在加州可以用这个办法拿到电车tax credit吗?

楼主 (北美华人网)
家里有一个人的收入低于$150k 可以通过 Married filing separately 办法吗? 下面的解释好像是说file separately, 在加州收入还是要加起来再评分,那是没有办法了?

Married filing separately Imagine spouses who both earn income from work. One makes $40,000 a year, and the other makes $50,000. If they file a joint federal tax return, there’s no problem, regardless of where they live: They simply report a combined $90,000 in income. Now say they want to file separate returns. In common-law states, it’s still not a problem: One spouse reports $40,000 on their return, and the other spouse reports $50,000 on theirs. If they live in a community property state, though, each is entitled to half the other’s income: Legally, they each have $45,000 in income ($90,000/2 = $45,000).
federal credit or state credit?
管他哪个,家里收入一高一低可以用这办法拿点credit 回来吗?
首先如果夫妻分开报税的话,夫妻中有一人modified gross income少于15万就可以拿到tax credit: The Inflation Reduction Act places income limitations on who qualifies for the EV tax credit:  Single taxpayers or married people filing separately must have a modified adjusted gross income of $150,000 or less.
其次CA夫妻分开报税的income的计算方式是夫妻的community income的一半加自己的separate income。 California is a community property state. When filing a separate return, each spouse/RDP reports the following: One-half of the community income All of their own separate income