
楼主 (北美华人网)
Zybook 100元 作业, notes 一节课好几百个学生,这就是好几万的利益输送。
发表于:2023-01-10 23:22|只看TA举报|字体大小:T|T6# 我认识的本科生朋友,对昂贵的书本费也怨声载道啊,比较好的老师不会要求必须人手一本最新版本的指定教材,比较贪婪就会强制要求人手一本必须买code等等,这些都是亲历者总结的,我就跟着听听。
刚问清楚了, 课本可以买, 先交这个注册费, 网上的。。。 如果买课本还有100多美元。 也就是一节课书本费 200 多美元。
有的教授列10门课, 这得多少钱啊?! 美帝大学, 教授, 医生, 政客,, 整个社会彻底垃圾化。
My school found a way to link online assignments to the books so if we want to pass they need to be purchased. It just baffles me because I sure as hell know people were able to complete nursing school without all these costs for many many years before us.
For 4 semesters our books were bought for $2,500 and we had 36 months of access. There was no choice to ot buy any one book it had to be bought as a package. The school is also concept based so each concept came from multiple books and online programs within the package, so if somehow you didn't buy one you would be missing a piece of every concept
I just paid $400 for this semester alone. Thankfully they bundled out books for the first 2 semesters for the low price of $800…. It’s such a grab. Here. Pay $$$$ for tuition, then pay $$$ for online homework. Bitch, what? Why am I paying for assignments??
Holy crap. My program’s textbooks are $1800 for the entire 4 semesters, paid up front the first semester!
Online homework like ALEKS, Mastering Engineering, Zybooks, etc are starting to get on my nerves. It's $100+ a semester for these. Granted, some of them come with books, but if you're like me and buy your books used the codes are always already used. I'm just sick of having to pay to do homework on mostly crappy websites. Most of them don't even show you how to do the problem if you got it wrong, like Mastering Engineering just shows you the right answer, with nothing to show how it's done.
It's a stupid system professors use it so they don't have to grade homeworks.
this is exactly what pisses me off!!! I just assume when a professor assigns any "mastering..." or alike programs that they're lazy and cant imagine spending the time going over our work. Regardless, this is college so they shouldn't have to grade our work, if we have an issue, we know where to go/what to do. I liked the way one of my old math professors graded homework. Pick 5 problem # at random, from set of homework, and only grade those problems on all the students homework.
I have to pay 133 bucks for two online quizzes. Homework is ungraded. Fucking pissed.

I was just ranting about this (elsewhere obviously) the other day. I'm still a freshman and my physics class costs $94 for one semester. My alternatives are pay $125 for lifetime access, buy the $209 book new, or lose 20% of my grade. Frankly, I'm almost afraid of what the costs are gonna be in higher level classes - I'm already scraping by financially.
