这是日本领事馆官网的介绍: What is a Japan Shore Pass? The Shore Pass is essential if you don't have a connecting flight on the same day you arrive, and the flight will be in the next 72 hours. Travelers may obtain a transit visa on arrival, which is called the Japan Shore Pass in Japan. The airline can process the Shore Pass application upon your arrival, but it is better to contact them before boarding the plane to avoid the hassle. The eligibility criteria for Japan Shore Pass are as follows: You possess the necessary travel documents to your final destination country. You have sufficient finances to stay in Japan until the day of your connecting flight. You arrive and leave from a seaport/airport in the same groups.
非常感谢分享这个有用的信息,过段时间也要去羽田机场转机,还以为shore pass就可以解决问题
不是联航的是指不是一个联盟 行李要重新提过海关吗?那一个半小时估计来不及
我爸妈前两天拿到了,因为全日空晚了三小时没赶上转机,给办了shore pass还安排了住宿