Outsider Opinion on "The Kill List" Alleged on Mark Jensen

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The Murderous Corruptive American Criminal Justice System --- Outsider Opinion on ABC’s 20/20 Show of “The Kill List” Alleged on Mark Jensen February 15, 2023 By Limin Wang   Feb. 10, 2023, ABC Channel 7 had its routine 20/20 show, and this time it was titled as “The Kill List” because the American System and the news networks WANT AND PAINT the husband Mark Jensen as the MURDERER of the wife Julie Jensen. It’s really so DISGUSTING to watch such American “documentary” shows, because the shows again and again and again show an AMERICAN EVIL SYSTEM, the victim individuals and families of the AES, and the blames and crimes squarely framed onto family individuals but NEVER ONTO THE AES AND ITS ECOSYSTEM.   My outsider opinion on the death of Julie Jensen:   1)   Although Julie Jensen most likely would not commit suicide, her own mindset and behavior absolutely would bring her own early demise by real murderers from WITHIN the AES and/or FROM the ECOSYSTEM, NOT BY HER HUSBAND Mark Jensen.   2)   The so-called “letter from the tomb”, most probably really penned by JJ days prior to her death, SAID JULIE JENSEN’S OWN DEEP ISSUES CLEAR AND TREMENDOUSLY. JJ would get up THAT early on a WINTER Saturday morning, Nov. 21, 1998, to write up such a full page, with NO REVISION, letter, including a PRINTED-OUT photo page of Mark Jensen’s ALLEGEDLY PRIVATE “BUSINESS PLANNER” post-it which was NOT UNDERSTOOD by JJ other than the handwritten word “syringe”. JJ wrote clear that the couple still had superficial politeness at that time, then WHY THE FUCK SHE WOULD NOT DIRECTLY HAVE A Q&A WITH HER OWN HUSBAND? Instead, SHE, AGAIN, SHOWED CLEAR TRAITS AND ACTS OF AMERICAN PROSTITUTION. Check into the 20/20 video to examine HOW her male neighbor and similar-aged “friend”, named Tadeusz Wojt, said HOW such a letter was given to him! Also, it’s so STRANGE, while JJ has multiple brothers, she did not reveal her “serious” concerns to any of her brothers, even over the Thanksgiving holiday.   3)   I would point the finger of REAL MURDER SUSPECT first and most to the Kenosha police and prosecutors. How they could NOT solve the pornography, phone, email harassments the Jensens had suffered for YEARS, but they would immediately decide to take the Jensens’ home computer away for “evidence” when JJ was declared dead. How could it take them SO LONG, BY YEARS, to claim “evidence” from a home desktop? JJ was basically a staying-home woman, with two young children, and, a SOCIALITE, that’s the CAUSE. Her behavior shown on her letter clearly demonstrates that JJ had taken some SPECIFIC cops as if her “PERSONAL FRIENDS AND PROTECTORS”. The American Evil System is an EVIL system constantly surveilling the people, never forget this.   4)   By the year of 1998, a home desktop computer is NOT A FUCKING LUXURY IN THE USA, but the opposite portray is so repugnant. It does NOT take a Bachelor’s or Master’s or Ph.D.’s degree to use a home computer to just go internet browsing or for emails. It would be UNIMAGINABLE for a practical socialite JJ to be claimed having not used the networked computer at home. Antifreeze is not the same as ethylene glycol, and it requires SIGNIFICANT AMOUNT of ethylene glycol to show its toxicity. While syringes found at home by JJ have not been used to inject anything, absolutely impossible of antifreeze, into JJ for her demise, syringes have more uses than only injecting toxins.   5)   It seemed the autopsy done on the night of Dec. 04, 1998, the day after the declared death, did NOT find ANYTHING which could be taken as a clear evidence of homicide. The LATER, YEARS OR DECADES LATER, DECLARED internal hemorrhage, could be either arbitrarily stretched opinion or due to some drugs’ (LETHAL “SIDE”-) EFFECTS. General mass should have learned that the “professionals” or “authorities” can be SO HUMANSCUM. The 20/20 show said the test for ethylene glycol was done MUCH LATER, specifically targeted, yet the detected amount from the “report” was claimed to be “small”! Although JJ stated in her letter about her stringency on alcohol, the reality of her alcohol use could be astonishing. While JJ would go for “psychologist” or “physician” and “prescribed medications” for “depression”, what’s her own fucking problem when her husband Mark Jensen suggested to her to drink some wine TOGETHER at night? Again and again, JJ shows the PROSTITUTION TRAITS of TRUSTING OUTSIDERS WHILE BETRAYING SPOUSE. Her invitation and stay and sex of a man for a weekend at HER MARITAL HOME, during her OCCASIONAL PART-TIME work, CAN NOT BE LIGHTLY BRUSHED ASIDE BY HER OWN WORD OF “CREEP”. Her vehicle license plate was chosen by herself as “MY 3D s” IS JUST SO ODD AND INAPPROPRIATE, and her explanation of the “3Ds” did not make much sense.   6)   It’s so ridiculous for the American Evil System to use so-called words of “coworkers” and even jailed CRIMINALS as “testimonies”. Mark Jensen’s defense should NOT focus on the “admissibility” of some “words”, spoken or written, instead, MJ should stand to represent himself, to make statements, to cross-examine, and to rebute, IN COURT AND IN FRONT OF MASS MEDIA IN REAL TIME. The cowardous AES “rule of law” NEVER DARES TRANSPARENCY, and it’s so used to black-box manipulations and back-door dealings. THE AES HUMANSCUMS WOULD ABSOLUTELY CORRUPT AND/OR COERCE SOME “WITNESSES” TO CRAP ABOUT THE AES’S VICTIMS. AND THE AES HUMANSCUMS WOULD SET UP SCENES TO FRAME ITS VICTIMS AND LATER MANIPULATE THE “RECORDINGS” TO CLAIM SOMETHING ELSE! CAN YOU NOT QUESTION THE TRUSTWORTHINESS OF THE AMERICAN GENERAL MASS? Then, why the fuck some people’s some words said “in court” should NOT be first tested or questioned or doubted of the percentage of truth? “The Kill List” title thus appears SO RIDICULOUS.   7)   Mark Jensen had an affair with his coworker, but an affair does not necessarily mean the murder of a spouse. Mark Jensen could feel uncommonly good that the rotten marriage finally came to its end, and even MJ really WANTED his spouse to be dead, but it does not necessarily mean that MJ carried out the murder on his spouse. While the “letter from the grave” testifies Mark Jensen as a man lives for “work and the kids”, and ONLY as a “first suspect”, NOT AS THE ONLY SUSPECT, BY JULIE JENSON’S OWN ASSESSMENT. Who do you think could be the REAL MURDERER TO JJ?