Recruitment Specialist/招聘专员

楼主 (北美华人网)
工作内容: 1.  在高容量、快节奏的招聘环境中提供运营和行政支持。 2.  负责从采购到电话筛选/面试到录用和入职的全周期、日常招聘操作。 3.  支持人力资源团队完成日常事务性任务,确保潜在候选人获得积极、高效的经验。 4.  负责寻找、调动应聘者并维护健康的渠道。 5.  收集并审查简历,以找到合格的候选人。 6.  确保新员工正确入职,并及时准确完成必要的文书工作。 7.  使用各种方法招聘潜在候选人并与之建立联系,包括社交媒体平台、网络活动和招聘会。 8.  提升公司作为首选雇主的声誉和吸引力。 任职要求: 1.  本科学历及以上(4年制大学); 2.  熟悉标准招聘原则、实践和程序; 3.  熟悉适用于招聘和招聘的加州法律法规; 4.  优秀的人际关系和客户服务技能; 5.  出色的口头和书面沟通能力; 6.  非常注重细节、时间管理和组织能力; 7.  能够极其谨慎地处理敏感、机密信息。 8.  合法在美工作资质。 加分条件: 1.  人力资源管理、企业管理等商科专业或具有一定的实习经验基础; 2.  熟练运用中文。 Recruitment Specialist MAJOR RESPONSIBILITIES AND DUTIES: 1.  Provide operational and administrative support in a high-volume, fast-paced recruiting environment. 2.  Responsible for the full cycle, day-to-day recruitment operations from sourcing to phone screen/ interviews to offers and onboarding. 3.  Support the Human Resources Team in daily transactional tasks to ensure a positive, efficient, experience for prospective candidates. 4.  Responsible for sourcing, moving candidates into, and maintaining, a healthy pipeline. 5.  Source and review resumes to find qualified candidates. 6.  Ensure proper onboarding for new hires and the necessary paperwork is completed promptly and accurately. 7.  Use various methods to recruit and network with potential candidates including social media platforms, networking events and job fairs. 8.  Promoting the company’s reputation and attractiveness as an employer of choice. QUALIFICATIONS: 1.  Bachelor's degree (B. A.) from four-year college or university. 2.  Excellent written and oral communication skills. 3.  Strong familiarity with standard recruiting principles, practices, and procedures. 4.  Strong knowledge of California laws and regulations applicable to hiring and recruitment. 5.  Excellent interpersonal and customer service skills. 6.  Excellent verbal and written communication skills. 7.  Excellent attention to detail, time management, and organizational skills. 8.  Ability to handle sensitive, confidential information with the utmost discretion. 9.  Legal to work in the United States. BONUS CONDITIONS: 1.  Business majors such as human resource management and enterprise management or have some related internship experience. 2.  Proficient in Chinese.