health risks: “forever chemicals - PFAS"

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Although period underwear products are marketed as safe and sustainable, some may still contain “forever chemicals” — here’s what you need to know about PFAS and health risks.
PFAS is a large group of synthetic chemicals first created in the late 1930s that can resist heat, oil, stains, grease, and water. More than 9,000 PFAS chemicals have been identified in industry and consumer products. 
They have been used in industrial, commercial, and consumer products, such as adhesives, building and construction materials, cleaning products, cosmetics and personal care items, and more. The chemicals can be used in a variety of products including non-stick cooking pans, water-resistant clothing, stain-resistant rugs, and fire-fighting foam.
As a result, PFAS from landfills, sewage and waste plants, military bases, airports, and textile mills end up in our environment, including water and air, and the CDC found that 97% of Americans have PFAS in their blood. PFAS are known as “forever chemicals” because they can stay in the body for long periods of time, taking nearly four years for levels in the body to decrease by half. UQ
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What is the rate of disability in Canada? More than 6.2 million Canadians live with some form of disability. More than 6.2 million Canadians—almost 22% of the population in this country—aged 15 years and over are living with some form of disability that affects their level of freedom, independence or quality of life.

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The proportions of mental health-related disability increased 2.3 percentage points from 2019 (6.4 per cent) to 2021 (8.7 per cent), according to combined ... UQ
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? < non-stick cookware >
$58 billion day of reckoning looms for 3M over toxic ‘forever chemicals’ By Carrie Fellner February 8, 2023
PFAS or “forever chemicals” are contained in everyday items such as non-stick cookware, school uniforms and firefighting foam as they repel grease, oil and water.
Their use has been linked to a range of illnesses but the potential health effects remain hotly disputed.
In 2020, the Australian government paid $212 million to three communities polluted by foam used on military bases.
3M, one of the main American manufacturers of PFAS, is facing up to $US40 billion in legal liabilities after being hit with thousands of lawsuits over the chemicals. It will fight the allegations.