以下是引用wispy在2007-3-1 12:37:00的发言: 我对这个最感兴趣。这个周末就得打包了。 泥螺,你说,到底需不需要带尿不回去?还是在国内买就行?可是挺好多人说国内的质量要差些。我们这个屁股娇贵的紧,我担心起疹子。 I did. I saw pampers in Walmart in Ningbo but dunno if they are the same. how long will u stay in China? we stayed for 4 weeks, I took back one box of size 4. I also took back wipes
以下是引用HuangNiLuo在2007-3-1 12:44:00的发言: I did. I saw pampers in Walmart in Ningbo but dunno if they are the same. how long will u stay in China? we stayed for 4 weeks, I took back one box of size 4. I also took back wipes we did too. Both diapers and wipers. I was told even though you can find same brand in china, the quality is not the same.
以下是引用HuangNiLuo在2007-3-1 12:44:00的发言: I did. I saw pampers in Walmart in Ningbo but dunno if they are the same. how long will u stay in China? we stayed for 4 weeks, I took back one box of size 4. I also took back wipes 谢谢回复。那我也准备带了。我回去20天,也得大半箱尿布。 wipes我是一定会带的,买了很多那种便携式小包装的。
以下是引用小小鸟在2007-3-1 12:47:00的发言: we did too. Both diapers and wipers. I was told even though you can find same brand in china, the quality is not the same. 嗯,和我听到的一样。 反正我们自己的行李也不多,那我就带了吧。我女儿屁股特别容易红,起疹子。上daycare我都得跟老师关照,勤盯着点儿。
以下是引用flyer在2007-3-1 16:29:00的发言: luo. 这个药大部分小孩子吃了后都会睡觉. 很多父母专门做长途飞机的时候给孩子喂这个药, 让 宝宝睡觉. 我们也这样做了. 不过可能是喂的太少了, 只睡了一个小时. well, I feel uncomfortable to feed medication if she doesn't need it. The bottle does say only once per 4-6 hours.
以下是引用HuangNiLuo在2007-3-1 16:30:00的发言: well, I feel uncomfortable to feed medication if she doesn't need it. The bottle does say only once per 4-6 hours. 可以理解. 我一开始也是犹豫用这个不好. 不过朋友的老婆是医生, 她就给自己的孩子用. 而且我担心父母太辛苦了. 要是我自己带孩子回去可能就不会用这个了. 药物感觉终归是不好的.
Be careful when you give your baby Benadryl. It may have contrary effect on babies and small children. In stead of making them sleepy, it makes them hyper. So test it before you actually take it with you on plane or your long trip. I tought about this when I planned my trip back last yer, one of my coworkers told me I need to test before because she has 3 kids and she told me it works for 2 of them but makes the other extremly hyper and stay awake for almost a full day which is a terrible experience.
以下是引用xyzxyz在2007-3-14 12:09:00的发言: 嗬嗬,太有用了,谢谢星妈。 问个问题,宝宝的手指牙刷英文名叫什么?用什么牙膏呢 orajel brand. there's brush+tooth paste package. you can find it in any supermarket/CVS/walgreen
Here are my input for the formula. In China, even the same brand would taste very differently. They have more suger in China. My son drinks Enfamil all the time, but in China, he refused to drink it after the first sip. My friend told me that she found only a Netherland brand formula tastes simlar. By that time, I already bought about 5 different brands of formula to try out(that is a lot of money and nobody will drink them up). If you have to buy formula there, I suggest you to compare the nutrition table first when you do the shopping. If you can smell the sweetness, there is definitely too much suger inside. For the diaper, my son used Huggies baby-shaped all the time. We didn't see any big difference between those we bought in China(Huggies of course) though.
[此贴子已经被作者于2007-3-14 12:58:44编辑过]
[此贴子已经被作者于2007-3-1 14:15:20编辑过]
[此贴子已经被作者于2007-3-2 0:13:59编辑过]
[此贴子已经被作者于2007-3-1 15:33:54编辑过]
我对这个最感兴趣。这个周末就得打包了。 泥螺,你说,到底需不需要带尿不回去?还是在国内买就行?可是挺好多人说国内的质量要差些。我们这个屁股娇贵的紧,我担心起疹子。
I did. I saw pampers in Walmart in Ningbo but dunno if they are the same. how long will u stay in China? we stayed for 4 weeks, I took back one box of size 4. I also took back wipes we did too. Both diapers and wipers. I was told even though you can find same brand in china, the quality is not the same.
I did. I saw pampers in Walmart in Ningbo but dunno if they are the same. how long will u stay in China? we stayed for 4 weeks, I took back one box of size 4. I also took back wipes 谢谢回复。那我也准备带了。我回去20天,也得大半箱尿布。
we did too. Both diapers and wipers. I was told even though you can find same brand in china, the quality is not the same. 嗯,和我听到的一样。 反正我们自己的行李也不多,那我就带了吧。我女儿屁股特别容易红,起疹子。上daycare我都得跟老师关照,勤盯着点儿。
嗯,和我听到的一样。 反正我们自己的行李也不多,那我就带了吧。我女儿屁股特别容易红,起疹子。上daycare我都得跟老师关照,勤盯着点儿。 dont forget to bring diaper rash oniment...
我对这个最感兴趣。这个周末就得打包了。 泥螺,你说,到底需不需要带尿不回去?还是在国内买就行?可是挺好多人说国内的质量要差些。我们这个屁股娇贵的紧,我担心起疹子。
dont forget to bring diaper rash oniment... 嗯,谢谢提醒。我现在列了个单子,想起一样就写上一样。
我听从国内来的人说国内的pampers不如这儿的好。 en, 我堂妹4月份生孩子,还让我父母回国时帮他带了点pampers,他说国内的香味很大,不好。 要不,爸妈还能帮我家宝宝多带点奶粉回去呢
打包 最重要的是药品。 都是就怕万一的事情。有人说国内药方可以买。但是,回国就那么点时间,跑药房就浪费了。国内的药咱们也不懂,乱用不行的。还有,宝宝要用的时候不能等。 最后,连尿布都带了,带点药算啥。 所以,我建议,大家把常用药品都带全,图个放心。 晚上我会上个药品单子。现在先说下必带的!!! Benadryl Childrens Allergy, Cherry, Oral Solution
luo. 这个药大部分小孩子吃了后都会睡觉. 很多父母专门做长途飞机的时候给孩子喂这个药, 让 宝宝睡觉. 我们也这样做了. 不过可能是喂的太少了, 只睡了一个小时.
luo. 这个药大部分小孩子吃了后都会睡觉. 很多父母专门做长途飞机的时候给孩子喂这个药, 让 宝宝睡觉. 我们也这样做了. 不过可能是喂的太少了, 只睡了一个小时.
嗯,和我听到的一样。 反正我们自己的行李也不多,那我就带了吧。我女儿屁股特别容易红,起疹子。上daycare我都得跟老师关照,勤盯着点儿。 一定要多带点尿布啊.国内卖的同样牌子的,但是东西完全不一样.我带我女儿回去的时候带的尿布不够了,卖了一包,那个疹子起的啊,一大片一大片的,从来都没起过那么多,RASH软膏根本不起作用.最后只好白天让她光着了,出门和睡觉才带.
well, I feel uncomfortable to feed medication if she doesn't need it. The bottle does say only once per 4-6 hours. 可以理解. 我一开始也是犹豫用这个不好. 不过朋友的老婆是医生, 她就给自己的孩子用. 而且我担心父母太辛苦了. 要是我自己带孩子回去可能就不会用这个了. 药物感觉终归是不好的.
国内的pampers 是不好,有点类似baby dry, 甚至还不如,价格却高好多。我们因为应急在国内沃尔玛给小宝买了安尔乐,估计一两泡尿就大的不得了了。
我觉得回去坐车多的话带个car seat也很好用。我们出门就很方便,心里觉得安全踏实。
国内的pampers 是不好,有点类似baby dry, 甚至还不如,价格却高好多。我们因为应急在国内沃尔玛给小宝买了安尔乐,估计一两泡尿就大的不得了了。
我觉得回去坐车多的话带个car seat也很好用。我们出门就很方便,心里觉得安全踏实。
baby carrier: 宝宝小的话,一定要带!!!我们回去时9个月,回来10个月。 用处:1。飞机上把宝宝绑在身上,她睡的时候你也可以睡,不用担心她会掉。妈妈自己带宝宝回去的,都知道有多累。这个非常重要。 2。回去后虽然人手多,很多时候还得自己弄。抱累了背一背蛮好的。 3。逛街,万人迷不愿在里带着,背起来到处看看,她高兴,我轻松。就是人家都会好奇地看你。不过呢,万人迷不背也一大堆人围观,我也无所谓了。
NILUO, 你说的是back carrier 还是 front carrier?? 我们以前常常用front carrier, 可是现在宝宝越来越重了... front carrier实在是太累人了... MM有没有好的back carrier to recommend啊, 先谢谢了...
[此贴子已经被作者于2007-3-1 17:32:31编辑过]
[此贴子已经被作者于2007-3-2 0:13:01编辑过]
NILUO, 你说的是back carrier 还是 front carrier?? 我们以前常常用front carrier, 可是现在宝宝越来越重了... front carrier实在是太累人了... MM有没有好的back carrier to recommend啊, 先谢谢了...
[此贴子已经被作者于2007-3-2 1:31:18编辑过]
药品单子: infant tylenol children's motrin children benadryl Gauze Pad 小卷纱布 卡通图案邦迪 hand sanitizing wipes Neosporin(antibiotic ointment) saline drops orajel teething pain medicine diaper rash ointment aquaphor 这些都去CVS一次买齐就行。还能报FSA呢。
[此贴子已经被作者于2007-3-14 10:29:37编辑过]
[此贴子已经被作者于2007-3-14 11:23:52编辑过]
[此贴子已经被作者于2007-3-14 11:22:44编辑过]
[此贴子已经被作者于2007-3-14 11:46:43编辑过]
[此贴子已经被作者于2007-3-14 12:02:14编辑过]
[此贴子已经被作者于2007-3-14 12:01:33编辑过]
[此贴子已经被作者于2007-3-14 12:13:13编辑过]
嗬嗬,太有用了,谢谢星妈。 问个问题,宝宝的手指牙刷英文名叫什么?用什么牙膏呢
orajel brand. there's brush+tooth paste package. you can find it in any supermarket/CVS/walgreen