lease 里面加上这个:Tenant will be responsible for pest control, basic maintenance (including but not limited to battery replacement for remote/alarms, dryer duct and AC drain line cleaning, furnace filter replacement), minor repairs (e.g. light bulb replacement, broken blinds fix, sprinkler head replacement/adjustment, garbage disposal reset, garage door sensor alignment, toilet/sink/dishwasher blockage drain). All repairs and modifications need owner’s written approval. All issues with the house have to be reported within 24 hours to prevent excessive damage to the home. To avoid excessive service request on minor items, If a repair is needed by a service call, tenants agree to pay 50$ deductible for any repair request except leaks. If tenant does not notify landlord immediately of any leaku, tenant will pay for fixing the leak and any resulting damage to the building, regardless of cost.
lease 里面加上这个:Tenant will be responsible for pest control, basic maintenance (including but not limited to battery replacement for remote/alarms, dryer duct and AC drain line cleaning, furnace filter replacement), minor repairs (e.g. light bulb replacement, broken blinds fix, sprinkler head replacement/adjustment, garbage disposal reset, garage door sensor alignment, toilet/sink/dishwasher blockage drain). All repairs and modifications need owner’s written approval. All issues with the house have to be reported within 24 hours to prevent excessive damage to the home. To avoid excessive service request on minor items, If a repair is needed by a service call, tenants agree to pay 50$ deductible for any repair request except leaks. If tenant does not notify landlord immediately of any leaku, tenant will pay for fixing the leak and any resulting damage to the building, regardless of cost. sapid001 发表于 2023-05-22 23:20
所谓的加州每年最多涨5%是不对的,这个规定是针对机构(apartment complex),而且数字是5%+inflation,对于你这种single family 没有封顶。上面有人说的好,你这不是做生意是在做慈善。修东西本身没什么问题,是你房东应分的,但是你尽了房东的义务却没有享受房东的权力,就是把房子涨到市场价。如果房子现在是按照市场价出租,估计你修东西也就没什么怨言了。所以,当务之急是涨价,现在就涨明天就涨,一年涨200,或者300,一直涨到市场价为止。
我不会续约。另外你可以算一下如果请人修需要多少钱。然后你就舍得给他们涨房租了。过滤网这种我是让租客自己换,我保留检查权利,每次到换的时候发短信提醒。好点的租客我买过滤网送到他们家门口,已经很好了。 把家里弄得湿热长霉使用他们使用不当了,我有个租客圣诞节离开但是窗户大开把我的furnace快烧爆炸了,和你这种有点类似。我是直接给的notice to quit懒得跟她多废话。因为之前她直接把垃圾放进kitchen disposal弄坏了让我修理。修半天发现里面卡的纸盒子竹筷子。这种人有一次这种行为就够了,你居然忍了十年!再住下去赶走都难了吧……
交房租是他们应该履行的责任吧?这不就是租约的一部分吗?有的人是头顶有个遮风挡雨的就很感激。有的人给你个房租就觉得需要你把他们当老爷伺候。 我那个冬天开窗的房客也说她嫌太热才开窗于是忘了关,然后garbage disposal 也说她不知道不能放竹筷子。但是道歉她也不掉块肉是吧?对于有些人来说,their words mean nothing to me。他们就是这么manipulate你的。 我还觉得当房东说白了就是提供一个产品和服务,如果对方并不感激你的offering还挑三拣四的,那当这个房东有什么意思呢,不如换个appreciate你的人。我宁愿少赚几百块钱,图一个顺心开心。
Chatgpt 的回答 The laws governing landlord-tenant relationships and the obligations of landlords in California are primarily outlined in the California Civil Code. The relevant sections include: - Civil Code Section 1941: This section specifies the landlord's obligation to provide habitable premises and lists various requirements for habitability. - Civil Code Section 1941.1: It outlines the landlord's duty to provide working plumbing and sanitation facilities. - Civil Code Section 1941.3: This section pertains to the landlord's responsibility to provide functional heating systems. - Civil Code Section 1941.4: It covers the requirement for landlords to provide operational smoke detectors. - Civil Code Section 1941.6: This section focuses on the provision of carbon monoxide detectors by landlords. These are just a few examples, and there are additional provisions within the California Civil Code that address landlord responsibilities. It's recommended to refer to the specific sections of the code or seek legal advice for comprehensive information related to your situation.
lease 里面加上这个:Tenant will be responsible for pest control, basic maintenance (including but not limited to battery replacement for remote/alarms, dryer duct and AC drain line cleaning, furnace filter replacement), minor repairs (e.g. light bulb replacement, broken blinds fix, sprinkler head replacement/adjustment, garbage disposal reset, garage door sensor alignment, toilet/sink/dishwasher blockage drain). All repairs and modifications need owner’s written approval. All issues with the house have to be reported within 24 hours to prevent excessive damage to the home. To avoid excessive service request on minor items, If a repair is needed by a service call, tenants agree to pay 50$ deductible for any repair request except leaks. If tenant does not notify landlord immediately of any leaku, tenant will pay for fixing the leak and any resulting damage to the building, regardless of cost. sapid001 发表于 2023-05-22 23:20
lease 里面加上这个:Tenant will be responsible for pest control, basic maintenance (including but not limited to battery replacement for remote/alarms, dryer duct and AC drain line cleaning, furnace filter replacement), minor repairs (e.g. light bulb replacement, broken blinds fix, sprinkler head replacement/adjustment, garbage disposal reset, garage door sensor alignment, toilet/sink/dishwasher blockage drain). All repairs and modifications need owner’s written approval. All issues with the house have to be reported within 24 hours to prevent excessive damage to the home. To avoid excessive service request on minor items, If a repair is needed by a service call, tenants agree to pay 50$ deductible for any repair request except leaks. If tenant does not notify landlord immediately of any leaku, tenant will pay for fixing the leak and any resulting damage to the building, regardless of cost. sapid001 发表于 2023-05-22 23:20
lease 里面加上这个:Tenant will be responsible for pest control, basic maintenance (including but not limited to battery replacement for remote/alarms, dryer duct and AC drain line cleaning, furnace filter replacement), minor repairs (e.g. light bulb replacement, broken blinds fix, sprinkler head replacement/adjustment, garbage disposal reset, garage door sensor alignment, toilet/sink/dishwasher blockage drain). All repairs and modifications need owner’s written approval. All issues with the house have to be reported within 24 hours to prevent excessive damage to the home. To avoid excessive service request on minor items, If a repair is needed by a service call, tenants agree to pay 50$ deductible for any repair request except leaks. If tenant does not notify landlord immediately of any leaku, tenant will pay for fixing the leak and any resulting damage to the building, regardless of cost. sapid001 发表于 2023-05-22 23:20
请展开说说。 他们叫我去修马桶,我说我不想修,因为不影响使用,他们说 “ 好的,那等它不工作了,我再找你。”。。。
其实这看你们state的法律,法律如果说修理不可以要钱,那么contract写了也没用。因为you cannot sign your rights away
我真的不怕他们搬,搬了我还能租多点钱呢。 我这2年每年给他们涨房租5%,不想便宜他们了。 我只是因为法律是保护他们的,如果他们东西坏了我不给修,会不会有法律责任?
这么多事还市价六成 您这是在做慈善 不如卖了算了
把家里弄得湿热长霉使用他们使用不当了,我有个租客圣诞节离开但是窗户大开把我的furnace快烧爆炸了,和你这种有点类似。我是直接给的notice to quit懒得跟她多废话。因为之前她直接把垃圾放进kitchen disposal弄坏了让我修理。修半天发现里面卡的纸盒子竹筷子。这种人有一次这种行为就够了,你居然忍了十年!再住下去赶走都难了吧……
他们确实很烦人,但是我倒不觉得他们故意弄坏或怎样,至少从没有在修理东西时发现像你房客的那种情况。 主要是,疫情3年,他们从来也没有拖欠或晚交过一天房租,所以我当时觉得还挺庆幸的。出租房子我最怕碰到老赖。 谢谢你的建议啊,我去年涨了100,下个月满1年了,接着涨房租就行了,绝不心软。
我们不续约,很多年前就month to month了
我那个冬天开窗的房客也说她嫌太热才开窗于是忘了关,然后garbage disposal 也说她不知道不能放竹筷子。但是道歉她也不掉块肉是吧?对于有些人来说,their words mean nothing to me。他们就是这么manipulate你的。
那就给60天notice结束 重新找个好点的租客 价格提到市场价
应该并没有规定必须配洗衣机烘干机,有不少房东广告里就是washer/dryer hook ups only,还有房子需要访客自备冰箱的呢。一般这种房子价格要便宜些,房东就是懒得承担维修电器的责任。不过租的时候也稍微难租一点,因为本身会租房子的人就是月光居多,每次换房能把押金交上都已经紧巴巴了,很少有人还能再有钱去买家电。
收藏了 谢谢🥳😖
直接涨到市场价格,让他们走人 自己愿意当包子就别怪狗跟着
低价房,随叫随到得免费handy man, 以后会不会再升级其她想法?
因为看楼主的帖子 觉得她不适合做房东
这个也正常,关键是合同里应该写清楚。高标准服务也应该支付高标准服务的价格。 国内租房恰恰相反,房间内设施损坏了,租客要赔偿。