World's Largest Religions and What Chinese People Believe

楼主 (北美华人网)
A google search (at Pew Research Center etc) or a wikipedia check will tell you the top six religions of the world consist of the following (ranked by # of followers for each group - data is a few years old, when world population stood at 7.3 billion):
Christianity, 2.3 billion Islam, 1.8B Atheism/Irreligion, 1.2B Hinduism, 1.15B Buddhism, 521 million Chinese Traditional Religions, 300-400M
As someone fascinated by all things religious, I am not surprised that most of the world is religious (83%) vs irreligious (1.2B/7.3B or 17%). What surprised me is the majority (or at least half) of Chinese are found to be religious (50-53%). 30% of us adhere to one of our traditional religions (Taoism, Confucianism etc), 18.2% are Buddhists, while 5% practice other religions (mainly Islam or Christianity).
Atheists or irreligious people make up 47-50% of China''s population. In absolute numbers, China has the largest number of atheists in the world, yet in terms of %, Chinese are not that different from the rest of humanity. Atheists are in the 60-75% range in European countries like Sweden, Denmark, Czech or Estonia, 50-60% in neighboring Hong Kong, Korea and Japan.
Due to China''s large population, even smaller religions there have significant number of followers. For example, Christians, at 2-3%, number 30-40 million, while Muslims, at 1-2%, number some 20-25 million. In absolute numbers, China has more Christians than any European country except Russia, and more Islamic followers than most Middle Eastern nations except Iran/Turkey.
I think by far the largest religion in China is ancestor worship - practically every ethnic Chinese (ie,1.25 billion Han people, 90% of total population of 1.4b) has practiced it in one form or another. Is ancestor worship a religion or part of Taoism or Confucianism? I am not too sure, but it sounds awfully like a religion no matter how it is classified if you read the following description about the practice:
"Ancestor worship is a religious practice based on the belief that deceased family members have a continued existence, that the spirits of deceased ancestors will look after the family, take an interest in the affairs of the world, and possess the ability to influence the fortune of the living." (
Peter Kreeft, Boston College philosophy professor, an ardent proponent for arguments for the existence of God, claims that 99% of the people in the world believe in God''s existence. I used to think Kreeft''s claim is outrageous. Not anymore, after I have thought it through.
If half of Chinese, who claim to be atheists, still can persuade themselves to practice ancestor worship regularly, which means they are at least open to the idea of some kind of spiritual existence, how many Chinese are absolute, hard-core, convinced atheists?
We may not believe in a God in the Judeo-Christian or Islamic sense, and we may not participate in organized religions as average Americans do (reportedly 50% or more Americans are regular church goers), we nonetheless believe in the spirit more or less as much as the rest of humanity. In other words, we Chinese have our own definition of "God" - even if we don''t call that "thing" by "that name."
If you still doubt me, just go to the Chinese "chat" section of this website and see how frequently people ask or beg for "blessings" when they run into troubles that seem too much to handle themselves. Most of these people are probably not consciously religious, yet that does not stop them from asking or begging for something or someone "out there" to intervene so the miraculous or impossible may happen.
So, I agree with Professor Kreeft''s claim that the vast majority of people (maybe even 99%) in the world believe in God, and - let me add - we believe in God or gods with different definitions, and we believe in God or gods even when we deny its/their existence.//
liheng 发表于 2023-01-12 17:42

嗯,共产主义应该把中国本来就复杂的宗教传统给搞得更乱了。记得文革小时候在中国大城市,从没见过被破四旧的祭祖扫墓活动,但偶尔在农村见到。这几年中国到处都是ancestor worship之类。一直纳闷为什么四旧破得那么恨,政府一松就回来了