Surprise' in Canada as NYC buses migrants to border New York City mayor Eric Adams told Fox 5 that his administration was assisting migrants who had been sent to his city but wanted to go elsewhere."Some want to go to Canada, some want to go to warmer states, and we are there for them as they continue to move on with their pursuit of this dream," Mr Adams said. Mr Adams confirmed to Fox 5 on Monday that the city was providing free bus tickets for migrants."If they are seeking to go somewhere else, we are helping in the reticketing process," he said.
Surprise' in Canada as NYC buses migrants to border New York City mayor Eric Adams told Fox 5 that his administration was assisting migrants who had been sent to his city but wanted to go elsewhere."Some want to go to Canada, some want to go to warmer states, and we are there for them as they continue to move on with their pursuit of this dream," Mr Adams said. Mr Adams confirmed to Fox 5 on Monday that the city was providing free bus tickets for migrants."If they are seeking to go somewhere else, we are helping in the reticketing process," he said.
Surprise' in Canada as NYC buses migrants to border New York City mayor Eric Adams told Fox 5 that his administration was assisting migrants who had been sent to his city but wanted to go elsewhere."Some want to go to Canada, some want to go to warmer states, and we are there for them as they continue to move on with their pursuit of this dream," Mr Adams said. Mr Adams confirmed to Fox 5 on Monday that the city was providing free bus tickets for migrants."If they are seeking to go somewhere else, we are helping in the reticketing process," he said.
现在的问题是,小土豆怎么办? 海口夸下了,以后这要是一bus,一bus的给运来,可怎么办呢。
纽约州这个顺水推舟,直接推到小土豆嗓子眼了。 出乎意料!
还好,加拿大地广人稀,去个几千万难民应该也还可以。 用刘晓庆的话,都接去加拿大吧,美国问题就少了,大家也不吵架了。
New York City mayor Eric Adams told Fox 5 that his administration was assisting migrants who had been sent to his city but wanted to go elsewhere. "Some want to go to Canada, some want to go to warmer states, and we are there for them as they continue to move on with their pursuit of this dream," Mr Adams said.
Mr Adams confirmed to Fox 5 on Monday that the city was providing free bus tickets for migrants. "If they are seeking to go somewhere else, we are helping in the reticketing process," he said.
Totally free的环南北美洲bus之旅啊!
这倒是, 人家赚到路费就又回来了
你们是不认识字吗? 人家纽约市长是尊重移民意愿,愿意留下纽约的留纽约,愿意去加拿大的bus给送到,愿意去暖和地方的,也送汽车票。不是都推出去
对啊, 自愿就好啊。 有什么问题吗? 撒谎造谣扭曲最不好!
问题是双标。兰州政客如何要求大爱,如何反对控管边境,如何说美国是移民国家,要展开双臂迎接非移,如何说自己城市是santuary city,如何同ices作对不上报犯了罪的非移,如何谴责边境局没有提供更好的住宿条件,生活条件,那是非人道的。既然双标,准确的说,虚假的道德至高,被嘲也是应该的。
纽约说是难民嫌纽约不安全犯罪率高要求去加拿大。 真事不是玩笑。
人家兰州也没说不欢迎啊,想留下的不都留下了?人家说难民太多,旅馆不足了,是要求拨款,又不是拒绝接收。 你不喜欢,你讨厌可以,但要尊重基本事实。你们这些粉儿最大的问题就是每天造谣传谣,扭曲事实,真当别人傻瓜似的,其实骗了你们自己之外,谁也骗不到。
这下回不来了,。。。。。。 没bus!
"pursue their dream"- what about local resident's dream? This become a joke now.