everything Everywhere All at Once! Michelle Yeoh won the best actress for her role in “Everything, Everywhere All at Once.” The victory makes her the first Asian star to win best actress in the 95-year history of the Academy Awards. Michelle Yeoh and Ke Huy Quan make #Oscars history as the first two Asian actors to win in the same year.
为什么有人不能get这个movie的brilliance呢?我觉得这位老兄说的很中肯。 我语文不咋的,就不翻译了。 Jeff F Only reason this movie is getting such an influx of negative reviews is because the Oscar nominations and wins got a lot of people to notice it who, in any other situation, would have never even known this movie existed. A lot of them very likely older people who, I suppose unstandably, can''t keep up with a movie like this. Probably sensory overload for some of them. Others are probably the kinds of people who completely shut down their mind the second they see anything they think is weird. While others are shallow, superficial, skin deep kinds of people who can''t appreciate something that has to be digested by the brain. The plot is VERY much present all throughout and VERY easy to understand. If you you can''t follow this fairly simple plot of someone learning to accept where they''ve wound up in life and finding that they actually already had everything in life that they needed to be happy, then that is entirely a you problem. From the moment I saw it in theaters, it became an absolute all time favorite and still an emotional gut punch on numerous repeat viewings. Yes, it''s very weird, goofy and absurd. It''s those things while also being emotionally heartfelt with a powerful message of love and acceptance for one''s self and towards others. And that life is worth living and should be embraced. Too bad some people are too emotionally shallow to even be able to grasp that from the movie. The movie has earned every bit of praise it received from its fans. I am legitimately surprised a movie like this swept away so many awards as they generally don''t give movies like this any recognition, but I''m genuinely happy they''ve gotten gotten it and no other movie was anywhere near worthy of more accolades. This movie will go down as a classic, I guarantee it thanks to its wonderful blend of its absurdity and its heartfelt and sincere message. JUST IMAGINE IF THESE OLDS SAW SWISS ARMY MAN INSTEAD. HAHAHA! 我在电影院里看的,这电影就是部emotional rollercoaster,笑了哭,哭了笑,笑着哭,哭着笑。在华人论坛大家讨论的多是什么华人好不容易得奥斯卡奖,其实这个对我来说无关痛痒,我个人丝毫不care华人获奖,只是,这真的是部非常好的电影。建议看的时候要engaged进去,如果你看的不知所云,个人认为那是两种原因,一是你的生活太高太幸福(我怀疑让英国国王Charlse III 或者威廉王子这类人很难有啥共鸣),二是没多少脑(这是大多数。除了英语不好的华人看英语电影不能engage进去、看完一部电影通常不知所云,多年前我英语水平不大好的时候在电影院有过这样的感觉)
真的太感慨,太感动了。 悠然记得卧虎藏龙那年,在学校里我们几个亚裔都屏息等待结果。最后失望而归。那天历史课上,我到现在还记得几个白人精英二代们对我说的,” There''s no way they would give Oscar to an Asian . (我知所以这句话记得这么牢。是因为他们说这句话里是没有讥笑或任何激烈的负面的情感在里面的。完全就是以1-1=0这种陈诉事实的说法说出来。好像那个有期待的我才是个完全搞错了,不对的那个!!!) 那么多年过去了,大家都从孩子变成孩子他妈他爸了,这次亚裔横扫奥斯卡啦。 这也太激励未来的有表演天赋的小亚裔们了! 我们的孩子们的美国梦还是要有的! 另: 其实有时候亚裔和其他少数族裔抱团还是好的。因为我们终究不是白人啦! 至少和他们还能You scratch my back , I scratch your back . 白人根本不需要you scratch their back 好不好! 半个马和甲 发表于 2023-03-13 12:47
Michelle Yeoh won the best actress for her role in “Everything, Everywhere All at Once.” The victory makes her the first Asian star to win best actress in the 95-year history of the Academy Awards.
Michelle Yeoh and Ke Huy Quan make #Oscars history as the first two Asian actors to win in the same year.
🔥 最新回帖
華人網的 資深美少女
基本上都沒有 平民階級
整部影片就是chaotic,sensory overload,absurd。人到中年,生活不也是这样的吗?所以才有共鸣。
虛無主義的的探討可以看這個 https://youtu.be/vMnQDhnGiqM
我覺得這個電影 關鍵字 在 洞 黑洞 串聯各個宇宙 肛門也是洞 媽媽生女兒也是從洞中生出來的 瞳孔 也是洞 內在到外在的洞
兩個男的 用獎盃 把肛門塞上 那就是 不漏 不漏 才是男人
那邊還在討論 是 bagel 還是 donut 的洞 都是 更是 腦洞 要懂得 洞 的文化 才能看得懂 更重要的是能夠接受 別人的腦洞大開
洞的文化是 陰 是軟
漢人文化主要是陽 不是陰 還有香腸指 漢人的陽性文化能輕易接受 金鋼狼的 鋼指 難道 軟的香腸指 不比 金鋼狼的鋼指 更有用嗎.... 有試過押麵包板上的 接線嗎.... 這其中 有 非儒家的 道家思想 一般漢人儒家文化出身的會看不懂啊
演技真的沒法跟 楊紫瓊 比啦
章跟鞏 基本上是僵臉
只能演 30%的喜或悲
更不用說 演出大鳴大放
🛋️ 沙发板凳
差不多,八九不离十,一是众望所归,再加上少数族裔女权运动的协助。 可以赌十块钱的
不会bet any money on白人对亚裔的态度
为什么 关的角色不是 男主角?
seems will be a god night for everything everywhere all at once
next minute, your finger will be . . . . hot dog
Best supporting actor? 恭喜恭喜啊!
亚裔演员关继威(Ke Huy Quan)不负众望,夺下本届奥斯卡最佳男配角奖,也是近40年来首位获得男配角的亚裔演员,关继威上台领奖时,情绪大爆发,激动落泪,「我的妈妈84岁了,她在电视机前看,妈,我刚刚拿到奥斯卡了!」关继威感动直呼:「这就是美国梦!」
按我女儿给我的解说, 这电影只有一个 leading role.
讽刺男权 还说说应该diversity之类的
我觉得电影不行 真的看不下去
听听你这什么话?!不管什么族裔都一样好吧! Harvey Weinstein 本职工作做的不好吗?!
relax,杨紫琼 不是咱们的亲戚,不用太紧张
拿了最佳剪辑,那best picture 估计稳了