Outsider Opinion on "20/20" of "Kill or Be Killed"

楼主 (北美华人网)
Absolutely a Premeditated Murder, Certainly a Fabricated “Domestic Violence” --- Outsider Opinion on the ABC “20/20” Show of “Kill or Be Killed” February 04, 2023, Revised on Feb. 06, 2023 By Limin Wang   Recently, I started to have some interest watching some American TV networks’ “documentary” shows of American real criminal cases, mainly because I have been experiencing and witnessing serious issues, some life-or-death ones, onto me and my family, from the American Evil System and its Humanscums. On February 03, 2023, Friday night, ABC’s routine 2-hour “20/20” show was titled “Kill or Be Killed”, the theme phrase used by the convicted murder perpetrator Nicole Addimando.   I did not have any prior knowledge about this Nikki Addimando case at all; It’s not so easy for me a ENGLISH-NON-NATIVE-SPEAKER to fully capture every detail of what this TV show claims or shows. With some afterward online search about this case, I undoubtedly want to publicly opine about this Nicole Addimando murdering case and the ROTTEN-TO-THE-CORE American Evil System. Based on the public domain “information” and my following analyses, I truly conclude that Nicole Addimando is a FIERCE AND METICULOUS manipulator of PARTNER relationship with her victim partner Christopher Grover, and the New York deadly garbage government system should be held at least partially responsible to Christopher Grover’s death, and the ones advocating for clemency on cold-blooded murderer Nicole Addimando should be checked into THEIR OWN DOMESTIC RELATIONSHIPS, if they do have any.   It’s at around 2 AM, September 28, 2017 that Poughkeepsie police found a vehicle not moving at an intersection of pretty much a rural town. It’s so odd to take HOURS long for cops to get the information that the young female driver Nicole Addimando (NA) had killed her 29-yrs-young male partner Christopher Grover (CG) at their rented basement apartment just a couple of miles away that night. It’s so clear that NA was NOT showing any trace of physical injury that night; the vehicle NA driving that night was NOT showing any evidence of body damage; the two young children who must have been slept sound in the apartment were put on the vehicle by NA.   After the police finally got the idea a homicide had happened from NA and checked the apartment. The apartment showed NO evidence of any physical struggles; it showed NO evidence of disarray; dead CG was well home-dressed, lying on his back fully stretched on the couch with a pillow under his head; NO WHATSOEVER TRACE of fresh or old physical injury mark was found on CG’s body or clothes; CG had been killed by a SINGLE HANDGUN SHOT with the muzzle hard contacting his temple; the murder bullet was later found INSIDE THAT pillow. While NA’s “testimonies” appear to carry a lot of lies, HER OWN WORDS and body language TO THE INTEROGATING COP have betrayed her METICULOUSLY PREMEDITATED MURDER of her partner CG, young, good-looking, long-term employed, family-devoted, and BELOVED BY MANY OTHERS NOT SEX PARTNERS THOUGH. CG could have been SLEEPING with his head turning to his right and facing the couch back while NA carried out the COLD-BLOODED MURDER to a GOOD MAN. NA checked CG’s pulse and turned his head, to MAKE SURE HER MURDER VICTIM WAS SURELY DEAD. NA’s NO contact with the ALMOST CERTAINLY FAMILY-DESTRUCTIVE HUMANSCUMS-RUNNING “Family Services” or its like in prior proximity, NO 911 call BEFORE OR AFTER CG’S DEATH, HER BIZZARE RUNNING-AWAY by driving with their two young children on board, all point to her VICIOUS MURDERING OF A YOUNG MAN who has HIS GOOD PRESENCE and HIS FORESEEABLE GOOD FUTURE. It’s quite certain that NA was the one throwing the NO-EVIDENCE-FOUND camera onto the ground to fabricate a scene, and letting showering water run to “RUIN” the laptops to DESTROY HER OWN EVIDENCE OF PRIOR WRONGDOINGS and to distort it as a DEAD-MAN-NOT-TALKING CG’s getting rid of “pornography” evidence. REMEMBER, NA HAD FLAPPED HER OWN FACE BY CLAIMING CG HAD REMOVED ALL “CRIMINAL” EVIDENCE FROM THE LAPTOPS THE NIGHT BEFORE! If CG had really done the “cleansing”, what’s the fucking need to “destroy” the laptops of a low-income family that way? It’s so puzzling for the NEW YORK AUTHORITY TO CLAIM IT’S IMPOSSIBLE TO KNOW WHO ACTUALLY CREATED A PORNHUB ACCOUNT NAMED “GROVERESPECT” AND WHO FROM WHICH DEVICE UPLOADED ONLY-NA-SHOWING PORNOGRAPHY. It''s so intriguing that the word "respect" was shown in NA''s list of "Commandments" to CG.   NA’s claim of long years suffering from “domestic violence” and “sexual violence” is absolutely a VICIOUS LIE “CORROBATED” BY TOO MANY OF HER CATEGORY AND OF THE “DOMESTIC VIOLENCE” “BUSINESS”, AMONG WHO MANY HAVE TAKEN JOBS WITHIN THE PROSTITUTION-ADVOCATING AMERICAN EVIL SYSTEM DISTORTING, CREATING, FABRICATING “DOMESTIC VIOLENCE” TO DEPRIVE SO MANY GENERAL MALES OF SEXUAL HAPPINESS AND TO OFFER THEM “FREEDOM” OF LGBTQ+ AND TO PROVIDE THE RICH AND POWERFUL ENDLESS SOURCES OF OVERT OR COVERT PROSTITUTES. Many of these so-called “DV advocates” certainly have NO NORMAL SPOUSAL RELATIONSHIPS AT ALL, and they pretty much perversely want prostitutes or to be prostitutes and to DESTROY NOMRAL MARRIAGES AND NORMAL FAMILIES. There was NO SOLID “RECORD” IN THE CORRUPTIVE-GOVERNMENT’S RECORD to accuse CG of NA’s scarce redness marks or mouth blister as CG’s “physical or sexual violence”. THERE WAS NO OBVIOUS ACCOMPANYING SWELLING TOGETHER WITH THE DEEP RED, HOMOGENOUS MARK ON NA’S RIGHT CHEEK BONE OR THE UNEVEN, NONSYMMETRICAL, SCATTERED REDNESS ON NA’S WRISTS OR NAPE. NICOLE ADDIMANDO’S CONTACTS WITH THE “DOMESTIC VIOLENCE” “BUSINESS” PRIOR TO AND AFTER HER MURDER ON CG MUST BE SCRUTINIZED, BECAUSE SOME “PROFESSIONAL” HUMANSCUMS LIVE ON CREATING THEIR VICTIMS’ TRAGEDIES AND DEATHS.   It''s so hard for ANY BRAINER to accept, like a child student being duck-fed and brainwashed by AES “teachers”, the idea that CG, a young athletic gymnastic coach, needs a female-styled small handgun to “threaten” to “kill” a petite young NA, while the loving-his-own-children CG would be allegedly threatening to have a homicide and a suicide to leave the prior-preschool children PARENTLESS. If any real “domestic violence” or “sexual violence” was ever there, what’s THE DAMN FEAR for NA to sign her name on that kind of almost-certainly-fabricated-by-the-system-afterward “REPORT”? What’s her damn fear to call 911 for cops? She knows at her young age the American cops are often so deadly corruptive, irresponsible, incompetent, and even murderous? WHAT’S SO BIZZARRE IN THE SHOW “KILL OR BE KILLED” IS THERE IS ALMOST ZERO “VOICE” FROM CG, LIVE OR DEAD, ABOUT ALL THE ALLEGED BULLSHIT “DOMESTIC VIOLENCE” OR “SEXUAL VIOLENCE”. Should the American Evil System treat general males with its usual evil way of “DOING PRIVATE TALKS AND ACTS ON FEMALES UNKNOWNINGLY TO THEIR MALE FAMILY MEMBERS”?   WHICH ONE, NA OR CG, WAS TAKING PHOTOS AND VIDEOS AND USING THE INTERNET MORE? WHICH ONE, NA OR CG, WAS MORE LIKELY TO GO FOR EXOTIC SEXUAL INTERACTIONS AND UPLOAD NA-BUT-NO-CG SEXUAL IMAGES AND VIDEOS TO PORNHUB? WHY NA WAS TALKING ABOUT “REFUSING SEX TO CG”, “MAKING HIM HAPPY SO THINGS BACK TO NORMAL”? THE COMMANDMENTS-LIKE CARD TO CG SURELY TALETELLS NA WAS USING PREGNANCY, CHILD(REN), AND SEX TO OFTEN MAKE A NORMAL HEALTHY YOUNG MAN PARTNER SUFFER, INCLUDING FROM NO NORMAL AFFECTION, INTIMACY, OR SATISFACTION. Did CG ever harm his former petite but PRETTIER girl-friend when she broke up with him? Absolutely NO. Yet, the resilient CG was murdered that way that spot that time by the premeditated NA. WHO WAS THE “FRIEND” NA WAS TEXT-MESSAGING TO ABOUT HER PLANNED MURDER OF CG? I did not catch any dig-in about that.   Also so curious, what has made NA and CG not married or registered as married?   It’s WRONG to propaganda the TOXIC TRASH idea that WOMEN ARE OFTEN NICER THAN MEN; WOMEN ARE OFTEN LESS CRIMINAL THAN MEN; WOMEN ARE OFTEN VICTIMS OF MEN; WOMEN CAN NOT BE AS DEADLY AS MEN; WOMEN ARE OFTEN VICTIMS IN “DOMESTIC RELATIONS”; SINGLE WOMEN OR MOTHERS OR EVEN LESBIANS OR TRANSGENDERS ARE “FREELY” BETTER THAN CONSERVATIVE MARRIED WOMEN WITH THEIR OWN BIOLOGICAL CHILDREN FROM THEIR WEDLOCKS. It’s SO WRONG to allow a VICIOUS-MINDED-AND-BEHAVIORED premeditated female murder FREE without paying enough for a good young man’s life so VICIOUSLY AND METICULOUSLY taken away.   MEN’S LIVING MATTERS TOO; MEN’S LIVES MATTER TOO. TRANSPARENCY, TRUTH, FACTS, EVIDENCE, REAL JUSTICE ALL MATTER TOO. THE AMERICAN EVIL SYSTEM IS LONG OVERDUE TO GO.