My Requests about the 01/27/23 3rd "Trial" of "Family Court"

楼主 (北美华人网)
My Requests about the January 27, 2023 Third “Trial” of “Family Court” --- My Daughter Alexandria Wang Being Seduced and Abducted by Humanscums of the American Evil System, “Child Neglect” Case Docket #: NN-09918-21 By Limin Wang January 25, 2023   On 01/25/23, Emailed to, as another reply of Rachel Radomski’s initial email sent right after the Dec. 15, 2022, 2nd “trial” which I stormed out due to the American Evil System’s Shame and Sham “rule of law” show: "Radomski, Rachel (ACS)" <[email protected]>, QUESTION <[email protected]>, Jane Shortell <[email protected]>, "Keller, Melissa (ACS)" <[email protected]>, and my daughter Alexandria Wang   January 25, 2023, Wed   Hello, NYC ACS, "Family Court", NYCourts, and my daughter Alexandria,   I was evicted by the Civil Court Housing Part on December 19, 2022, and could not receive your possible post mails from there any more. For your arranged SHAME AND SHAM "Family Court" "trials", please honor my requests:   1) The FIRST-EVER APPEARANCE of my daughter Alexandria Wang on such a "Family Court", since she is the PARTY being pitted by the American Evil System against the parents. The so-called "Administration for Children's Services" are COWARD HUMANSCUMS who writtenly alleged so much but RARELY NOBODY COULD SIGN SUCH "allegation" papers, and can DISTORT and FABRICATE ANYTHING AS IF MY DAUGHTER HAD SAID IT.   2) Please burn an exact same CD, of the cops' body camera videos and your request file for them, as the ACS brought to the "Family Court" in October 2022 and SELECTIVELY PLAYED BY THE SAS "Family Court" on the first two "trials". I want to have the CD from ACS while I attend the January 27, 2023 third "trial". I do NOT want these files on a USB drive from you.   Truly,   Limin Wang Victim of the AMERICAN EVIL SYSTEM