
楼主 (北美华人网)
经常听见人说夏校也应该安排了。没搞懂夏校是怎么回事?我知道有的孩子暑期学跳一年的数学,比如暑假2个多月学完IM2,这样开学就可以上IM3。还有暑期学完一年的spanish 3(跳一年)。感觉这样是不是太赶啊,2个月学完一年的课程。 那如果不是这样,夏校又是指的什么呢?我想的是可不可以夏天先上一下课,打一下基础,开学还是上一样的课


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MIT summer programs MIT does not offer open-enrollment summer programs where any high school student can come to campus to take courses and live in the residence halls. However, several partner organizations run small, specialized programs on campus. If studying the human genome, building a robot, or scoping out the stars sound like a fun way to spend your summer, then you might try one of these: MITES Summer MITES Summer is an intensive six-week residential academic enrichment program for high school juniors who intend to pursue careers in science, engineering, and entrepreneurship, especially those from minority backgrounds and other underrepresented segments of the population. The program is free of charge to participating students, not including transportation. RSI Research Science Institute (RSI) brings together high school students each summer for six stimulating weeks at MIT. This rigorous academic program stresses advanced theory and research in mathematics, science, and engineering. Participants attend college-level classes taught by distinguished faculty members and complete hands-on research. Open to high school juniors, the program is free of charge for those selected. WTP Women’s Technology Program (WTP) is a women-focused program aimed at empowering students from groups that are historically underrepresented in engineering by providing a rigorous four-week summer academic experience that introduces 20 high school students to Mechanical Engineering (ME) through hands-on classes (taught by MIT graduate and undergraduate students), labs, and team-based projects in the summer after 11th grade. SSP While the Summer Science Program (SSP) is not on campus, MIT co-sponsors this residential program, and many MIT students are among the program’s alumni. The curriculum is organized around a central research project in either Astrophysics, Biochemistry, or Genomics. In the Astrophysics program, each team of three students determines the orbit of a near-earth asteroid (minor planet) from direct astronomical observations. In the Biochemistry program, each team designs a small molecule to inhibit an enzyme from a fungal crop pathogen. In the Genomics program, each team builds a bioreactor to stimulate evolution of antibiotic resistance in E. coli, then analyzes its DNA for mutations. The programs are six weeks long and offered at locations in Colorado, New Mexico, and Indiana. Beaver Works Summer Institute Beaver Works Summer Institute (BWSI) is an intensive four-week program in July where high school juniors can get a taste of the MIT experience, while working on college-level curriculum with other students from around the country. BWSI is free to students, especially those who may be the first person in their family to attend college. They offer a range of courses—from Autonomous Underwater Vehicles to Quantum Software and to Serious Game Design with AI—with concentrations in programming autonomous systems and more! While this program is only open to high school juniors, there are also online programs offered for younger high school students. Other summer programs at MIT Do you want to spend part of your summer at MIT? In addition to the programs listed above, MIT also hosts the following programs: LaunchX LLRISE: MIT Lincoln Laboratory Radar Introduction for Student Engineers iD Tech Camps Other selective summer programs Most summer programs admit all or most students who can pay the (often high) tuition. However, a number of competitive-admission summer programs select only the best students on the basis of merit and are often free or comparatively affordable. MIT offers four of our own (above), and here are a few more from other organizations: Science and research programs BU Research in Science & Engineering (RISE) Clark Scholar Program Garcia Summer Scholars High School Honors Science/Mathematics/Engineering Program (HSHSP) International Summer School for Young Physicists (ISSYP) Secondary Student Training Program (SSTP) Summer Program on Applied Rationality and Cognition (SPARC) Stanford Institutes of Medicine Summer Research Program (SIMR) Student Science Training Program (SSTP) QuestBridge College Prep Scholarship Math summer programs The American Mathematical Society maintains a large list of youth summer enrichment programs in math. Some summer math programs that our applicants seem to like include: AwesomeMath Canada/USA Mathcamp Hampshire College Summer Studies in Mathematics (HCSSiM) Texas State Mathworks Honors Summer Math Camp MathILy Program in Mathematics for Young Scientists (PROMYS) The Ross Program Stanford University Mathematics Camp (SUMaC) Prove It! Math Academy State Governor’s Schools Governor’s schools directory

pdk52 发表于 2023-02-14 18:28

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MIT summer programs MIT does not offer open-enrollment summer programs where any high school student can come to campus to take courses and live in the residence halls. However, several partner organizations run small, specialized programs on campus. If studying the human genome, building a robot, or scoping out the stars sound like a fun way to spend your summer, then you might try one of these: MITES Summer MITES Summer is an intensive six-week residential academic enrichment program for high school juniors who intend to pursue careers in science, engineering, and entrepreneurship, especially those from minority backgrounds and other underrepresented segments of the population. The program is free of charge to participating students, not including transportation. RSI Research Science Institute (RSI) brings together high school students each summer for six stimulating weeks at MIT. This rigorous academic program stresses advanced theory and research in mathematics, science, and engineering. Participants attend college-level classes taught by distinguished faculty members and complete hands-on research. Open to high school juniors, the program is free of charge for those selected. WTP Women’s Technology Program (WTP) is a women-focused program aimed at empowering students from groups that are historically underrepresented in engineering by providing a rigorous four-week summer academic experience that introduces 20 high school students to Mechanical Engineering (ME) through hands-on classes (taught by MIT graduate and undergraduate students), labs, and team-based projects in the summer after 11th grade. SSP While the Summer Science Program (SSP) is not on campus, MIT co-sponsors this residential program, and many MIT students are among the program’s alumni. The curriculum is organized around a central research project in either Astrophysics, Biochemistry, or Genomics. In the Astrophysics program, each team of three students determines the orbit of a near-earth asteroid (minor planet) from direct astronomical observations. In the Biochemistry program, each team designs a small molecule to inhibit an enzyme from a fungal crop pathogen. In the Genomics program, each team builds a bioreactor to stimulate evolution of antibiotic resistance in E. coli, then analyzes its DNA for mutations. The programs are six weeks long and offered at locations in Colorado, New Mexico, and Indiana. Beaver Works Summer Institute Beaver Works Summer Institute (BWSI) is an intensive four-week program in July where high school juniors can get a taste of the MIT experience, while working on college-level curriculum with other students from around the country. BWSI is free to students, especially those who may be the first person in their family to attend college. They offer a range of courses—from Autonomous Underwater Vehicles to Quantum Software and to Serious Game Design with AI—with concentrations in programming autonomous systems and more! While this program is only open to high school juniors, there are also online programs offered for younger high school students. Other summer programs at MIT Do you want to spend part of your summer at MIT? In addition to the programs listed above, MIT also hosts the following programs: LaunchX LLRISE: MIT Lincoln Laboratory Radar Introduction for Student Engineers iD Tech Camps Other selective summer programs Most summer programs admit all or most students who can pay the (often high) tuition. However, a number of competitive-admission summer programs select only the best students on the basis of merit and are often free or comparatively affordable. MIT offers four of our own (above), and here are a few more from other organizations: Science and research programs BU Research in Science & Engineering (RISE) Clark Scholar Program Garcia Summer Scholars High School Honors Science/Mathematics/Engineering Program (HSHSP) International Summer School for Young Physicists (ISSYP) Secondary Student Training Program (SSTP) Summer Program on Applied Rationality and Cognition (SPARC) Stanford Institutes of Medicine Summer Research Program (SIMR) Student Science Training Program (SSTP) QuestBridge College Prep Scholarship Math summer programs The American Mathematical Society maintains a large list of youth summer enrichment programs in math. Some summer math programs that our applicants seem to like include: AwesomeMath Canada/USA Mathcamp Hampshire College Summer Studies in Mathematics (HCSSiM) Texas State Mathworks Honors Summer Math Camp MathILy Program in Mathematics for Young Scientists (PROMYS) The Ross Program Stanford University Mathematics Camp (SUMaC) Prove It! Math Academy State Governor’s Schools Governor’s schools directory

pdk52 发表于 2023-02-14 18:28



🛋️ 沙发板凳

summer camp...我们已经开始报名了。 便宜一点的全爆满
summer camp...我们已经开始报名了。 便宜一点的全爆满
墨染云烟 发表于 2023-02-14 12:49

6千多的3周的CTY,想换个location都已经在waiting list
Acad 发表于 2023-02-14 13:10

6000多的summercamp抢钱啊!不是说花钱上的都不prestigious 吗
summer camp...我们已经开始报名了。 便宜一点的全爆满
墨染云烟 发表于 2023-02-14 12:49

summer school可不是夏令营哦
summer school是真的上课学校,跟正常上课时一个意思,很多学生是因为fail了,来从学的。也有学生利用这时候多学的
回复 1楼bernard123的帖子
6千多的3周的CTY,想换个location都已经在waiting list
saiguajiataoyan 发表于 2023-02-14 12:53

CTY 可别像去年一样 最后关头 摆人一道
6000多的summercamp抢钱啊!不是说花钱上的都不prestigious 吗
bernard123 发表于 2023-02-14 14:07

你倒是看看哪个 prestigious 你家能进去
6000多的summercamp抢钱啊!不是说花钱上的都不prestigious 吗
bernard123 发表于 2023-02-14 14:07

申请这些花钱的summer camp,原因是什么?是去体验大❄️生活,还是为了多学习跳级或者考多一门AP?请指教
但是我们学区规定只能take 10 credits from outside of school,差不多2节课就解决了这10 credits了。还有查了附近大学和community college都要16岁以上才能上。所以我孩子是准备夏天做camp helper 赚点钱的
申请这些花钱的summer camp,原因是什么?是去体验大❄️生活,还是为了多学习跳级或者考多一门AP?请指教
guotangma 发表于 2023-02-14 15:19

这是生活的一部分, 跟你花钱 带小孩去下馆子, 去旅游, 去 迪斯尼 一样的。
申请这些花钱的summer camp,原因是什么?是去体验大❄️生活,还是为了多学习跳级或者考多一门AP?请指教
guotangma 发表于 2023-02-14 15:19

申请这些花钱的summer camp,原因是什么?是去体验大❄️生活,还是为了多学习跳级或者考多一门AP?请指教
guotangma 发表于 2023-02-14 15:19

我女儿9年级,今年暑假就想工作和volunteer,已经没什么summer camp她可以参加了,除了scout的户外营
我家13岁,想volunteer,但是找不到适合这么小的,babysitting 也太小了吧?她只想学 烧菜。
公用马甲41 发表于 2023-02-14 15:33

这个倒是真的,美国真的顶级好的camp都是invitation only的,免费的
CYCA_happy 发表于 2023-02-14 15:04

我家13岁,想volunteer,但是找不到适合这么小的,babysitting 也太小了吧?她只想学 烧菜。
hellokitty1978 发表于 2023-02-14 16:22

家附近Soup Kitchen volunteer
基本原则: 学费越低(最好是免费),然后申请难度越大, 那么含金量就越高。
给5,6千随便上的都是大忽悠, 站在招生官角度看,只能看出家里有钱,对孩子怎么样没啥体现。
哪里找summer school的信息?
但是我们学区规定只能take 10 credits from outside of school,差不多2节课就解决了这10 credits了。还有查了附近大学和community college都要16岁以上才能上。所以我孩子是准备夏天做camp helper 赚点钱的
bernard123 发表于 2023-02-14 15:21

6千多的3周的CTY,想换个location都已经在waiting list
saiguajiataoyan 发表于 2023-02-14 12:53

CTY 很多中国大款来上
estellemn 发表于 2023-02-14 15:38

summer camp是EC?
CTY 很多中国大款来上
showmm 发表于 2023-02-14 17:48

summer camp是EC?
showmm 发表于 2023-02-14 17:49

先看看那几个出名的prestigious 免费的summer camp 全美国有几个名额,再掂量下小孩是不是在自己州能排个第一二名, 不然一心想进就是自取其辱。
哪里找summer school的信息?
fisher6 发表于 2023-02-14 17:08

公立学校都有summer school program, 私立不知道
summer school is not summer camp, 完全不同的东西
6千多的3周的CTY,想换个location都已经在waiting list
saiguajiataoyan 发表于 2023-02-14 12:53

MIT summer programs MIT does not offer open-enrollment summer programs where any high school student can come to campus to take courses and live in the residence halls. However, several partner organizations run small, specialized programs on campus. If studying the human genome, building a robot, or scoping out the stars sound like a fun way to spend your summer, then you might try one of these: MITES Summer MITES Summer is an intensive six-week residential academic enrichment program for high school juniors who intend to pursue careers in science, engineering, and entrepreneurship, especially those from minority backgrounds and other underrepresented segments of the population. The program is free of charge to participating students, not including transportation. RSI Research Science Institute (RSI) brings together high school students each summer for six stimulating weeks at MIT. This rigorous academic program stresses advanced theory and research in mathematics, science, and engineering. Participants attend college-level classes taught by distinguished faculty members and complete hands-on research. Open to high school juniors, the program is free of charge for those selected. WTP Women’s Technology Program (WTP) is a women-focused program aimed at empowering students from groups that are historically underrepresented in engineering by providing a rigorous four-week summer academic experience that introduces 20 high school students to Mechanical Engineering (ME) through hands-on classes (taught by MIT graduate and undergraduate students), labs, and team-based projects in the summer after 11th grade. SSP While the Summer Science Program (SSP) is not on campus, MIT co-sponsors this residential program, and many MIT students are among the program’s alumni. The curriculum is organized around a central research project in either Astrophysics, Biochemistry, or Genomics. In the Astrophysics program, each team of three students determines the orbit of a near-earth asteroid (minor planet) from direct astronomical observations. In the Biochemistry program, each team designs a small molecule to inhibit an enzyme from a fungal crop pathogen. In the Genomics program, each team builds a bioreactor to stimulate evolution of antibiotic resistance in E. coli, then analyzes its DNA for mutations. The programs are six weeks long and offered at locations in Colorado, New Mexico, and Indiana. Beaver Works Summer Institute Beaver Works Summer Institute (BWSI) is an intensive four-week program in July where high school juniors can get a taste of the MIT experience, while working on college-level curriculum with other students from around the country. BWSI is free to students, especially those who may be the first person in their family to attend college. They offer a range of courses—from Autonomous Underwater Vehicles to Quantum Software and to Serious Game Design with AI—with concentrations in programming autonomous systems and more! While this program is only open to high school juniors, there are also online programs offered for younger high school students. Other summer programs at MIT Do you want to spend part of your summer at MIT? In addition to the programs listed above, MIT also hosts the following programs: LaunchX LLRISE: MIT Lincoln Laboratory Radar Introduction for Student Engineers iD Tech Camps Other selective summer programs Most summer programs admit all or most students who can pay the (often high) tuition. However, a number of competitive-admission summer programs select only the best students on the basis of merit and are often free or comparatively affordable. MIT offers four of our own (above), and here are a few more from other organizations: Science and research programs BU Research in Science & Engineering (RISE) Clark Scholar Program Garcia Summer Scholars High School Honors Science/Mathematics/Engineering Program (HSHSP) International Summer School for Young Physicists (ISSYP) Secondary Student Training Program (SSTP) Summer Program on Applied Rationality and Cognition (SPARC) Stanford Institutes of Medicine Summer Research Program (SIMR) Student Science Training Program (SSTP) QuestBridge College Prep Scholarship Math summer programs The American Mathematical Society maintains a large list of youth summer enrichment programs in math. Some summer math programs that our applicants seem to like include: AwesomeMath Canada/USA Mathcamp Hampshire College Summer Studies in Mathematics (HCSSiM) Texas State Mathworks Honors Summer Math Camp MathILy Program in Mathematics for Young Scientists (PROMYS) The Ross Program Stanford University Mathematics Camp (SUMaC) Prove It! Math Academy State Governor’s Schools Governor’s schools directory
基本原则: 学费越低(最好是免费),然后申请难度越大, 那么含金量就越高。
给5,6千随便上的都是大忽悠, 站在招生官角度看,只能看出家里有钱,对孩子怎么样没啥体现。
xiaoywz 发表于 2023-02-14 16:33

我听过一个招生官的padcast 说的一模一样。钱堆出来的,那不就是钱么。当然也要装模作样让你考试推荐信等等折腾一通,方显不凡。
MIT summer programs MIT does not offer open-enrollment summer programs where any high school student can come to campus to take courses and live in the residence halls. However, several partner organizations run small, specialized programs on campus. If studying the human genome, building a robot, or scoping out the stars sound like a fun way to spend your summer, then you might try one of these: MITES Summer MITES Summer is an intensive six-week residential academic enrichment program for high school juniors who intend to pursue careers in science, engineering, and entrepreneurship, especially those from minority backgrounds and other underrepresented segments of the population. The program is free of charge to participating students, not including transportation. RSI Research Science Institute (RSI) brings together high school students each summer for six stimulating weeks at MIT. This rigorous academic program stresses advanced theory and research in mathematics, science, and engineering. Participants attend college-level classes taught by distinguished faculty members and complete hands-on research. Open to high school juniors, the program is free of charge for those selected. WTP Women’s Technology Program (WTP) is a women-focused program aimed at empowering students from groups that are historically underrepresented in engineering by providing a rigorous four-week summer academic experience that introduces 20 high school students to Mechanical Engineering (ME) through hands-on classes (taught by MIT graduate and undergraduate students), labs, and team-based projects in the summer after 11th grade. SSP While the Summer Science Program (SSP) is not on campus, MIT co-sponsors this residential program, and many MIT students are among the program’s alumni. The curriculum is organized around a central research project in either Astrophysics, Biochemistry, or Genomics. In the Astrophysics program, each team of three students determines the orbit of a near-earth asteroid (minor planet) from direct astronomical observations. In the Biochemistry program, each team designs a small molecule to inhibit an enzyme from a fungal crop pathogen. In the Genomics program, each team builds a bioreactor to stimulate evolution of antibiotic resistance in E. coli, then analyzes its DNA for mutations. The programs are six weeks long and offered at locations in Colorado, New Mexico, and Indiana. Beaver Works Summer Institute Beaver Works Summer Institute (BWSI) is an intensive four-week program in July where high school juniors can get a taste of the MIT experience, while working on college-level curriculum with other students from around the country. BWSI is free to students, especially those who may be the first person in their family to attend college. They offer a range of courses—from Autonomous Underwater Vehicles to Quantum Software and to Serious Game Design with AI—with concentrations in programming autonomous systems and more! While this program is only open to high school juniors, there are also online programs offered for younger high school students. Other summer programs at MIT Do you want to spend part of your summer at MIT? In addition to the programs listed above, MIT also hosts the following programs: LaunchX LLRISE: MIT Lincoln Laboratory Radar Introduction for Student Engineers iD Tech Camps Other selective summer programs Most summer programs admit all or most students who can pay the (often high) tuition. However, a number of competitive-admission summer programs select only the best students on the basis of merit and are often free or comparatively affordable. MIT offers four of our own (above), and here are a few more from other organizations: Science and research programs BU Research in Science & Engineering (RISE) Clark Scholar Program Garcia Summer Scholars High School Honors Science/Mathematics/Engineering Program (HSHSP) International Summer School for Young Physicists (ISSYP) Secondary Student Training Program (SSTP) Summer Program on Applied Rationality and Cognition (SPARC) Stanford Institutes of Medicine Summer Research Program (SIMR) Student Science Training Program (SSTP) QuestBridge College Prep Scholarship Math summer programs The American Mathematical Society maintains a large list of youth summer enrichment programs in math. Some summer math programs that our applicants seem to like include: AwesomeMath Canada/USA Mathcamp Hampshire College Summer Studies in Mathematics (HCSSiM) Texas State Mathworks Honors Summer Math Camp MathILy Program in Mathematics for Young Scientists (PROMYS) The Ross Program Stanford University Mathematics Camp (SUMaC) Prove It! Math Academy State Governor’s Schools Governor’s schools directory

pdk52 发表于 2023-02-14 18:28

MIT summer programs MIT does not offer open-enrollment summer programs where any high school student can come to campus to take courses and live in the residence halls. However, several partner organizations run small, specialized programs on campus. If studying the human genome, building a robot, or scoping out the stars sound like a fun way to spend your summer, then you might try one of these: MITES Summer MITES Summer is an intensive six-week residential academic enrichment program for high school juniors who intend to pursue careers in science, engineering, and entrepreneurship, especially those from minority backgrounds and other underrepresented segments of the population. The program is free of charge to participating students, not including transportation. RSI Research Science Institute (RSI) brings together high school students each summer for six stimulating weeks at MIT. This rigorous academic program stresses advanced theory and research in mathematics, science, and engineering. Participants attend college-level classes taught by distinguished faculty members and complete hands-on research. Open to high school juniors, the program is free of charge for those selected. WTP Women’s Technology Program (WTP) is a women-focused program aimed at empowering students from groups that are historically underrepresented in engineering by providing a rigorous four-week summer academic experience that introduces 20 high school students to Mechanical Engineering (ME) through hands-on classes (taught by MIT graduate and undergraduate students), labs, and team-based projects in the summer after 11th grade. SSP While the Summer Science Program (SSP) is not on campus, MIT co-sponsors this residential program, and many MIT students are among the program’s alumni. The curriculum is organized around a central research project in either Astrophysics, Biochemistry, or Genomics. In the Astrophysics program, each team of three students determines the orbit of a near-earth asteroid (minor planet) from direct astronomical observations. In the Biochemistry program, each team designs a small molecule to inhibit an enzyme from a fungal crop pathogen. In the Genomics program, each team builds a bioreactor to stimulate evolution of antibiotic resistance in E. coli, then analyzes its DNA for mutations. The programs are six weeks long and offered at locations in Colorado, New Mexico, and Indiana. Beaver Works Summer Institute Beaver Works Summer Institute (BWSI) is an intensive four-week program in July where high school juniors can get a taste of the MIT experience, while working on college-level curriculum with other students from around the country. BWSI is free to students, especially those who may be the first person in their family to attend college. They offer a range of courses—from Autonomous Underwater Vehicles to Quantum Software and to Serious Game Design with AI—with concentrations in programming autonomous systems and more! While this program is only open to high school juniors, there are also online programs offered for younger high school students. Other summer programs at MIT Do you want to spend part of your summer at MIT? In addition to the programs listed above, MIT also hosts the following programs: LaunchX LLRISE: MIT Lincoln Laboratory Radar Introduction for Student Engineers iD Tech Camps Other selective summer programs Most summer programs admit all or most students who can pay the (often high) tuition. However, a number of competitive-admission summer programs select only the best students on the basis of merit and are often free or comparatively affordable. MIT offers four of our own (above), and here are a few more from other organizations: Science and research programs BU Research in Science & Engineering (RISE) Clark Scholar Program Garcia Summer Scholars High School Honors Science/Mathematics/Engineering Program (HSHSP) International Summer School for Young Physicists (ISSYP) Secondary Student Training Program (SSTP) Summer Program on Applied Rationality and Cognition (SPARC) Stanford Institutes of Medicine Summer Research Program (SIMR) Student Science Training Program (SSTP) QuestBridge College Prep Scholarship Math summer programs The American Mathematical Society maintains a large list of youth summer enrichment programs in math. Some summer math programs that our applicants seem to like include: AwesomeMath Canada/USA Mathcamp Hampshire College Summer Studies in Mathematics (HCSSiM) Texas State Mathworks Honors Summer Math Camp MathILy Program in Mathematics for Young Scientists (PROMYS) The Ross Program Stanford University Mathematics Camp (SUMaC) Prove It! Math Academy State Governor’s Schools Governor’s schools directory

pdk52 发表于 2023-02-14 18:28

收藏一下。我家娃今年自己找了一个sig的summer camp要去上,希望能开开心心的。
MIT summer programs MIT does not offer open-enrollment summer programs where any high school student can come to campus to take courses and live in the residence halls. However, several partner organizations run small, specialized programs on campus. If studying the human genome, building a robot, or scoping out the stars sound like a fun way to spend your summer, then you might try one of these: MITES Summer MITES Summer is an intensive six-week residential academic enrichment program for high school juniors who intend to pursue careers in science, engineering, and entrepreneurship, especially those from minority backgrounds and other underrepresented segments of the population. The program is free of charge to participating students, not including transportation. RSI Research Science Institute (RSI) brings together high school students each summer for six stimulating weeks at MIT. This rigorous academic program stresses advanced theory and research in mathematics, science, and engineering. Participants attend college-level classes taught by distinguished faculty members and complete hands-on research. Open to high school juniors, the program is free of charge for those selected. WTP Women’s Technology Program (WTP) is a women-focused program aimed at empowering students from groups that are historically underrepresented in engineering by providing a rigorous four-week summer academic experience that introduces 20 high school students to Mechanical Engineering (ME) through hands-on classes (taught by MIT graduate and undergraduate students), labs, and team-based projects in the summer after 11th grade. SSP While the Summer Science Program (SSP) is not on campus, MIT co-sponsors this residential program, and many MIT students are among the program’s alumni. The curriculum is organized around a central research project in either Astrophysics, Biochemistry, or Genomics. In the Astrophysics program, each team of three students determines the orbit of a near-earth asteroid (minor planet) from direct astronomical observations. In the Biochemistry program, each team designs a small molecule to inhibit an enzyme from a fungal crop pathogen. In the Genomics program, each team builds a bioreactor to stimulate evolution of antibiotic resistance in E. coli, then analyzes its DNA for mutations. The programs are six weeks long and offered at locations in Colorado, New Mexico, and Indiana. Beaver Works Summer Institute Beaver Works Summer Institute (BWSI) is an intensive four-week program in July where high school juniors can get a taste of the MIT experience, while working on college-level curriculum with other students from around the country. BWSI is free to students, especially those who may be the first person in their family to attend college. They offer a range of courses—from Autonomous Underwater Vehicles to Quantum Software and to Serious Game Design with AI—with concentrations in programming autonomous systems and more! While this program is only open to high school juniors, there are also online programs offered for younger high school students. Other summer programs at MIT Do you want to spend part of your summer at MIT? In addition to the programs listed above, MIT also hosts the following programs: LaunchX LLRISE: MIT Lincoln Laboratory Radar Introduction for Student Engineers iD Tech Camps Other selective summer programs Most summer programs admit all or most students who can pay the (often high) tuition. However, a number of competitive-admission summer programs select only the best students on the basis of merit and are often free or comparatively affordable. MIT offers four of our own (above), and here are a few more from other organizations: Science and research programs BU Research in Science & Engineering (RISE) Clark Scholar Program Garcia Summer Scholars High School Honors Science/Mathematics/Engineering Program (HSHSP) International Summer School for Young Physicists (ISSYP) Secondary Student Training Program (SSTP) Summer Program on Applied Rationality and Cognition (SPARC) Stanford Institutes of Medicine Summer Research Program (SIMR) Student Science Training Program (SSTP) QuestBridge College Prep Scholarship Math summer programs The American Mathematical Society maintains a large list of youth summer enrichment programs in math. Some summer math programs that our applicants seem to like include: AwesomeMath Canada/USA Mathcamp Hampshire College Summer Studies in Mathematics (HCSSiM) Texas State Mathworks Honors Summer Math Camp MathILy Program in Mathematics for Young Scientists (PROMYS) The Ross Program Stanford University Mathematics Camp (SUMaC) Prove It! Math Academy State Governor’s Schools Governor’s schools directory

pdk52 发表于 2023-02-14 18:28

MIT summer programs MIT does not offer open-enrollment summer programs where any high school student can come to campus to take courses and live in the residence halls. However, several partner organizations run small, specialized programs on campus. If studying the human genome, building a robot, or scoping out the stars sound like a fun way to spend your summer, then you might try one of these: MITES Summer MITES Summer is an intensive six-week residential academic enrichment program for high school juniors who intend to pursue careers in science, engineering, and entrepreneurship, especially those from minority backgrounds and other underrepresented segments of the population. The program is free of charge to participating students, not including transportation. RSI Research Science Institute (RSI) brings together high school students each summer for six stimulating weeks at MIT. This rigorous academic program stresses advanced theory and research in mathematics, science, and engineering. Participants attend college-level classes taught by distinguished faculty members and complete hands-on research. Open to high school juniors, the program is free of charge for those selected. WTP Women’s Technology Program (WTP) is a women-focused program aimed at empowering students from groups that are historically underrepresented in engineering by providing a rigorous four-week summer academic experience that introduces 20 high school students to Mechanical Engineering (ME) through hands-on classes (taught by MIT graduate and undergraduate students), labs, and team-based projects in the summer after 11th grade. SSP While the Summer Science Program (SSP) is not on campus, MIT co-sponsors this residential program, and many MIT students are among the program’s alumni. The curriculum is organized around a central research project in either Astrophysics, Biochemistry, or Genomics. In the Astrophysics program, each team of three students determines the orbit of a near-earth asteroid (minor planet) from direct astronomical observations. In the Biochemistry program, each team designs a small molecule to inhibit an enzyme from a fungal crop pathogen. In the Genomics program, each team builds a bioreactor to stimulate evolution of antibiotic resistance in E. coli, then analyzes its DNA for mutations. The programs are six weeks long and offered at locations in Colorado, New Mexico, and Indiana. Beaver Works Summer Institute Beaver Works Summer Institute (BWSI) is an intensive four-week program in July where high school juniors can get a taste of the MIT experience, while working on college-level curriculum with other students from around the country. BWSI is free to students, especially those who may be the first person in their family to attend college. They offer a range of courses—from Autonomous Underwater Vehicles to Quantum Software and to Serious Game Design with AI—with concentrations in programming autonomous systems and more! While this program is only open to high school juniors, there are also online programs offered for younger high school students. Other summer programs at MIT Do you want to spend part of your summer at MIT? In addition to the programs listed above, MIT also hosts the following programs: LaunchX LLRISE: MIT Lincoln Laboratory Radar Introduction for Student Engineers iD Tech Camps Other selective summer programs Most summer programs admit all or most students who can pay the (often high) tuition. However, a number of competitive-admission summer programs select only the best students on the basis of merit and are often free or comparatively affordable. MIT offers four of our own (above), and here are a few more from other organizations: Science and research programs BU Research in Science & Engineering (RISE) Clark Scholar Program Garcia Summer Scholars High School Honors Science/Mathematics/Engineering Program (HSHSP) International Summer School for Young Physicists (ISSYP) Secondary Student Training Program (SSTP) Summer Program on Applied Rationality and Cognition (SPARC) Stanford Institutes of Medicine Summer Research Program (SIMR) Student Science Training Program (SSTP) QuestBridge College Prep Scholarship Math summer programs The American Mathematical Society maintains a large list of youth summer enrichment programs in math. Some summer math programs that our applicants seem to like include: AwesomeMath Canada/USA Mathcamp Hampshire College Summer Studies in Mathematics (HCSSiM) Texas State Mathworks Honors Summer Math Camp MathILy Program in Mathematics for Young Scientists (PROMYS) The Ross Program Stanford University Mathematics Camp (SUMaC) Prove It! Math Academy State Governor’s Schools Governor’s schools directory

pdk52 发表于 2023-02-14 18:28

我家13岁,想volunteer,但是找不到适合这么小的,babysitting 也太小了吧?她只想学 烧菜。
hellokitty1978 发表于 2023-02-14 16:22

很多leadership in training 是给这个年龄的孩子
MIT summer programs MIT does not offer open-enrollment summer programs where any high school student can come to campus to take courses and live in the residence halls. However, several partner organizations run small, specialized programs on campus. If studying the human genome, building a robot, or scoping out the stars sound like a fun way to spend your summer, then you might try one of these: MITES Summer MITES Summer is an intensive six-week residential academic enrichment program for high school juniors who intend to pursue careers in science, engineering, and entrepreneurship, especially those from minority backgrounds and other underrepresented segments of the population. The program is free of charge to participating students, not including transportation. RSI Research Science Institute (RSI) brings together high school students each summer for six stimulating weeks at MIT. This rigorous academic program stresses advanced theory and research in mathematics, science, and engineering. Participants attend college-level classes taught by distinguished faculty members and complete hands-on research. Open to high school juniors, the program is free of charge for those selected. WTP Women’s Technology Program (WTP) is a women-focused program aimed at empowering students from groups that are historically underrepresented in engineering by providing a rigorous four-week summer academic experience that introduces 20 high school students to Mechanical Engineering (ME) through hands-on classes (taught by MIT graduate and undergraduate students), labs, and team-based projects in the summer after 11th grade. SSP While the Summer Science Program (SSP) is not on campus, MIT co-sponsors this residential program, and many MIT students are among the program’s alumni. The curriculum is organized around a central research project in either Astrophysics, Biochemistry, or Genomics. In the Astrophysics program, each team of three students determines the orbit of a near-earth asteroid (minor planet) from direct astronomical observations. In the Biochemistry program, each team designs a small molecule to inhibit an enzyme from a fungal crop pathogen. In the Genomics program, each team builds a bioreactor to stimulate evolution of antibiotic resistance in E. coli, then analyzes its DNA for mutations. The programs are six weeks long and offered at locations in Colorado, New Mexico, and Indiana. Beaver Works Summer Institute Beaver Works Summer Institute (BWSI) is an intensive four-week program in July where high school juniors can get a taste of the MIT experience, while working on college-level curriculum with other students from around the country. BWSI is free to students, especially those who may be the first person in their family to attend college. They offer a range of courses—from Autonomous Underwater Vehicles to Quantum Software and to Serious Game Design with AI—with concentrations in programming autonomous systems and more! While this program is only open to high school juniors, there are also online programs offered for younger high school students. Other summer programs at MIT Do you want to spend part of your summer at MIT? In addition to the programs listed above, MIT also hosts the following programs: LaunchX LLRISE: MIT Lincoln Laboratory Radar Introduction for Student Engineers iD Tech Camps Other selective summer programs Most summer programs admit all or most students who can pay the (often high) tuition. However, a number of competitive-admission summer programs select only the best students on the basis of merit and are often free or comparatively affordable. MIT offers four of our own (above), and here are a few more from other organizations: Science and research programs BU Research in Science & Engineering (RISE) Clark Scholar Program Garcia Summer Scholars High School Honors Science/Mathematics/Engineering Program (HSHSP) International Summer School for Young Physicists (ISSYP) Secondary Student Training Program (SSTP) Summer Program on Applied Rationality and Cognition (SPARC) Stanford Institutes of Medicine Summer Research Program (SIMR) Student Science Training Program (SSTP) QuestBridge College Prep Scholarship Math summer programs The American Mathematical Society maintains a large list of youth summer enrichment programs in math. Some summer math programs that our applicants seem to like include: AwesomeMath Canada/USA Mathcamp Hampshire College Summer Studies in Mathematics (HCSSiM) Texas State Mathworks Honors Summer Math Camp MathILy Program in Mathematics for Young Scientists (PROMYS) The Ross Program Stanford University Mathematics Camp (SUMaC) Prove It! Math Academy State Governor’s Schools Governor’s schools directory

pdk52 发表于 2023-02-14 18:28

3 周的时间,能做什么呢,交交朋友,离开家在大学校园里的一个经历仅此而已吧,我家孩子11岁的夏天都会去。
MIT summer programs MIT does not offer open-enrollment summer programs where any high school student can come to campus to take courses and live in the residence halls. However, several partner organizations run small, specialized programs on campus. If studying the human genome, building a robot, or scoping out the stars sound like a fun way to spend your summer, then you might try one of these: MITES Summer MITES Summer is an intensive six-week residential academic enrichment program for high school juniors who intend to pursue careers in science, engineering, and entrepreneurship, especially those from minority backgrounds and other underrepresented segments of the population. The program is free of charge to participating students, not including transportation. RSI Research Science Institute (RSI) brings together high school students each summer for six stimulating weeks at MIT. This rigorous academic program stresses advanced theory and research in mathematics, science, and engineering. Participants attend college-level classes taught by distinguished faculty members and complete hands-on research. Open to high school juniors, the program is free of charge for those selected. WTP Women’s Technology Program (WTP) is a women-focused program aimed at empowering students from groups that are historically underrepresented in engineering by providing a rigorous four-week summer academic experience that introduces 20 high school students to Mechanical Engineering (ME) through hands-on classes (taught by MIT graduate and undergraduate students), labs, and team-based projects in the summer after 11th grade. SSP While the Summer Science Program (SSP) is not on campus, MIT co-sponsors this residential program, and many MIT students are among the program’s alumni. The curriculum is organized around a central research project in either Astrophysics, Biochemistry, or Genomics. In the Astrophysics program, each team of three students determines the orbit of a near-earth asteroid (minor planet) from direct astronomical observations. In the Biochemistry program, each team designs a small molecule to inhibit an enzyme from a fungal crop pathogen. In the Genomics program, each team builds a bioreactor to stimulate evolution of antibiotic resistance in E. coli, then analyzes its DNA for mutations. The programs are six weeks long and offered at locations in Colorado, New Mexico, and Indiana. Beaver Works Summer Institute Beaver Works Summer Institute (BWSI) is an intensive four-week program in July where high school juniors can get a taste of the MIT experience, while working on college-level curriculum with other students from around the country. BWSI is free to students, especially those who may be the first person in their family to attend college. They offer a range of courses—from Autonomous Underwater Vehicles to Quantum Software and to Serious Game Design with AI—with concentrations in programming autonomous systems and more! While this program is only open to high school juniors, there are also online programs offered for younger high school students. Other summer programs at MIT Do you want to spend part of your summer at MIT? In addition to the programs listed above, MIT also hosts the following programs: LaunchX LLRISE: MIT Lincoln Laboratory Radar Introduction for Student Engineers iD Tech Camps Other selective summer programs Most summer programs admit all or most students who can pay the (often high) tuition. However, a number of competitive-admission summer programs select only the best students on the basis of merit and are often free or comparatively affordable. MIT offers four of our own (above), and here are a few more from other organizations: Science and research programs BU Research in Science & Engineering (RISE) Clark Scholar Program Garcia Summer Scholars High School Honors Science/Mathematics/Engineering Program (HSHSP) International Summer School for Young Physicists (ISSYP) Secondary Student Training Program (SSTP) Summer Program on Applied Rationality and Cognition (SPARC) Stanford Institutes of Medicine Summer Research Program (SIMR) Student Science Training Program (SSTP) QuestBridge College Prep Scholarship Math summer programs The American Mathematical Society maintains a large list of youth summer enrichment programs in math. Some summer math programs that our applicants seem to like include: AwesomeMath Canada/USA Mathcamp Hampshire College Summer Studies in Mathematics (HCSSiM) Texas State Mathworks Honors Summer Math Camp MathILy Program in Mathematics for Young Scientists (PROMYS) The Ross Program Stanford University Mathematics Camp (SUMaC) Prove It! Math Academy State Governor’s Schools Governor’s schools directory

pdk52 发表于 2023-02-14 18:28

mark, thanks
MIT summer programs MIT does not offer open-enrollment summer programs where any high school student can come to campus to take courses and live in the residence halls. However, several partner organizations run small, specialized programs on campus. If studying the human genome, building a robot, or scoping out the stars sound like a fun way to spend your summer, then you might try one of these: MITES Summer MITES Summer is an intensive six-week residential academic enrichment program for high school juniors who intend to pursue careers in science, engineering, and entrepreneurship, especially those from minority backgrounds and other underrepresented segments of the population. The program is free of charge to participating students, not including transportation. RSI Research Science Institute (RSI) brings together high school students each summer for six stimulating weeks at MIT. This rigorous academic program stresses advanced theory and research in mathematics, science, and engineering. Participants attend college-level classes taught by distinguished faculty members and complete hands-on research. Open to high school juniors, the program is free of charge for those selected. WTP Women’s Technology Program (WTP) is a women-focused program aimed at empowering students from groups that are historically underrepresented in engineering by providing a rigorous four-week summer academic experience that introduces 20 high school students to Mechanical Engineering (ME) through hands-on classes (taught by MIT graduate and undergraduate students), labs, and team-based projects in the summer after 11th grade. SSP While the Summer Science Program (SSP) is not on campus, MIT co-sponsors this residential program, and many MIT students are among the program’s alumni. The curriculum is organized around a central research project in either Astrophysics, Biochemistry, or Genomics. In the Astrophysics program, each team of three students determines the orbit of a near-earth asteroid (minor planet) from direct astronomical observations. In the Biochemistry program, each team designs a small molecule to inhibit an enzyme from a fungal crop pathogen. In the Genomics program, each team builds a bioreactor to stimulate evolution of antibiotic resistance in E. coli, then analyzes its DNA for mutations. The programs are six weeks long and offered at locations in Colorado, New Mexico, and Indiana. Beaver Works Summer Institute Beaver Works Summer Institute (BWSI) is an intensive four-week program in July where high school juniors can get a taste of the MIT experience, while working on college-level curriculum with other students from around the country. BWSI is free to students, especially those who may be the first person in their family to attend college. They offer a range of courses—from Autonomous Underwater Vehicles to Quantum Software and to Serious Game Design with AI—with concentrations in programming autonomous systems and more! While this program is only open to high school juniors, there are also online programs offered for younger high school students. Other summer programs at MIT Do you want to spend part of your summer at MIT? In addition to the programs listed above, MIT also hosts the following programs: LaunchX LLRISE: MIT Lincoln Laboratory Radar Introduction for Student Engineers iD Tech Camps Other selective summer programs Most summer programs admit all or most students who can pay the (often high) tuition. However, a number of competitive-admission summer programs select only the best students on the basis of merit and are often free or comparatively affordable. MIT offers four of our own (above), and here are a few more from other organizations: Science and research programs BU Research in Science & Engineering (RISE) Clark Scholar Program Garcia Summer Scholars High School Honors Science/Mathematics/Engineering Program (HSHSP) International Summer School for Young Physicists (ISSYP) Secondary Student Training Program (SSTP) Summer Program on Applied Rationality and Cognition (SPARC) Stanford Institutes of Medicine Summer Research Program (SIMR) Student Science Training Program (SSTP) QuestBridge College Prep Scholarship Math summer programs The American Mathematical Society maintains a large list of youth summer enrichment programs in math. Some summer math programs that our applicants seem to like include: AwesomeMath Canada/USA Mathcamp Hampshire College Summer Studies in Mathematics (HCSSiM) Texas State Mathworks Honors Summer Math Camp MathILy Program in Mathematics for Young Scientists (PROMYS) The Ross Program Stanford University Mathematics Camp (SUMaC) Prove It! Math Academy State Governor’s Schools Governor’s schools directory

pdk52 发表于 2023-02-14 18:28

回复 1楼bernard123的帖子
看一帮人说只有免费的 prestigious camp 才有用, 其它都没用。
举个数据点, 去年暑假的 math camp PROMYS 六周 五千多块钱的。总共参加的大概六十个学生, 应届senior 大概20个。 到目前为止 MIT 早录至少进了 7 个
好奇 免费的 prestigious camp 都有哪些?学习一下。。。
好奇 免费的 prestigious camp 都有哪些?学习一下。。。
Krystal2015 发表于 2023-02-14 20:59

我家13岁,想volunteer,但是找不到适合这么小的,babysitting 也太小了吧?她只想学 烧菜。
hellokitty1978 发表于 2023-02-14 16:22

回复 53楼jbea的帖子
夏校估计是指有名的summer camp,有的靠砸钱有的需要申请,你说是暑假补习班,用于下学年选level高一些的课程用,或有的高中允许孩子在有资质的地方暑假修学分然后可以转入学校,也不能无限制修,可转的学分也有限的
夏雨 发表于 2023-02-14 15:37

MIT summer programs MIT does not offer open-enrollment summer programs where any high school student can come to campus to take courses and live in the residence halls. However, several partner organizations run small, specialized programs on campus. If studying the human genome, building a robot, or scoping out the stars sound like a fun way to spend your summer, then you might try one of these: MITES Summer MITES Summer is an intensive six-week residential academic enrichment program for high school juniors who intend to pursue careers in science, engineering, and entrepreneurship, especially those from minority backgrounds and other underrepresented segments of the population. The program is free of charge to participating students, not including transportation. RSI Research Science Institute (RSI) brings together high school students each summer for six stimulating weeks at MIT. This rigorous academic program stresses advanced theory and research in mathematics, science, and engineering. Participants attend college-level classes taught by distinguished faculty members and complete hands-on research. Open to high school juniors, the program is free of charge for those selected. WTP Women’s Technology Program (WTP) is a women-focused program aimed at empowering students from groups that are historically underrepresented in engineering by providing a rigorous four-week summer academic experience that introduces 20 high school students to Mechanical Engineering (ME) through hands-on classes (taught by MIT graduate and undergraduate students), labs, and team-based projects in the summer after 11th grade. SSP While the Summer Science Program (SSP) is not on campus, MIT co-sponsors this residential program, and many MIT students are among the program’s alumni. The curriculum is organized around a central research project in either Astrophysics, Biochemistry, or Genomics. In the Astrophysics program, each team of three students determines the orbit of a near-earth asteroid (minor planet) from direct astronomical observations. In the Biochemistry program, each team designs a small molecule to inhibit an enzyme from a fungal crop pathogen. In the Genomics program, each team builds a bioreactor to stimulate evolution of antibiotic resistance in E. coli, then analyzes its DNA for mutations. The programs are six weeks long and offered at locations in Colorado, New Mexico, and Indiana. Beaver Works Summer Institute Beaver Works Summer Institute (BWSI) is an intensive four-week program in July where high school juniors can get a taste of the MIT experience, while working on college-level curriculum with other students from around the country. BWSI is free to students, especially those who may be the first person in their family to attend college. They offer a range of courses—from Autonomous Underwater Vehicles to Quantum Software and to Serious Game Design with AI—with concentrations in programming autonomous systems and more! While this program is only open to high school juniors, there are also online programs offered for younger high school students. Other summer programs at MIT Do you want to spend part of your summer at MIT? In addition to the programs listed above, MIT also hosts the following programs: LaunchX LLRISE: MIT Lincoln Laboratory Radar Introduction for Student Engineers iD Tech Camps Other selective summer programs Most summer programs admit all or most students who can pay the (often high) tuition. However, a number of competitive-admission summer programs select only the best students on the basis of merit and are often free or comparatively affordable. MIT offers four of our own (above), and here are a few more from other organizations: Science and research programs BU Research in Science & Engineering (RISE) Clark Scholar Program Garcia Summer Scholars High School Honors Science/Mathematics/Engineering Program (HSHSP) International Summer School for Young Physicists (ISSYP) Secondary Student Training Program (SSTP) Summer Program on Applied Rationality and Cognition (SPARC) Stanford Institutes of Medicine Summer Research Program (SIMR) Student Science Training Program (SSTP) QuestBridge College Prep Scholarship Math summer programs The American Mathematical Society maintains a large list of youth summer enrichment programs in math. Some summer math programs that our applicants seem to like include: AwesomeMath Canada/USA Mathcamp Hampshire College Summer Studies in Mathematics (HCSSiM) Texas State Mathworks Honors Summer Math Camp MathILy Program in Mathematics for Young Scientists (PROMYS) The Ross Program Stanford University Mathematics Camp (SUMaC) Prove It! Math Academy State Governor’s Schools Governor’s schools directory

pdk52 发表于 2023-02-14 18:28

谢谢分享!Mark 一下Summer camp.
Mark mark
MIT summer programs MIT does not offer open-enrollment summer programs where any high school student can come to campus to take courses and live in the residence halls. However, several partner organizations run small, specialized programs on campus. If studying the human genome, building a robot, or scoping out the stars sound like a fun way to spend your summer, then you might try one of these: MITES Summer MITES Summer is an intensive six-week residential academic enrichment program for high school juniors who intend to pursue careers in science, engineering, and entrepreneurship, especially those from minority backgrounds and other underrepresented segments of the population. The program is free of charge to participating students, not including transportation. RSI Research Science Institute (RSI) brings together high school students each summer for six stimulating weeks at MIT. This rigorous academic program stresses advanced theory and research in mathematics, science, and engineering. Participants attend college-level classes taught by distinguished faculty members and complete hands-on research. Open to high school juniors, the program is free of charge for those selected. WTP Women’s Technology Program (WTP) is a women-focused program aimed at empowering students from groups that are historically underrepresented in engineering by providing a rigorous four-week summer academic experience that introduces 20 high school students to Mechanical Engineering (ME) through hands-on classes (taught by MIT graduate and undergraduate students), labs, and team-based projects in the summer after 11th grade. SSP While the Summer Science Program (SSP) is not on campus, MIT co-sponsors this residential program, and many MIT students are among the program’s alumni. The curriculum is organized around a central research project in either Astrophysics, Biochemistry, or Genomics. In the Astrophysics program, each team of three students determines the orbit of a near-earth asteroid (minor planet) from direct astronomical observations. In the Biochemistry program, each team designs a small molecule to inhibit an enzyme from a fungal crop pathogen. In the Genomics program, each team builds a bioreactor to stimulate evolution of antibiotic resistance in E. coli, then analyzes its DNA for mutations. The programs are six weeks long and offered at locations in Colorado, New Mexico, and Indiana. Beaver Works Summer Institute Beaver Works Summer Institute (BWSI) is an intensive four-week program in July where high school juniors can get a taste of the MIT experience, while working on college-level curriculum with other students from around the country. BWSI is free to students, especially those who may be the first person in their family to attend college. They offer a range of courses—from Autonomous Underwater Vehicles to Quantum Software and to Serious Game Design with AI—with concentrations in programming autonomous systems and more! While this program is only open to high school juniors, there are also online programs offered for younger high school students. Other summer programs at MIT Do you want to spend part of your summer at MIT? In addition to the programs listed above, MIT also hosts the following programs: LaunchX LLRISE: MIT Lincoln Laboratory Radar Introduction for Student Engineers iD Tech Camps Other selective summer programs Most summer programs admit all or most students who can pay the (often high) tuition. However, a number of competitive-admission summer programs select only the best students on the basis of merit and are often free or comparatively affordable. MIT offers four of our own (above), and here are a few more from other organizations: Science and research programs BU Research in Science & Engineering (RISE) Clark Scholar Program Garcia Summer Scholars High School Honors Science/Mathematics/Engineering Program (HSHSP) International Summer School for Young Physicists (ISSYP) Secondary Student Training Program (SSTP) Summer Program on Applied Rationality and Cognition (SPARC) Stanford Institutes of Medicine Summer Research Program (SIMR) Student Science Training Program (SSTP) QuestBridge College Prep Scholarship Math summer programs The American Mathematical Society maintains a large list of youth summer enrichment programs in math. Some summer math programs that our applicants seem to like include: AwesomeMath Canada/USA Mathcamp Hampshire College Summer Studies in Mathematics (HCSSiM) Texas State Mathworks Honors Summer Math Camp MathILy Program in Mathematics for Young Scientists (PROMYS) The Ross Program Stanford University Mathematics Camp (SUMaC) Prove It! Math Academy State Governor’s Schools Governor’s schools directory

pdk52 发表于 2023-02-14 18:28

mark 非常感谢分享
MIT summer programs MIT does not offer open-enrollment summer programs where any high school student can come to campus to take courses and live in the residence halls. However, several partner organizations run small, specialized programs on campus. If studying the human genome, building a robot, or scoping out the stars sound like a fun way to spend your summer, then you might try one of these: MITES Summer MITES Summer is an intensive six-week residential academic enrichment program for high school juniors who intend to pursue careers in science, engineering, and entrepreneurship, especially those from minority backgrounds and other underrepresented segments of the population. The program is free of charge to participating students, not including transportation. RSI Research Science Institute (RSI) brings together high school students each summer for six stimulating weeks at MIT. This rigorous academic program stresses advanced theory and research in mathematics, science, and engineering. Participants attend college-level classes taught by distinguished faculty members and complete hands-on research. Open to high school juniors, the program is free of charge for those selected. WTP Women’s Technology Program (WTP) is a women-focused program aimed at empowering students from groups that are historically underrepresented in engineering by providing a rigorous four-week summer academic experience that introduces 20 high school students to Mechanical Engineering (ME) through hands-on classes (taught by MIT graduate and undergraduate students), labs, and team-based projects in the summer after 11th grade. SSP While the Summer Science Program (SSP) is not on campus, MIT co-sponsors this residential program, and many MIT students are among the program’s alumni. The curriculum is organized around a central research project in either Astrophysics, Biochemistry, or Genomics. In the Astrophysics program, each team of three students determines the orbit of a near-earth asteroid (minor planet) from direct astronomical observations. In the Biochemistry program, each team designs a small molecule to inhibit an enzyme from a fungal crop pathogen. In the Genomics program, each team builds a bioreactor to stimulate evolution of antibiotic resistance in E. coli, then analyzes its DNA for mutations. The programs are six weeks long and offered at locations in Colorado, New Mexico, and Indiana. Beaver Works Summer Institute Beaver Works Summer Institute (BWSI) is an intensive four-week program in July where high school juniors can get a taste of the MIT experience, while working on college-level curriculum with other students from around the country. BWSI is free to students, especially those who may be the first person in their family to attend college. They offer a range of courses—from Autonomous Underwater Vehicles to Quantum Software and to Serious Game Design with AI—with concentrations in programming autonomous systems and more! While this program is only open to high school juniors, there are also online programs offered for younger high school students. Other summer programs at MIT Do you want to spend part of your summer at MIT? In addition to the programs listed above, MIT also hosts the following programs: LaunchX LLRISE: MIT Lincoln Laboratory Radar Introduction for Student Engineers iD Tech Camps Other selective summer programs Most summer programs admit all or most students who can pay the (often high) tuition. However, a number of competitive-admission summer programs select only the best students on the basis of merit and are often free or comparatively affordable. MIT offers four of our own (above), and here are a few more from other organizations: Science and research programs BU Research in Science & Engineering (RISE) Clark Scholar Program Garcia Summer Scholars High School Honors Science/Mathematics/Engineering Program (HSHSP) International Summer School for Young Physicists (ISSYP) Secondary Student Training Program (SSTP) Summer Program on Applied Rationality and Cognition (SPARC) Stanford Institutes of Medicine Summer Research Program (SIMR) Student Science Training Program (SSTP) QuestBridge College Prep Scholarship Math summer programs The American Mathematical Society maintains a large list of youth summer enrichment programs in math. Some summer math programs that our applicants seem to like include: AwesomeMath Canada/USA Mathcamp Hampshire College Summer Studies in Mathematics (HCSSiM) Texas State Mathworks Honors Summer Math Camp MathILy Program in Mathematics for Young Scientists (PROMYS) The Ross Program Stanford University Mathematics Camp (SUMaC) Prove It! Math Academy State Governor’s Schools Governor’s schools directory

pdk52 发表于 2023-02-14 18:28

Mark 谢谢
MIT summer programs MIT does not offer open-enrollment summer programs where any high school student can come to campus to take courses and live in the residence halls. However, several partner organizations run small, specialized programs on campus. If studying the human genome, building a robot, or scoping out the stars sound like a fun way to spend your summer, then you might try one of these: MITES Summer MITES Summer is an intensive six-week residential academic enrichment program for high school juniors who intend to pursue careers in science, engineering, and entrepreneurship, especially those from minority backgrounds and other underrepresented segments of the population. The program is free of charge to participating students, not including transportation. RSI Research Science Institute (RSI) brings together high school students each summer for six stimulating weeks at MIT. This rigorous academic program stresses advanced theory and research in mathematics, science, and engineering. Participants attend college-level classes taught by distinguished faculty members and complete hands-on research. Open to high school juniors, the program is free of charge for those selected. WTP Women’s Technology Program (WTP) is a women-focused program aimed at empowering students from groups that are historically underrepresented in engineering by providing a rigorous four-week summer academic experience that introduces 20 high school students to Mechanical Engineering (ME) through hands-on classes (taught by MIT graduate and undergraduate students), labs, and team-based projects in the summer after 11th grade. SSP While the Summer Science Program (SSP) is not on campus, MIT co-sponsors this residential program, and many MIT students are among the program’s alumni. The curriculum is organized around a central research project in either Astrophysics, Biochemistry, or Genomics. In the Astrophysics program, each team of three students determines the orbit of a near-earth asteroid (minor planet) from direct astronomical observations. In the Biochemistry program, each team designs a small molecule to inhibit an enzyme from a fungal crop pathogen. In the Genomics program, each team builds a bioreactor to stimulate evolution of antibiotic resistance in E. coli, then analyzes its DNA for mutations. The programs are six weeks long and offered at locations in Colorado, New Mexico, and Indiana. Beaver Works Summer Institute Beaver Works Summer Institute (BWSI) is an intensive four-week program in July where high school juniors can get a taste of the MIT experience, while working on college-level curriculum with other students from around the country. BWSI is free to students, especially those who may be the first person in their family to attend college. They offer a range of courses—from Autonomous Underwater Vehicles to Quantum Software and to Serious Game Design with AI—with concentrations in programming autonomous systems and more! While this program is only open to high school juniors, there are also online programs offered for younger high school students. Other summer programs at MIT Do you want to spend part of your summer at MIT? In addition to the programs listed above, MIT also hosts the following programs: LaunchX LLRISE: MIT Lincoln Laboratory Radar Introduction for Student Engineers iD Tech Camps Other selective summer programs Most summer programs admit all or most students who can pay the (often high) tuition. However, a number of competitive-admission summer programs select only the best students on the basis of merit and are often free or comparatively affordable. MIT offers four of our own (above), and here are a few more from other organizations: Science and research programs BU Research in Science & Engineering (RISE) Clark Scholar Program Garcia Summer Scholars High School Honors Science/Mathematics/Engineering Program (HSHSP) International Summer School for Young Physicists (ISSYP) Secondary Student Training Program (SSTP) Summer Program on Applied Rationality and Cognition (SPARC) Stanford Institutes of Medicine Summer Research Program (SIMR) Student Science Training Program (SSTP) QuestBridge College Prep Scholarship Math summer programs The American Mathematical Society maintains a large list of youth summer enrichment programs in math. Some summer math programs that our applicants seem to like include: AwesomeMath Canada/USA Mathcamp Hampshire College Summer Studies in Mathematics (HCSSiM) Texas State Mathworks Honors Summer Math Camp MathILy Program in Mathematics for Young Scientists (PROMYS) The Ross Program Stanford University Mathematics Camp (SUMaC) Prove It! Math Academy State Governor’s Schools Governor’s schools directory

pdk52 发表于 2023-02-14 18:28

Mark 谢谢分享
MIT summer programs MIT does not offer open-enrollment summer programs where any high school student can come to campus to take courses and live in the residence halls. However, several partner organizations run small, specialized programs on campus. If studying the human genome, building a robot, or scoping out the stars sound like a fun way to spend your summer, then you might try one of these: MITES Summer MITES Summer is an intensive six-week residential academic enrichment program for high school juniors who intend to pursue careers in science, engineering, and entrepreneurship, especially those from minority backgrounds and other underrepresented segments of the population. The program is free of charge to participating students, not including transportation. RSI Research Science Institute (RSI) brings together high school students each summer for six stimulating weeks at MIT. This rigorous academic program stresses advanced theory and research in mathematics, science, and engineering. Participants attend college-level classes taught by distinguished faculty members and complete hands-on research. Open to high school juniors, the program is free of charge for those selected. WTP Women’s Technology Program (WTP) is a women-focused program aimed at empowering students from groups that are historically underrepresented in engineering by providing a rigorous four-week summer academic experience that introduces 20 high school students to Mechanical Engineering (ME) through hands-on classes (taught by MIT graduate and undergraduate students), labs, and team-based projects in the summer after 11th grade. SSP While the Summer Science Program (SSP) is not on campus, MIT co-sponsors this residential program, and many MIT students are among the program’s alumni. The curriculum is organized around a central research project in either Astrophysics, Biochemistry, or Genomics. In the Astrophysics program, each team of three students determines the orbit of a near-earth asteroid (minor planet) from direct astronomical observations. In the Biochemistry program, each team designs a small molecule to inhibit an enzyme from a fungal crop pathogen. In the Genomics program, each team builds a bioreactor to stimulate evolution of antibiotic resistance in E. coli, then analyzes its DNA for mutations. The programs are six weeks long and offered at locations in Colorado, New Mexico, and Indiana. Beaver Works Summer Institute Beaver Works Summer Institute (BWSI) is an intensive four-week program in July where high school juniors can get a taste of the MIT experience, while working on college-level curriculum with other students from around the country. BWSI is free to students, especially those who may be the first person in their family to attend college. They offer a range of courses—from Autonomous Underwater Vehicles to Quantum Software and to Serious Game Design with AI—with concentrations in programming autonomous systems and more! While this program is only open to high school juniors, there are also online programs offered for younger high school students. Other summer programs at MIT Do you want to spend part of your summer at MIT? In addition to the programs listed above, MIT also hosts the following programs: LaunchX LLRISE: MIT Lincoln Laboratory Radar Introduction for Student Engineers iD Tech Camps Other selective summer programs Most summer programs admit all or most students who can pay the (often high) tuition. However, a number of competitive-admission summer programs select only the best students on the basis of merit and are often free or comparatively affordable. MIT offers four of our own (above), and here are a few more from other organizations: Science and research programs BU Research in Science & Engineering (RISE) Clark Scholar Program Garcia Summer Scholars High School Honors Science/Mathematics/Engineering Program (HSHSP) International Summer School for Young Physicists (ISSYP) Secondary Student Training Program (SSTP) Summer Program on Applied Rationality and Cognition (SPARC) Stanford Institutes of Medicine Summer Research Program (SIMR) Student Science Training Program (SSTP) QuestBridge College Prep Scholarship Math summer programs The American Mathematical Society maintains a large list of youth summer enrichment programs in math. Some summer math programs that our applicants seem to like include: AwesomeMath Canada/USA Mathcamp Hampshire College Summer Studies in Mathematics (HCSSiM) Texas State Mathworks Honors Summer Math Camp MathILy Program in Mathematics for Young Scientists (PROMYS) The Ross Program Stanford University Mathematics Camp (SUMaC) Prove It! Math Academy State Governor’s Schools Governor’s schools directory

pdk52 发表于 2023-02-14 18:28

谢谢,这楼里最有用的回复👍 Mark一下
MIT summer programs MIT does not offer open-enrollment summer programs where any high school student can come to campus to take courses and live in the residence halls. However, several partner organizations run small, specialized programs on campus. If studying the human genome, building a robot, or scoping out the stars sound like a fun way to spend your summer, then you might try one of these: MITES Summer MITES Summer is an intensive six-week residential academic enrichment program for high school juniors who intend to pursue careers in science, engineering, and entrepreneurship, especially those from minority backgrounds and other underrepresented segments of the population. The program is free of charge to participating students, not including transportation. RSI Research Science Institute (RSI) brings together high school students each summer for six stimulating weeks at MIT. This rigorous academic program stresses advanced theory and research in mathematics, science, and engineering. Participants attend college-level classes taught by distinguished faculty members and complete hands-on research. Open to high school juniors, the program is free of charge for those selected. WTP Women’s Technology Program (WTP) is a women-focused program aimed at empowering students from groups that are historically underrepresented in engineering by providing a rigorous four-week summer academic experience that introduces 20 high school students to Mechanical Engineering (ME) through hands-on classes (taught by MIT graduate and undergraduate students), labs, and team-based projects in the summer after 11th grade. SSP While the Summer Science Program (SSP) is not on campus, MIT co-sponsors this residential program, and many MIT students are among the program’s alumni. The curriculum is organized around a central research project in either Astrophysics, Biochemistry, or Genomics. In the Astrophysics program, each team of three students determines the orbit of a near-earth asteroid (minor planet) from direct astronomical observations. In the Biochemistry program, each team designs a small molecule to inhibit an enzyme from a fungal crop pathogen. In the Genomics program, each team builds a bioreactor to stimulate evolution of antibiotic resistance in E. coli, then analyzes its DNA for mutations. The programs are six weeks long and offered at locations in Colorado, New Mexico, and Indiana. Beaver Works Summer Institute Beaver Works Summer Institute (BWSI) is an intensive four-week program in July where high school juniors can get a taste of the MIT experience, while working on college-level curriculum with other students from around the country. BWSI is free to students, especially those who may be the first person in their family to attend college. They offer a range of courses—from Autonomous Underwater Vehicles to Quantum Software and to Serious Game Design with AI—with concentrations in programming autonomous systems and more! While this program is only open to high school juniors, there are also online programs offered for younger high school students. Other summer programs at MIT Do you want to spend part of your summer at MIT? In addition to the programs listed above, MIT also hosts the following programs: LaunchX LLRISE: MIT Lincoln Laboratory Radar Introduction for Student Engineers iD Tech Camps Other selective summer programs Most summer programs admit all or most students who can pay the (often high) tuition. However, a number of competitive-admission summer programs select only the best students on the basis of merit and are often free or comparatively affordable. MIT offers four of our own (above), and here are a few more from other organizations: Science and research programs BU Research in Science & Engineering (RISE) Clark Scholar Program Garcia Summer Scholars High School Honors Science/Mathematics/Engineering Program (HSHSP) International Summer School for Young Physicists (ISSYP) Secondary Student Training Program (SSTP) Summer Program on Applied Rationality and Cognition (SPARC) Stanford Institutes of Medicine Summer Research Program (SIMR) Student Science Training Program (SSTP) QuestBridge College Prep Scholarship Math summer programs The American Mathematical Society maintains a large list of youth summer enrichment programs in math. Some summer math programs that our applicants seem to like include: AwesomeMath Canada/USA Mathcamp Hampshire College Summer Studies in Mathematics (HCSSiM) Texas State Mathworks Honors Summer Math Camp MathILy Program in Mathematics for Young Scientists (PROMYS) The Ross Program Stanford University Mathematics Camp (SUMaC) Prove It! Math Academy State Governor’s Schools Governor’s schools directory

pdk52 发表于 2023-02-14 18:28

层主好人,谢谢分享 summer camp
MIT summer programs MIT does not offer open-enrollment summer programs where any high school student can come to campus to take courses and live in the residence halls. However, several partner organizations run small, specialized programs on campus. If studying the human genome, building a robot, or scoping out the stars sound like a fun way to spend your summer, then you might try one of these: MITES Summer MITES Summer is an intensive six-week residential academic enrichment program for high school juniors who intend to pursue careers in science, engineering, and entrepreneurship, especially those from minority backgrounds and other underrepresented segments of the population. The program is free of charge to participating students, not including transportation. RSI Research Science Institute (RSI) brings together high school students each summer for six stimulating weeks at MIT. This rigorous academic program stresses advanced theory and research in mathematics, science, and engineering. Participants attend college-level classes taught by distinguished faculty members and complete hands-on research. Open to high school juniors, the program is free of charge for those selected. WTP Women’s Technology Program (WTP) is a women-focused program aimed at empowering students from groups that are historically underrepresented in engineering by providing a rigorous four-week summer academic experience that introduces 20 high school students to Mechanical Engineering (ME) through hands-on classes (taught by MIT graduate and undergraduate students), labs, and team-based projects in the summer after 11th grade. SSP While the Summer Science Program (SSP) is not on campus, MIT co-sponsors this residential program, and many MIT students are among the program’s alumni. The curriculum is organized around a central research project in either Astrophysics, Biochemistry, or Genomics. In the Astrophysics program, each team of three students determines the orbit of a near-earth asteroid (minor planet) from direct astronomical observations. In the Biochemistry program, each team designs a small molecule to inhibit an enzyme from a fungal crop pathogen. In the Genomics program, each team builds a bioreactor to stimulate evolution of antibiotic resistance in E. coli, then analyzes its DNA for mutations. The programs are six weeks long and offered at locations in Colorado, New Mexico, and Indiana. Beaver Works Summer Institute Beaver Works Summer Institute (BWSI) is an intensive four-week program in July where high school juniors can get a taste of the MIT experience, while working on college-level curriculum with other students from around the country. BWSI is free to students, especially those who may be the first person in their family to attend college. They offer a range of courses—from Autonomous Underwater Vehicles to Quantum Software and to Serious Game Design with AI—with concentrations in programming autonomous systems and more! While this program is only open to high school juniors, there are also online programs offered for younger high school students. Other summer programs at MIT Do you want to spend part of your summer at MIT? In addition to the programs listed above, MIT also hosts the following programs: LaunchX LLRISE: MIT Lincoln Laboratory Radar Introduction for Student Engineers iD Tech Camps Other selective summer programs Most summer programs admit all or most students who can pay the (often high) tuition. However, a number of competitive-admission summer programs select only the best students on the basis of merit and are often free or comparatively affordable. MIT offers four of our own (above), and here are a few more from other organizations: Science and research programs BU Research in Science & Engineering (RISE) Clark Scholar Program Garcia Summer Scholars High School Honors Science/Mathematics/Engineering Program (HSHSP) International Summer School for Young Physicists (ISSYP) Secondary Student Training Program (SSTP) Summer Program on Applied Rationality and Cognition (SPARC) Stanford Institutes of Medicine Summer Research Program (SIMR) Student Science Training Program (SSTP) QuestBridge College Prep Scholarship Math summer programs The American Mathematical Society maintains a large list of youth summer enrichment programs in math. Some summer math programs that our applicants seem to like include: AwesomeMath Canada/USA Mathcamp Hampshire College Summer Studies in Mathematics (HCSSiM) Texas State Mathworks Honors Summer Math Camp MathILy Program in Mathematics for Young Scientists (PROMYS) The Ross Program Stanford University Mathematics Camp (SUMaC) Prove It! Math Academy State Governor’s Schools Governor’s schools directory

pdk52 发表于 2023-02-14 18:28

Mark Mark,很重要的信息,多谢!
那些summer camp一般学生都进不去.
夏雨 发表于 2023-02-14 15:37

辩论的暑期班 有啥好的brand吗?
这个倒是真的,美国真的顶级好的camp都是invitation only的,免费的
helen0211 发表于 2023-02-14 16:26

MIT summer programs MIT does not offer open-enrollment summer programs where any high school student can come to campus to take courses and live in the residence halls. However, several partner organizations run small, specialized programs on campus. If studying the human genome, building a robot, or scoping out the stars sound like a fun way to spend your summer, then you might try one of these: MITES Summer MITES Summer is an intensive six-week residential academic enrichment program for high school juniors who intend to pursue careers in science, engineering, and entrepreneurship, especially those from minority backgrounds and other underrepresented segments of the population. The program is free of charge to participating students, not including transportation. RSI Research Science Institute (RSI) brings together high school students each summer for six stimulating weeks at MIT. This rigorous academic program stresses advanced theory and research in mathematics, science, and engineering. Participants attend college-level classes taught by distinguished faculty members and complete hands-on research. Open to high school juniors, the program is free of charge for those selected. WTP Women’s Technology Program (WTP) is a women-focused program aimed at empowering students from groups that are historically underrepresented in engineering by providing a rigorous four-week summer academic experience that introduces 20 high school students to Mechanical Engineering (ME) through hands-on classes (taught by MIT graduate and undergraduate students), labs, and team-based projects in the summer after 11th grade. SSP While the Summer Science Program (SSP) is not on campus, MIT co-sponsors this residential program, and many MIT students are among the program’s alumni. The curriculum is organized around a central research project in either Astrophysics, Biochemistry, or Genomics. In the Astrophysics program, each team of three students determines the orbit of a near-earth asteroid (minor planet) from direct astronomical observations. In the Biochemistry program, each team designs a small molecule to inhibit an enzyme from a fungal crop pathogen. In the Genomics program, each team builds a bioreactor to stimulate evolution of antibiotic resistance in E. coli, then analyzes its DNA for mutations. The programs are six weeks long and offered at locations in Colorado, New Mexico, and Indiana. Beaver Works Summer Institute Beaver Works Summer Institute (BWSI) is an intensive four-week program in July where high school juniors can get a taste of the MIT experience, while working on college-level curriculum with other students from around the country. BWSI is free to students, especially those who may be the first person in their family to attend college. They offer a range of courses—from Autonomous Underwater Vehicles to Quantum Software and to Serious Game Design with AI—with concentrations in programming autonomous systems and more! While this program is only open to high school juniors, there are also online programs offered for younger high school students. Other summer programs at MIT Do you want to spend part of your summer at MIT? In addition to the programs listed above, MIT also hosts the following programs: LaunchX LLRISE: MIT Lincoln Laboratory Radar Introduction for Student Engineers iD Tech Camps Other selective summer programs Most summer programs admit all or most students who can pay the (often high) tuition. However, a number of competitive-admission summer programs select only the best students on the basis of merit and are often free or comparatively affordable. MIT offers four of our own (above), and here are a few more from other organizations: Science and research programs BU Research in Science & Engineering (RISE) Clark Scholar Program Garcia Summer Scholars High School Honors Science/Mathematics/Engineering Program (HSHSP) International Summer School for Young Physicists (ISSYP) Secondary Student Training Program (SSTP) Summer Program on Applied Rationality and Cognition (SPARC) Stanford Institutes of Medicine Summer Research Program (SIMR) Student Science Training Program (SSTP) QuestBridge College Prep Scholarship Math summer programs The American Mathematical Society maintains a large list of youth summer enrichment programs in math. Some summer math programs that our applicants seem to like include: AwesomeMath Canada/USA Mathcamp Hampshire College Summer Studies in Mathematics (HCSSiM) Texas State Mathworks Honors Summer Math Camp MathILy Program in Mathematics for Young Scientists (PROMYS) The Ross Program Stanford University Mathematics Camp (SUMaC) Prove It! Math Academy State Governor’s Schools Governor’s schools directory

pdk52 发表于 2023-02-14 18:28

赞同 MIT的这些summer program含金量高
是不是有名大学的夏校都是stem? 文科孩子好像没什么选择
辩论的暑期班 有啥好的brand吗?
pevcmao 发表于 2023-02-15 09:11

是不是有名大学的夏校都是stem? 文科孩子好像没什么选择
小金猪 发表于 2023-02-15 09:23

很多啊,TASS,Iowa Young Writers’ Studio's Summer Residential Program比较有名 https://www.hceducationconsulting.com/amp/top-summer-programs-for-high-school-students
MIT summer programs MIT does not offer open-enrollment summer programs where any high school student can come to campus to take courses and live in the residence halls. However, several partner organizations run small, specialized programs on campus. If studying the human genome, building a robot, or scoping out the stars sound like a fun way to spend your summer, then you might try one of these: MITES Summer MITES Summer is an intensive six-week residential academic enrichment program for high school juniors who intend to pursue careers in science, engineering, and entrepreneurship, especially those from minority backgrounds and other underrepresented segments of the population. The program is free of charge to participating students, not including transportation. RSI Research Science Institute (RSI) brings together high school students each summer for six stimulating weeks at MIT. This rigorous academic program stresses advanced theory and research in mathematics, science, and engineering. Participants attend college-level classes taught by distinguished faculty members and complete hands-on research. Open to high school juniors, the program is free of charge for those selected. WTP Women’s Technology Program (WTP) is a women-focused program aimed at empowering students from groups that are historically underrepresented in engineering by providing a rigorous four-week summer academic experience that introduces 20 high school students to Mechanical Engineering (ME) through hands-on classes (taught by MIT graduate and undergraduate students), labs, and team-based projects in the summer after 11th grade. SSP While the Summer Science Program (SSP) is not on campus, MIT co-sponsors this residential program, and many MIT students are among the program’s alumni. The curriculum is organized around a central research project in either Astrophysics, Biochemistry, or Genomics. In the Astrophysics program, each team of three students determines the orbit of a near-earth asteroid (minor planet) from direct astronomical observations. In the Biochemistry program, each team designs a small molecule to inhibit an enzyme from a fungal crop pathogen. In the Genomics program, each team builds a bioreactor to stimulate evolution of antibiotic resistance in E. coli, then analyzes its DNA for mutations. The programs are six weeks long and offered at locations in Colorado, New Mexico, and Indiana. Beaver Works Summer Institute Beaver Works Summer Institute (BWSI) is an intensive four-week program in July where high school juniors can get a taste of the MIT experience, while working on college-level curriculum with other students from around the country. BWSI is free to students, especially those who may be the first person in their family to attend college. They offer a range of courses—from Autonomous Underwater Vehicles to Quantum Software and to Serious Game Design with AI—with concentrations in programming autonomous systems and more! While this program is only open to high school juniors, there are also online programs offered for younger high school students. Other summer programs at MIT Do you want to spend part of your summer at MIT? In addition to the programs listed above, MIT also hosts the following programs: LaunchX LLRISE: MIT Lincoln Laboratory Radar Introduction for Student Engineers iD Tech Camps Other selective summer programs Most summer programs admit all or most students who can pay the (often high) tuition. However, a number of competitive-admission summer programs select only the best students on the basis of merit and are often free or comparatively affordable. MIT offers four of our own (above), and here are a few more from other organizations: Science and research programs BU Research in Science & Engineering (RISE) Clark Scholar Program Garcia Summer Scholars High School Honors Science/Mathematics/Engineering Program (HSHSP) International Summer School for Young Physicists (ISSYP) Secondary Student Training Program (SSTP) Summer Program on Applied Rationality and Cognition (SPARC) Stanford Institutes of Medicine Summer Research Program (SIMR) Student Science Training Program (SSTP) QuestBridge College Prep Scholarship Math summer programs The American Mathematical Society maintains a large list of youth summer enrichment programs in math. Some summer math programs that our applicants seem to like include: AwesomeMath Canada/USA Mathcamp Hampshire College Summer Studies in Mathematics (HCSSiM) Texas State Mathworks Honors Summer Math Camp MathILy Program in Mathematics for Young Scientists (PROMYS) The Ross Program Stanford University Mathematics Camp (SUMaC) Prove It! Math Academy State Governor’s Schools Governor’s schools directory

pdk52 发表于 2023-02-14 18:28

Mark!! 文科的超级难进啊
MIT summer programs MIT does not offer open-enrollment summer programs where any high school student can come to campus to take courses and live in the residence halls. However, several partner organizations run small, specialized programs on campus. If studying the human genome, building a robot, or scoping out the stars sound like a fun way to spend your summer, then you might try one of these: MITES Summer MITES Summer is an intensive six-week residential academic enrichment program for high school juniors who intend to pursue careers in science, engineering, and entrepreneurship, especially those from minority backgrounds and other underrepresented segments of the population. The program is free of charge to participating students, not including transportation. RSI Research Science Institute (RSI) brings together high school students each summer for six stimulating weeks at MIT. This rigorous academic program stresses advanced theory and research in mathematics, science, and engineering. Participants attend college-level classes taught by distinguished faculty members and complete hands-on research. Open to high school juniors, the program is free of charge for those selected. WTP Women’s Technology Program (WTP) is a women-focused program aimed at empowering students from groups that are historically underrepresented in engineering by providing a rigorous four-week summer academic experience that introduces 20 high school students to Mechanical Engineering (ME) through hands-on classes (taught by MIT graduate and undergraduate students), labs, and team-based projects in the summer after 11th grade. SSP While the Summer Science Program (SSP) is not on campus, MIT co-sponsors this residential program, and many MIT students are among the program’s alumni. The curriculum is organized around a central research project in either Astrophysics, Biochemistry, or Genomics. In the Astrophysics program, each team of three students determines the orbit of a near-earth asteroid (minor planet) from direct astronomical observations. In the Biochemistry program, each team designs a small molecule to inhibit an enzyme from a fungal crop pathogen. In the Genomics program, each team builds a bioreactor to stimulate evolution of antibiotic resistance in E. coli, then analyzes its DNA for mutations. The programs are six weeks long and offered at locations in Colorado, New Mexico, and Indiana. Beaver Works Summer Institute Beaver Works Summer Institute (BWSI) is an intensive four-week program in July where high school juniors can get a taste of the MIT experience, while working on college-level curriculum with other students from around the country. BWSI is free to students, especially those who may be the first person in their family to attend college. They offer a range of courses—from Autonomous Underwater Vehicles to Quantum Software and to Serious Game Design with AI—with concentrations in programming autonomous systems and more! While this program is only open to high school juniors, there are also online programs offered for younger high school students. Other summer programs at MIT Do you want to spend part of your summer at MIT? In addition to the programs listed above, MIT also hosts the following programs: LaunchX LLRISE: MIT Lincoln Laboratory Radar Introduction for Student Engineers iD Tech Camps Other selective summer programs Most summer programs admit all or most students who can pay the (often high) tuition. However, a number of competitive-admission summer programs select only the best students on the basis of merit and are often free or comparatively affordable. MIT offers four of our own (above), and here are a few more from other organizations: Science and research programs BU Research in Science & Engineering (RISE) Clark Scholar Program Garcia Summer Scholars High School Honors Science/Mathematics/Engineering Program (HSHSP) International Summer School for Young Physicists (ISSYP) Secondary Student Training Program (SSTP) Summer Program on Applied Rationality and Cognition (SPARC) Stanford Institutes of Medicine Summer Research Program (SIMR) Student Science Training Program (SSTP) QuestBridge College Prep Scholarship Math summer programs The American Mathematical Society maintains a large list of youth summer enrichment programs in math. Some summer math programs that our applicants seem to like include: AwesomeMath Canada/USA Mathcamp Hampshire College Summer Studies in Mathematics (HCSSiM) Texas State Mathworks Honors Summer Math Camp MathILy Program in Mathematics for Young Scientists (PROMYS) The Ross Program Stanford University Mathematics Camp (SUMaC) Prove It! Math Academy State Governor’s Schools Governor’s schools directory

pdk52 发表于 2023-02-14 18:28

Mark 一下 这个厉害
二楼给出了很好的信息。谢谢!含金量高的summer programs还是有一些的,其中有些免费。又好又免费的当然非常难进。有些5千到一万,4-8个星期,也是不容易进的。我女儿要是进了,我心甘情愿掏钱。
那个list如果没有基础,除了少数几个比如awesome math, 可以说基本进不去. 有的program一个州只收一两个人, 也需要申请文书,推荐信,在相关领域取得的成绩. 所以对小朋友需要从更generic的开始. 孩子小的时候,local就会有enrichment program,有的offer selections, 可以学习运动和玩都照顾到, 有的专注一个领域. 看看附近的学校,私校,大学有没有program. 多问老师,周围的家长,team up with other parents to form carpool. 美国的resource非常多, 在manageable的范围内能用上最好. 六七年级就有boarding的program了,看孩子的兴趣在哪儿,debating, sports, stem, 一般两三个星期,有的camp travel from city to city, 可以跟据时间早做安排. 再大了长些比如六周或更长. 去camp一来增强兴趣,也认识朋友,几周训练下来水平完全不同,到一定程度不参加基本上是没法compete孩子也容易失去兴趣,觉得camp还是挺重要的.
MIT summer programs MIT does not offer open-enrollment summer programs where any high school student can come to campus to take courses and live in the residence halls. However, several partner organizations run small, specialized programs on campus. If studying the human genome, building a robot, or scoping out the stars sound like a fun way to spend your summer, then you might try one of these: MITES Summer MITES Summer is an intensive six-week residential academic enrichment program for high school juniors who intend to pursue careers in science, engineering, and entrepreneurship, especially those from minority backgrounds and other underrepresented segments of the population. The program is free of charge to participating students, not including transportation. RSI Research Science Institute (RSI) brings together high school students each summer for six stimulating weeks at MIT. This rigorous academic program stresses advanced theory and research in mathematics, science, and engineering. Participants attend college-level classes taught by distinguished faculty members and complete hands-on research. Open to high school juniors, the program is free of charge for those selected. WTP Women’s Technology Program (WTP) is a women-focused program aimed at empowering students from groups that are historically underrepresented in engineering by providing a rigorous four-week summer academic experience that introduces 20 high school students to Mechanical Engineering (ME) through hands-on classes (taught by MIT graduate and undergraduate students), labs, and team-based projects in the summer after 11th grade. SSP While the Summer Science Program (SSP) is not on campus, MIT co-sponsors this residential program, and many MIT students are among the program’s alumni. The curriculum is organized around a central research project in either Astrophysics, Biochemistry, or Genomics. In the Astrophysics program, each team of three students determines the orbit of a near-earth asteroid (minor planet) from direct astronomical observations. In the Biochemistry program, each team designs a small molecule to inhibit an enzyme from a fungal crop pathogen. In the Genomics program, each team builds a bioreactor to stimulate evolution of antibiotic resistance in E. coli, then analyzes its DNA for mutations. The programs are six weeks long and offered at locations in Colorado, New Mexico, and Indiana. Beaver Works Summer Institute Beaver Works Summer Institute (BWSI) is an intensive four-week program in July where high school juniors can get a taste of the MIT experience, while working on college-level curriculum with other students from around the country. BWSI is free to students, especially those who may be the first person in their family to attend college. They offer a range of courses—from Autonomous Underwater Vehicles to Quantum Software and to Serious Game Design with AI—with concentrations in programming autonomous systems and more! While this program is only open to high school juniors, there are also online programs offered for younger high school students. Other summer programs at MIT Do you want to spend part of your summer at MIT? In addition to the programs listed above, MIT also hosts the following programs: LaunchX LLRISE: MIT Lincoln Laboratory Radar Introduction for Student Engineers iD Tech Camps Other selective summer programs Most summer programs admit all or most students who can pay the (often high) tuition. However, a number of competitive-admission summer programs select only the best students on the basis of merit and are often free or comparatively affordable. MIT offers four of our own (above), and here are a few more from other organizations: Science and research programs BU Research in Science & Engineering (RISE) Clark Scholar Program Garcia Summer Scholars High School Honors Science/Mathematics/Engineering Program (HSHSP) International Summer School for Young Physicists (ISSYP) Secondary Student Training Program (SSTP) Summer Program on Applied Rationality and Cognition (SPARC) Stanford Institutes of Medicine Summer Research Program (SIMR) Student Science Training Program (SSTP) QuestBridge College Prep Scholarship Math summer programs The American Mathematical Society maintains a large list of youth summer enrichment programs in math. Some summer math programs that our applicants seem to like include: AwesomeMath Canada/USA Mathcamp Hampshire College Summer Studies in Mathematics (HCSSiM) Texas State Mathworks Honors Summer Math Camp MathILy Program in Mathematics for Young Scientists (PROMYS) The Ross Program Stanford University Mathematics Camp (SUMaC) Prove It! Math Academy State Governor’s Schools Governor’s schools directory

pdk52 发表于 2023-02-14 18:28

MIT summer programs MIT does not offer open-enrollment summer programs where any high school student can come to campus to take courses and live in the residence halls. However, several partner organizations run small, specialized programs on campus. If studying the human genome, building a robot, or scoping out the stars sound like a fun way to spend your summer, then you might try one of these: MITES Summer MITES Summer is an intensive six-week residential academic enrichment program for high school juniors who intend to pursue careers in science, engineering, and entrepreneurship, especially those from minority backgrounds and other underrepresented segments of the population. The program is free of charge to participating students, not including transportation. RSI Research Science Institute (RSI) brings together high school students each summer for six stimulating weeks at MIT. This rigorous academic program stresses advanced theory and research in mathematics, science, and engineering. Participants attend college-level classes taught by distinguished faculty members and complete hands-on research. Open to high school juniors, the program is free of charge for those selected. WTP Women’s Technology Program (WTP) is a women-focused program aimed at empowering students from groups that are historically underrepresented in engineering by providing a rigorous four-week summer academic experience that introduces 20 high school students to Mechanical Engineering (ME) through hands-on classes (taught by MIT graduate and undergraduate students), labs, and team-based projects in the summer after 11th grade. SSP While the Summer Science Program (SSP) is not on campus, MIT co-sponsors this residential program, and many MIT students are among the program’s alumni. The curriculum is organized around a central research project in either Astrophysics, Biochemistry, or Genomics. In the Astrophysics program, each team of three students determines the orbit of a near-earth asteroid (minor planet) from direct astronomical observations. In the Biochemistry program, each team designs a small molecule to inhibit an enzyme from a fungal crop pathogen. In the Genomics program, each team builds a bioreactor to stimulate evolution of antibiotic resistance in E. coli, then analyzes its DNA for mutations. The programs are six weeks long and offered at locations in Colorado, New Mexico, and Indiana. Beaver Works Summer Institute Beaver Works Summer Institute (BWSI) is an intensive four-week program in July where high school juniors can get a taste of the MIT experience, while working on college-level curriculum with other students from around the country. BWSI is free to students, especially those who may be the first person in their family to attend college. They offer a range of courses—from Autonomous Underwater Vehicles to Quantum Software and to Serious Game Design with AI—with concentrations in programming autonomous systems and more! While this program is only open to high school juniors, there are also online programs offered for younger high school students. Other summer programs at MIT Do you want to spend part of your summer at MIT? In addition to the programs listed above, MIT also hosts the following programs: LaunchX LLRISE: MIT Lincoln Laboratory Radar Introduction for Student Engineers iD Tech Camps Other selective summer programs Most summer programs admit all or most students who can pay the (often high) tuition. However, a number of competitive-admission summer programs select only the best students on the basis of merit and are often free or comparatively affordable. MIT offers four of our own (above), and here are a few more from other organizations: Science and research programs BU Research in Science & Engineering (RISE) Clark Scholar Program Garcia Summer Scholars High School Honors Science/Mathematics/Engineering Program (HSHSP) International Summer School for Young Physicists (ISSYP) Secondary Student Training Program (SSTP) Summer Program on Applied Rationality and Cognition (SPARC) Stanford Institutes of Medicine Summer Research Program (SIMR) Student Science Training Program (SSTP) QuestBridge College Prep Scholarship Math summer programs The American Mathematical Society maintains a large list of youth summer enrichment programs in math. Some summer math programs that our applicants seem to like include: AwesomeMath Canada/USA Mathcamp Hampshire College Summer Studies in Mathematics (HCSSiM) Texas State Mathworks Honors Summer Math Camp MathILy Program in Mathematics for Young Scientists (PROMYS) The Ross Program Stanford University Mathematics Camp (SUMaC) Prove It! Math Academy State Governor’s Schools Governor’s schools directory

pdk52 发表于 2023-02-14 18:28

MIT summer programs MIT does not offer open-enrollment summer programs where any high school student can come to campus to take courses and live in the residence halls. However, several partner organizations run small, specialized programs on campus. If studying the human genome, building a robot, or scoping out the stars sound like a fun way to spend your summer, then you might try one of these: MITES Summer MITES Summer is an intensive six-week residential academic enrichment program for high school juniors who intend to pursue careers in science, engineering, and entrepreneurship, especially those from minority backgrounds and other underrepresented segments of the population. The program is free of charge to participating students, not including transportation. RSI Research Science Institute (RSI) brings together high school students each summer for six stimulating weeks at MIT. This rigorous academic program stresses advanced theory and research in mathematics, science, and engineering. Participants attend college-level classes taught by distinguished faculty members and complete hands-on research. Open to high school juniors, the program is free of charge for those selected. WTP Women’s Technology Program (WTP) is a women-focused program aimed at empowering students from groups that are historically underrepresented in engineering by providing a rigorous four-week summer academic experience that introduces 20 high school students to Mechanical Engineering (ME) through hands-on classes (taught by MIT graduate and undergraduate students), labs, and team-based projects in the summer after 11th grade. SSP While the Summer Science Program (SSP) is not on campus, MIT co-sponsors this residential program, and many MIT students are among the program’s alumni. The curriculum is organized around a central research project in either Astrophysics, Biochemistry, or Genomics. In the Astrophysics program, each team of three students determines the orbit of a near-earth asteroid (minor planet) from direct astronomical observations. In the Biochemistry program, each team designs a small molecule to inhibit an enzyme from a fungal crop pathogen. In the Genomics program, each team builds a bioreactor to stimulate evolution of antibiotic resistance in E. coli, then analyzes its DNA for mutations. The programs are six weeks long and offered at locations in Colorado, New Mexico, and Indiana. Beaver Works Summer Institute Beaver Works Summer Institute (BWSI) is an intensive four-week program in July where high school juniors can get a taste of the MIT experience, while working on college-level curriculum with other students from around the country. BWSI is free to students, especially those who may be the first person in their family to attend college. They offer a range of courses—from Autonomous Underwater Vehicles to Quantum Software and to Serious Game Design with AI—with concentrations in programming autonomous systems and more! While this program is only open to high school juniors, there are also online programs offered for younger high school students. Other summer programs at MIT Do you want to spend part of your summer at MIT? In addition to the programs listed above, MIT also hosts the following programs: LaunchX LLRISE: MIT Lincoln Laboratory Radar Introduction for Student Engineers iD Tech Camps Other selective summer programs Most summer programs admit all or most students who can pay the (often high) tuition. However, a number of competitive-admission summer programs select only the best students on the basis of merit and are often free or comparatively affordable. MIT offers four of our own (above), and here are a few more from other organizations: Science and research programs BU Research in Science & Engineering (RISE) Clark Scholar Program Garcia Summer Scholars High School Honors Science/Mathematics/Engineering Program (HSHSP) International Summer School for Young Physicists (ISSYP) Secondary Student Training Program (SSTP) Summer Program on Applied Rationality and Cognition (SPARC) Stanford Institutes of Medicine Summer Research Program (SIMR) Student Science Training Program (SSTP) QuestBridge College Prep Scholarship Math summer programs The American Mathematical Society maintains a large list of youth summer enrichment programs in math. Some summer math programs that our applicants seem to like include: AwesomeMath Canada/USA Mathcamp Hampshire College Summer Studies in Mathematics (HCSSiM) Texas State Mathworks Honors Summer Math Camp MathILy Program in Mathematics for Young Scientists (PROMYS) The Ross Program Stanford University Mathematics Camp (SUMaC) Prove It! Math Academy State Governor’s Schools Governor’s schools directory

pdk52 发表于 2023-02-14 18:28

同意楼上的,免费的几率为0, 花钱的不顶用
回复 1楼bernard123的帖子
看一帮人说只有免费的 prestigious camp 才有用, 其它都没用。
举个数据点, 去年暑假的 math camp PROMYS 六周 五千多块钱的。总共参加的大概六十个学生, 应届senior 大概20个。 到目前为止 MIT 早录至少进了 7 个

shanggj 发表于 2023-02-14 20:56

关键是那些孩子如果不去这个camp, MIT 是不是照样进?
关键是那些孩子如果不去这个camp, MIT 是不是照样进?
ILuvSunshine 发表于 2023-02-15 14:20

免费的 prestigious camp 的是一样的道理呀。
MIT summer programs MIT does not offer open-enrollment summer programs where any high school student can come to campus to take courses and live in the residence halls. However, several partner organizations run small, specialized programs on campus. If studying the human genome, building a robot, or scoping out the stars sound like a fun way to spend your summer, then you might try one of these: MITES Summer MITES Summer is an intensive six-week residential academic enrichment program for high school juniors who intend to pursue careers in science, engineering, and entrepreneurship, especially those from minority backgrounds and other underrepresented segments of the population. The program is free of charge to participating students, not including transportation. RSI Research Science Institute (RSI) brings together high school students each summer for six stimulating weeks at MIT. This rigorous academic program stresses advanced theory and research in mathematics, science, and engineering. Participants attend college-level classes taught by distinguished faculty members and complete hands-on research. Open to high school juniors, the program is free of charge for those selected. WTP Women’s Technology Program (WTP) is a women-focused program aimed at empowering students from groups that are historically underrepresented in engineering by providing a rigorous four-week summer academic experience that introduces 20 high school students to Mechanical Engineering (ME) through hands-on classes (taught by MIT graduate and undergraduate students), labs, and team-based projects in the summer after 11th grade. SSP While the Summer Science Program (SSP) is not on campus, MIT co-sponsors this residential program, and many MIT students are among the program’s alumni. The curriculum is organized around a central research project in either Astrophysics, Biochemistry, or Genomics. In the Astrophysics program, each team of three students determines the orbit of a near-earth asteroid (minor planet) from direct astronomical observations. In the Biochemistry program, each team designs a small molecule to inhibit an enzyme from a fungal crop pathogen. In the Genomics program, each team builds a bioreactor to stimulate evolution of antibiotic resistance in E. coli, then analyzes its DNA for mutations. The programs are six weeks long and offered at locations in Colorado, New Mexico, and Indiana. Beaver Works Summer Institute Beaver Works Summer Institute (BWSI) is an intensive four-week program in July where high school juniors can get a taste of the MIT experience, while working on college-level curriculum with other students from around the country. BWSI is free to students, especially those who may be the first person in their family to attend college. They offer a range of courses—from Autonomous Underwater Vehicles to Quantum Software and to Serious Game Design with AI—with concentrations in programming autonomous systems and more! While this program is only open to high school juniors, there are also online programs offered for younger high school students. Other summer programs at MIT Do you want to spend part of your summer at MIT? In addition to the programs listed above, MIT also hosts the following programs: LaunchX LLRISE: MIT Lincoln Laboratory Radar Introduction for Student Engineers iD Tech Camps Other selective summer programs Most summer programs admit all or most students who can pay the (often high) tuition. However, a number of competitive-admission summer programs select only the best students on the basis of merit and are often free or comparatively affordable. MIT offers four of our own (above), and here are a few more from other organizations: Science and research programs BU Research in Science & Engineering (RISE) Clark Scholar Program Garcia Summer Scholars High School Honors Science/Mathematics/Engineering Program (HSHSP) International Summer School for Young Physicists (ISSYP) Secondary Student Training Program (SSTP) Summer Program on Applied Rationality and Cognition (SPARC) Stanford Institutes of Medicine Summer Research Program (SIMR) Student Science Training Program (SSTP) QuestBridge College Prep Scholarship Math summer programs The American Mathematical Society maintains a large list of youth summer enrichment programs in math. Some summer math programs that our applicants seem to like include: AwesomeMath Canada/USA Mathcamp Hampshire College Summer Studies in Mathematics (HCSSiM) Texas State Mathworks Honors Summer Math Camp MathILy Program in Mathematics for Young Scientists (PROMYS) The Ross Program Stanford University Mathematics Camp (SUMaC) Prove It! Math Academy State Governor’s Schools Governor’s schools directory

pdk52 发表于 2023-02-14 18:28

玫瑰的故事 发表于 2023-02-14 22:49

MIT summer programs MIT does not offer open-enrollment summer programs where any high school student can come to campus to take courses and live in the residence halls. However, several partner organizations run small, specialized programs on campus. If studying the human genome, building a robot, or scoping out the stars sound like a fun way to spend your summer, then you might try one of these: MITES Summer MITES Summer is an intensive six-week residential academic enrichment program for high school juniors who intend to pursue careers in science, engineering, and entrepreneurship, especially those from minority backgrounds and other underrepresented segments of the population. The program is free of charge to participating students, not including transportation. RSI Research Science Institute (RSI) brings together high school students each summer for six stimulating weeks at MIT. This rigorous academic program stresses advanced theory and research in mathematics, science, and engineering. Participants attend college-level classes taught by distinguished faculty members and complete hands-on research. Open to high school juniors, the program is free of charge for those selected. WTP Women’s Technology Program (WTP) is a women-focused program aimed at empowering students from groups that are historically underrepresented in engineering by providing a rigorous four-week summer academic experience that introduces 20 high school students to Mechanical Engineering (ME) through hands-on classes (taught by MIT graduate and undergraduate students), labs, and team-based projects in the summer after 11th grade. SSP While the Summer Science Program (SSP) is not on campus, MIT co-sponsors this residential program, and many MIT students are among the program’s alumni. The curriculum is organized around a central research project in either Astrophysics, Biochemistry, or Genomics. In the Astrophysics program, each team of three students determines the orbit of a near-earth asteroid (minor planet) from direct astronomical observations. In the Biochemistry program, each team designs a small molecule to inhibit an enzyme from a fungal crop pathogen. In the Genomics program, each team builds a bioreactor to stimulate evolution of antibiotic resistance in E. coli, then analyzes its DNA for mutations. The programs are six weeks long and offered at locations in Colorado, New Mexico, and Indiana. Beaver Works Summer Institute Beaver Works Summer Institute (BWSI) is an intensive four-week program in July where high school juniors can get a taste of the MIT experience, while working on college-level curriculum with other students from around the country. BWSI is free to students, especially those who may be the first person in their family to attend college. They offer a range of courses—from Autonomous Underwater Vehicles to Quantum Software and to Serious Game Design with AI—with concentrations in programming autonomous systems and more! While this program is only open to high school juniors, there are also online programs offered for younger high school students. Other summer programs at MIT Do you want to spend part of your summer at MIT? In addition to the programs listed above, MIT also hosts the following programs: LaunchX LLRISE: MIT Lincoln Laboratory Radar Introduction for Student Engineers iD Tech Camps Other selective summer programs Most summer programs admit all or most students who can pay the (often high) tuition. However, a number of competitive-admission summer programs select only the best students on the basis of merit and are often free or comparatively affordable. MIT offers four of our own (above), and here are a few more from other organizations: Science and research programs BU Research in Science & Engineering (RISE) Clark Scholar Program Garcia Summer Scholars High School Honors Science/Mathematics/Engineering Program (HSHSP) International Summer School for Young Physicists (ISSYP) Secondary Student Training Program (SSTP) Summer Program on Applied Rationality and Cognition (SPARC) Stanford Institutes of Medicine Summer Research Program (SIMR) Student Science Training Program (SSTP) QuestBridge College Prep Scholarship Math summer programs The American Mathematical Society maintains a large list of youth summer enrichment programs in math. Some summer math programs that our applicants seem to like include: AwesomeMath Canada/USA Mathcamp Hampshire College Summer Studies in Mathematics (HCSSiM) Texas State Mathworks Honors Summer Math Camp MathILy Program in Mathematics for Young Scientists (PROMYS) The Ross Program Stanford University Mathematics Camp (SUMaC) Prove It! Math Academy State Governor’s Schools Governor’s schools directory

pdk52 发表于 2023-02-14 18:28

mark mark