
楼主 (北美华人网)
在线等:紧急求助有关英国和法国签证问题。。。。。 我们7月中要去伦敦和巴黎各待一周。目前机票和住宿都已经book了。 现在出现了一个很严重的问题。 我在5月5号打了指纹,9号把申请英国visa的文件包括我的护照寄往纽约,同时在网上申请了去法国的申根签证,预约了6月8号就是这周四的appointment。 但是英国(New York)那边直到5月22号才回复收到我的文件。这是他们给我的Email: Dear Customer Thank you for your Visa Application which has arrived at the UKVI Decision Making Centre and is now awaiting consideration: Depending on the service you purchased, we aim to process: - Super priority visa applications the day after biometric submission - Priority visa applications within 5 working days of biometric submission - All other visa applications within 15 workings days of biometric submission* You will be contacted by the Visa Application Centre when your passport is ready for collection. Please do not attend the Visa Application Centre until you have been invited to do so. *Please note the above about current processing times and extremely high demand. We strongly recommend that you do not buy a non-refundable, non-flexible ticket to the UK, until your visa application has been approved and you have received your documents.。。。。 然后到现在都杳无音讯。 目前看来是不可能赶得上这周四的France的appointment了。唯一的办法是重新schedule法国的签证appointment。但是现在网上只有7月7号一个available的slot。我们7月16出发,France那边说申请签证要2-3星期,而且没法expedited。 这样的话是绝对赶不上的。
在我发帖的几分钟内,法国那边的7月7号的appointment slot也已经没有了。现在是在我们出发前没有任何slot available了。是不是按目前情况,凶多吉少,大概率我是没法去巴黎了?