大家做backdoor roth会让钱在traditional ira里面放一阵子再convert吗?

楼主 (北美华人网)
记得以前看的是一能convert要立马convert, 这样不会产生利息让事情复杂。但是现在看到一个说法,,We recommend you consider doing this step several months after you contribute to your IRA. The reason for this is that the U.S. Tax Court follows a rule called the Step-Transaction Doctrine, which sounds really boring. Essentially this doctrine says that if you do all of these steps consecutively (contribute to a Traditional IRA, and then convert it to a Roth the next day), they will see it as one single transaction. In this case, that would mean you are contributing to a Roth IRA when you are no longer allowed to, and they will slap a penalty on this transaction. (https://districtcapitalmanagement.com/roth-ira-hack/ )。 有做税的姐妹说说,立刻转会引发这种问题吗?谢啦!