ChatGPT给的回答: To terminate your relationship with your realtor, it's important to be respectful and direct. A good way to do this would be to schedule a phone call or in-person meeting and express your intentions in a clear and professional manner. You could say something like: "I wanted to have a conversation with you about the services you have been providing for me. I appreciate all the effort you have put in, but I have decided to move forward with a different real estate agent for my future needs. I hope you understand and I wish you the best in your future endeavors." It's important to be clear and direct while also showing appreciation for their efforts and wishing them well in the future.
ChatGPT给的回答: To terminate your relationship with your realtor, it's important to be respectful and direct. A good way to do this would be to schedule a phone call or in-person meeting and express your intentions in a clear and professional manner. You could say something like: "I wanted to have a conversation with you about the services you have been providing for me. I appreciate all the effort you have put in, but I have decided to move forward with a different real estate agent for my future needs. I hope you understand and I wish you the best in your future endeavors." It's important to be clear and direct while also showing appreciation for their efforts and wishing them well in the future. Janaina 发表于 2023-02-05 12:04
ChatGPT给的回答: To terminate your relationship with your realtor, it's important to be respectful and direct. A good way to do this would be to schedule a phone call or in-person meeting and express your intentions in a clear and professional manner. You could say something like: "I wanted to have a conversation with you about the services you have been providing for me. I appreciate all the effort you have put in, but I have decided to move forward with a different real estate agent for my future needs. I hope you understand and I wish you the best in your future endeavors." It's important to be clear and direct while also showing appreciation for their efforts and wishing them well in the future. Janaina 发表于 2023-02-05 12:04
Hey… thanks so much for sending this to us. I hope all is well with you. Just so you know that at the moment we are not looking for a place. We will reach out when we are ready to work with you again. Thanks again for all the help! All the best! …
I just picked up the phone and called her. I told her I found someone else that better fit my needs. She said she understood and told me to feel free if she can be of any help. end of story.
ChatGPT给的回答: To terminate your relationship with your realtor, it's important to be respectful and direct. A good way to do this would be to schedule a phone call or in-person meeting and express your intentions in a clear and professional manner. You could say something like: "I wanted to have a conversation with you about the services you have been providing for me. I appreciate all the effort you have put in, but I have decided to move forward with a different real estate agent for my future needs. I hope you understand and I wish you the best in your future endeavors." It's important to be clear and direct while also showing appreciation for their efforts and wishing them well in the future. Janaina 发表于 2023-02-05 12:04
ChatGPT给的回答: To terminate your relationship with your realtor, it's important to be respectful and direct. A good way to do this would be to schedule a phone call or in-person meeting and express your intentions in a clear and professional manner. You could say something like: "I wanted to have a conversation with you about the services you have been providing for me. I appreciate all the effort you have put in, but I have decided to move forward with a different real estate agent for my future needs. I hope you understand and I wish you the best in your future endeavors." It's important to be clear and direct while also showing appreciation for their efforts and wishing them well in the future. Janaina 发表于 2023-02-05 12:04
通知对方的同时给对方发个online 100块的GC吧。毕竟带你们跑了两天。就算请对方吃顿饭。好说好散吧
这个建议不错。我以前也有类似的情况。agent带我们看了7,8个房子,后来我们决定暂时不买房子了,因为没有合适的房子。我总觉得有点过意不去,尽管房屋中介的职业性质就这样。后来我要卖房,就主动去找她当我的list agent,尽管她不熟悉我的地区。可惜发现她已经退休了。我还有点遗憾。
所以你认为必须先给她一个交代对吗 那你就说 Thank u for your time and help. I am afraid we will not continue working with u this time. All the best
就像是你去饭馆吃饭,坐下来正在看菜单,还没点菜呢,你突然接到电话有急事需要走,给waiter留下几块钱小费感谢她带位/端水过来。 要是是因为waitress态度冷淡,让你觉得很不快,你觉得不想在这里吃了,直接拔腿走人就好,不需要留小费。
遇到就遇到呗, 问起来就说又决定看房了,有什么关系
Thanks again for all the help! All the best!
我现在也在看房,第一i次跟着当地一个号称年交易300套房的"金牌“经纪看了一上午的房,一共3个房子,第一个房子她没约上害我白跑一趟(在门口等了半天她姗姗来迟,告诉我没约上),后面看房过程中她不是接电话就是拍视频发她的客户群里, 根本没空搭理我,这种agent我果断换人了,理由都懒得跟她说。对了,她也是发了个协议过来让我签,签她个大头鬼啊
完全没有必要为了这种原因扯这种瞎话。记住,一个瞎话需要一百个瞎话去圆。 另外,如果那个中介特别善良,持续关心楼主,甚至提供经济支援,楼主咋弄?
哈哈是的,这种邮件都是群发的,你不去主动提出unsubscribe, 人家都不一定记得还发给你了。
真的回答的很得体啊哈哈哈 😂😂
I just picked up the phone and called her. I told her I found someone else that better fit my needs. She said she understood and told me to feel free if she can be of any help. end of story.
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