楼主 (北美华人网)
一个理性 一个感性思维 他这么悲观 感觉是FJ
一个理性 一个感性思维 他这么悲观 感觉是FJ
littletiger2013 发表于 2023-03-27 22:46

我个人很喜欢他 看了他所有的书 觉得他是理性悲观
一个理性 一个感性思维 他这么悲观 感觉是FJ
littletiger2013 发表于 2023-03-27 22:46

女儿测出来是INTP-T 是不是很少见的性格类型?
我个人很喜欢他 看了他所有的书 觉得他是理性悲观
kangqiao 发表于 2023-03-27 22:52

搜了一下发现有人跟我有同样的疑问 https://www.typologycentral.com/threads/arthur-schopenhauer.34284/
搜了一下发现有人跟我有同样的疑问 https://www.typologycentral.com/threads/arthur-schopenhauer.34284/
浮云淡淡 发表于 2023-03-27 23:19

我喜欢这个回答, 我自己就是INFJ的所以很能relate:Personally I have never seen Schopenhauer as INFJ at the beginning I thought he was the typical existentialist philosopher / cliche nihilist who only said pessimistic phrases because he wanted to get some attention like those that today are filled with money and become philosophers to name Foucault But getting into his philosophy, I discovered that he just wanted to rescue people from their loneliness, or at least guide them to deal with them. I think that this is an altruistic act typical of an INFJ, some do not agree that it is INFJ because it is very "odious" to be, or insane. However, even a person like Hitler who ordered the killing of people has altruistic goals behind what he says or does
我喜欢这个回答, 我自己就是INFJ的所以很能relate:Personally I have never seen Schopenhauer as INFJ at the beginning I thought he was the typical existentialist philosopher / cliche nihilist who only said pessimistic phrases because he wanted to get some attention like those that today are filled with money and become philosophers to name Foucault But getting into his philosophy, I discovered that he just wanted to rescue people from their loneliness, or at least guide them to deal with them. I think that this is an altruistic act typical of an INFJ, some do not agree that it is INFJ because it is very "odious" to be, or insane. However, even a person like Hitler who ordered the killing of people has altruistic goals behind what he says or does
littletiger2013 发表于 2023-03-27 23:22

Schopenhauer was that grumpy guy in his old age pictures, though he was handsome in his youth and had brief relations with females. He wrote about women and the sex urge. He was politically conservative. He was born wealthy and never had to work. He didn’t have friends or contact with relatives. He didn’t think much of humans. Most of his adult life he lived in a boarding house in Frankfort Germany. Once in the boarding house a woman upset him, he pushed her and a court made him pay her compensation. He wasn’t friendly or social. He did have small dogs. The classic statement about Schopenhauer was supposedly said by his mother. “ O, Arthur, your gloomy opinions, your intellectual arrogance, and fantastic ideas, you are just an unpleasant person.”
Schopenhauer was that grumpy guy in his old age pictures, though he was handsome in his youth and had brief relations with females. He wrote about women and the sex urge. He was politically conservative. He was born wealthy and never had to work. He didn’t have friends or contact with relatives. He didn’t think much of humans. Most of his adult life he lived in a boarding house in Frankfort Germany. Once in the boarding house a woman upset him, he pushed her and a court made him pay her compensation. He wasn’t friendly or social. He did have small dogs. The classic statement about Schopenhauer was supposedly said by his mother. “ O, Arthur, your gloomy opinions, your intellectual arrogance, and fantastic ideas, you are just an unpleasant person.”
浮云淡淡 发表于 2023-03-27 23:27

我以为INFJ 还是INTJ 是从这个subject 自己思维出发,不是我们作为旁观者来客观观察subject。。
我以为INFJ 还是INTJ 是从这个subject 自己思维出发,不是我们作为旁观者来客观观察subject。。
littletiger2013 发表于 2023-03-27 23:33

我个人很喜欢他 看了他所有的书 觉得他是理性悲观
kangqiao 发表于 2023-03-27 22:52


女儿测出来是INTP-T 是不是很少见的性格类型?
ihatemylife 发表于 2023-03-27 23:15

billie eilish是intp,reddit和quora上面有讨论过