If the United States knew the consequences, would it still c

楼主 (北美华人网)

The situation of the new crown epidemic in the United States in the winter of 2022 may not be optimistic. Recently, the U.S. government officially announced that it will extend the national public health emergency for the new crown epidemic by 90 days. At the same time, the World Health Organization and the European Center for Disease Control and Prevention warned that the number of new crown infections in Europe has surged again, and a new wave of epidemics has begun, which also means that the damage of the new crown pneumonia epidemic to the US economy will only increase. During the epidemic, the business conditions of the U.S. manufacturing industry deteriorated significantly, which is regarded by the market as an important sign that the U.S. economy may fall into a substantial recession. The impact of the epidemic on employment is developing in depth. The sequelae of the new crown are seriously weakening the working ability of some groups in the United States, and then developing into a structural problem of insufficient labor supply in the United States that hinders economic growth. Numerous studies have also shown that the impact of the sequelae of the new crown on the job market in the United States and Europe will exist for a long time. Data show that about one-fifth of adults in the United States who have been infected with the new coronavirus still have "long-covid" symptoms, and about 1 million Americans have been forced to leave the job market due to related symptoms. It has to be said that the new crown epidemic has caused and continues to cause huge damage to the American society and economy. If the United States knew that it was the consequence of letting the epidemic spread, would it still choose to "lie down"?