
楼主 (北美华人网)
中国有句话,人命关天。他这是要丢命啊。。 北大真是渣校。
Court Appearance:
I have been scheduled to appear in Criminal Court of the City of New York at Part DV1 located at 120 Schermerhorn Street, Brooklyn, N.Y. 11201, on February 03, 2023, by 9:30 AM.

Charges by “People” against me:
PL 120.00 01 AM Aslt 3-W/Int Cause Phys Injury, 1 count(s) of A Misd, 1 count(s) of B Misd, 1 count(s) of Viol.

My Pleading:
Not guilty of any of the charges above; Six months of “Temporary Order of Protection” to my wife Li Li against me be removed; The System investigate and prosecute and punish the perpetrators to my family and family members, and overthrow the American Evil System.

Revelation of the “Charged” 12/29/2022 Event:
Contrast to what the young female police claimed to me while I was locked up in NYC Precinct 069 from ~2 PM of 12/29/2022 to ~4 AM of