请教:how to stop whining(建议在7楼,10楼)

楼主 (北美华人网)
(小和尚现在13个月,除了“大大,爸爸”,还不会说任何话。自打上次生病以后,开始尖叫。现在tired, borned, frustruated, or want something的时候都会whining. 我试着温柔地对他说不要叫,可我一说话,他更急。也试过ignore他,他会叫得更厉害。在家里,如果我知道了原因,我会满足他的愿望。如果在外面吃饭和shopping,就只有抱他出去,或是以其他东西转移他的注意力,才能停止。也不知道做的对不对?我在网上搜了一下,大部分的对策都是对2,3岁的孩子,他们至少还能领会到父母的意图了。可13个月大的孩子还只能有限地明白我的话,怎么沟通?需要timeout吗? 我已经预感到我会有一个很tough的terrible two了。 大宝宝的妈妈们请赐教!
[此贴子已经被amychen106于2007-3-21 23:01:36编辑过]
2 楼
3 楼
“如果在外面吃饭和shopping,就只有抱他出去,或是以其他东西转移他的注意力,才能停止.” 做的很对,坚持下去。坚持到宝宝能慢慢理解你的意思,慢慢的学会控制自己的行为。 建议你教baby sign,多和孩子耐心细致的说话,用一切手段加强孩子和父母的沟通。
4 楼
还有一招比较狠,不太建议用。挑一个在家的时候,让他叫个够,不理他(没准到半个小时、40分钟),几次之后他就知道这种方式得不到满足,自然就少用这种方式。 但这种方法对宝宝有点残忍。不到不得已,不建议用。
5 楼
thanks amy sharing again
6 楼
以下是引用delancey在2007-3-6 12:42:00的发言:
thanks amy sharing again 等小小鸟的建议吧。她还认真看育儿书或杂志。我很久都没有看书了,完全是凭经验回贴。
7 楼
walk away from him ...(of course you have to be home)... let him cry, have a temper. Eventually he will calm down and learn screaming is not going to get him anywhere. Then he will stop. It might take a couple try before he realizes it. Normally it takes 10 -15 minutes, he will cry VERY hard, but then he will start to calm down. If you do decide to do it, don't give in to go back to him after walking away from him.. if you did, he would think crying hard or making louder noise made you to go back to him. He is at the age he is testing his limit and testing you... Don't forget to offer plenty of kisses and hugs after it is over....
[此贴子已经被amychen106于2007-3-21 23:05:37编辑过]
8 楼
amy 终于来了。 关于baby sign,我检讨我一看就没了信心。现在我得试一试了。我个性很唐僧,所以跟宝宝说话很多,但显然小和尚语言发展很慢,也许是我的遗传(我妈妈说我说话很晚,甚至被怀疑是哑巴)。我能感觉到小和尚是个急性子,表达不出来让他很fussy. 所以怎样改变他的急性子,是我的另一个课题。 你建议的让他一次叫个够,我也在一篇文章中读到过类似的方法。他的建议是在家里建一个whining zone, 比如孩子的卧室。孩子在里面可以放任尖叫,以释放他的情绪。但是出了whining zone,就不可再叫,必须遵守外面的规则。听起来有些道理,可是只有大些的孩子才能明报地区分zone的定义。
9 楼
以下是引用小小鸟在2007-3-6 12:50:00的发言:
walk away from him ...(of course you have to be home)... let him cry, have a temper. Eventually he will calm down and learn screaming is not going to get him anywhere. Then he will stop. It might take a couple try before he realizes it. Normally it takes 10 -15 minutes, he will cry VERY hard, but then he will start to calm down. If you do decide to do it, don't give in to go back to him after walking away from him.. if you did, he would think crying hard or making louder noise made you to go back to him. He is at the age he is testing his limit and testing you... Don't forget to offer plenty of kisses and hugs after it is over.... 谢谢你的建议。对他无理取闹时,我一定贯彻实施。 我还有一点疑惑,比如在家里如果他想要某种东西,拿不着会看着我或是叫。如果东西没有什么危险,我会给他,他也很高兴. 可是在超市或是饭店,他要拿人家的东西,我自然不能给他,所以他会叫得更大,很不高兴。我觉得他也很confuse, 为什么我有时给他有时又不给,可他现在也不懂什么是家里什么是外面啊?难道我在家里也对他的要求置之不理吗?
10 楼
They are have a tantrum due to many reasons. Sometimes it happens because you don't understand what he wants and he can't explain it well, then you need to be patient to figure out what it is and build that communication channel with him, whether it is baby sigh or not. Baby sign does help in this case, because it is a lot easier for the child to communicate with you than using the actual word. There are time they have a tantrum simply because their ability to maintain self-control breaks down, resulting in a tantrum. Then, you need to walk away from it, and let him to figure out a way to control the anger.  Don't ever give in to demands because your response will only encourage him to repeat the tratrum the next time, even in public places. If it happens, i will remove him from the public areas, go back to your car so people don't get bothered by his tantrum. There will be time you can distract him... You have to try different things to figure out which way fits your child the best. There are times you need to try them all....  
[此贴子已经被作者于2007-3-6 13:37:24编辑过]
11 楼
以下是引用小小鸟在2007-3-6 13:06:00的发言:
They are have a tantrum due to many reasons. Sometimes it happens because you don't understand what he wants and he can't explain it well, then you need to be patient to figure out what it is and build that communication channel with him, whether it is baby sigh or not. Baby sign does help in this case, because it is a lot easier for the child to communicate with you than using the actual word. There are time they have a tantrum simply because they can't ability to maintain self-control breaks down, resulting in a tantrum. Then, you need to walk away from it, and let him to figure out a way to control the anger.  Don't ever give in to demands because your response will only encourage him to repeast the tratrum the next time, even in public places. If it happens, i will remove him from the public areas, go back to your car so people don't get bothered by his tantrum. There will be time you can distract him... You have to try different things to figure out which way fits your child the best. There are times you need to try them all....   再次感谢,我好像明白些了。
12 楼
看了小小鸟的建议,和我的大同小异。只是我表达的太不清楚。 其实我在twweey的帖子里和相亲相爱中都提到过这种现象,孩子某个特定阶段的问题来来去去就那几种,好的处理方式也就那几种,无论是看书、论坛提问,你只能得到建议,最适合你宝宝的方法,还是要自己摸索。 没有一定的、所谓的最好方法,无非是不同情况下,慢慢的找出最佳的对策。冷处理、带孩子离开公共场合、耐心沟通等方法区别运用,rules with love,坚持下来会有解决方法的。 想是想不明白的,都是实践中摸索出来的。 good luck
13 楼
以下是引用小小鸟在2007-3-6 12:50:00的发言:
walk away from him ...(of course you have to be home)... let him cry, have a temper. Eventually he will calm down and learn screaming is not going to get him anywhere. Then he will stop. It might take a couple try before he realizes it. Normally it takes 10 -15 minutes, he will cry VERY hard, but then he will start to calm down. If you do decide to do it, don't give in to go back to him after walking away from him.. if you did, he would think crying hard or making louder noise made you to go back to him. He is at the age he is testing his limit and testing you... Don't forget to offer plenty of kisses and hugs after it is over.... My daughter took 40 minutes.
14 楼
对不起..刚才很忙,又想回那个贴子,所以用了英文,还有TYPO. :(
15 楼
谢谢amy 和小小鸟,英文没关系,我还能看懂。我大概也知道这些个方式,但很混乱。而且他才13个月,总觉得他还小,心里不是很有底。有了你们的建议,我清楚了好些。 他现在这样可能还有一个原因。保姆家房子很小,看他的爷爷奶奶一是怕我们怪他们不疼孩子,一是怕吵,所以他一叫一哭就抱或带他出门。我们告诉爷爷奶奶不理他,他们总是说要抱要抱,我们也没办法,不过确实担心他们把孩子惯坏了。
[此贴子已经被作者于2007-3-6 13:58:29编辑过]
16 楼
A friend suggested us to send my son to a daycare instead family care simply because the place is too small.... but on the other hand it will be tougher for him to go to daycare. I said the same thing yesterday to my husband that we will have a hard terrible two. boys are harder to discipline.
17 楼
以下是引用flyingtosk在2007-3-6 14:23:00的发言:
A friend suggested us to send my son to a daycare instead family care simply because the place is too small.... but on the other hand it will be tougher for him to go to daycare. I said the same thing yesterday to my husband that we will have a hard terrible two. boys are harder to discipline. 乐乐妈,family care 和 daycare各有利弊。family care生病少些,day care生活更有规律些。我的朋友们们说用family care过渡到day care, 小孩子容易适应些。我看中的daycare要九月才能进了。 男孩子精力旺盛,小时候麻烦多多啊。不过听说到了teen反而比女儿好对付些。。
18 楼
19 楼
try to make him laugh. my son had a smililiar time after we took him to the doc, he was one and half and got high fever. i tried the let it be method but i do not think that it worked well. i then tried to make him happy whenever i saw a sign of screaming.made clawn face, made werid noise, i even jumped and barked like a dog. he felt interesting and changed his focus, then i asked him if he wants this or if he wants that, or i tell him if we can do this instead of doing that (he wanted but may not be allowed). sometimes he said no but little by little he got nicer and agreed with me. the difference was that my son spoke good chinese, so for you, you may need to speak more to get his attention. once he starts to try to listen what you say or answer what you ask, he will be quiet , but first, let him know that there is some fun .
20 楼
谢谢楼上mm给的回复,确实目前最有效的方法就是distract him. 他现在好一些了,除了偶尔会叫叫,平时还是sweat的。我所做的是首先尽量避免让他烦躁的事情,比如掌握好出门时间,不是难度很大的玩具。我现在每天陪他游戏的时间也比以前多了,跟你说的一样,我也是经常play silly mommy的,他真是很开心。现在出门又像小baby时一样冲着陌生人傻笑了,让我很欣慰。
21 楼
congratulations, patience does pay off. what a great suggestion!
22 楼
小小现在也经常叫大大和爸爸, 怎么教他妈妈也不喊。
23 楼
以下是引用oryong在2007-3-22 15:54:00的发言:
小小现在也经常叫大大和爸爸, 怎么教他妈妈也不喊。 别着急,都说爸爸容易发音。 前天和尚一边钻桌子玩一边无意识叫妈妈,老公还让我快答应。让我哭笑不得。
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25 楼
watch nanny 911, and learn some techniques there
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27 楼
以下是引用oryong在2007-3-22 15:54:00的发言:
小小现在也经常叫大大和爸爸, 怎么教他妈妈也不喊。 我家的也是,叫的最多的就是爸爸,偶尔高兴了叫下妈妈,还有就是嘎嘎。看见小狗,嘎嘎;鸭子,嘎嘎;电视,嘎嘎。。。。
28 楼
以下是引用september在2007-3-22 14:21:00的发言:
谢谢楼上mm给的回复,确实目前最有效的方法就是distract him. 他现在好一些了,除了偶尔会叫叫,平时还是sweat的。我所做的是首先尽量避免让他烦躁的事情,比如掌握好出门时间,不是难度很大的玩具。我现在每天陪他游戏的时间也比以前多了,跟你说的一样,我也是经常play silly mommy的,他真是很开心。现在出门又像小baby时一样冲着陌生人傻笑了,让我很欣慰。 九月,我觉得你现在的方法就很好。大家给个很多他whining怎么处理的建议,我觉得也要注意预防他whining,这个要靠我们平时观察,尤其是他的脾气性格喜好作息等,每个人对事务环境的忍耐度不一样。因为他还小,“现在tired, borned, frustruated, or want something的时候都会whining”。这个时候说明他那时emotion在red zone,如果他exhausted了,肯定不会高兴。如果尽量能够预防,让他的emotion 在green zone,比如你说的掌握好出门时间等,这样他happy,你也happy。
[此贴子已经被作者于2007-11-28 13:12:16编辑过]