德国总理默克尔说:2014年签署明斯克协议 只是为了给乌克兰争取时间,并没有打算执行

楼主 (北美华人网)
Germany's Merkel Confesses: As Russian diplomats have long suspected, NATO conspired to use the Minsk Agreements not for peace, but to give NATO an opportunity and time for the USA, NATO and Ukraine to prepare for launching a war against those of Russian heritage in the autonomous parts of Ukraine. Merkel revealed in her interview with the Zeit newspaper that the Minsk agreements were not an attempt to establish peace in Ukraine but were aimed to give the Kiev regime time to strengthen its military and prepare for a large-scale war against Russian peoples. She confirmed that all the Western authors of the current war in Ukraine, including herself, did nothing for peace in Europe, but tried their best to inflame the war against Russians as much as possible on the territory of Ukraine and to use the lives of the Ukrainian people as the currency of a war. the Minsk Agreement of 2014 was an attempt to give Ukraine time. The Minsk agreements on the settlement of the situation in eastern Ukraine, signed in 2015, provided for a ceasefire, the withdrawal of heavy weapons from the line of contact, as well as constitutional reform, the key elements of which were to be decentralization and the adoption of a law on the special status of certain districts from Donetsk and Luhansk regions. However, this plan was never implemented by the Kiev regime. The Russian Foreign Ministry commented on the claims of the ex-Chancellor of Germany claiming that such a policy is worthy of a tribunal: The testimonies of former German Chancellor Angela Merkel in an interview with Die Zeit newspaper that the Minsk agreements were signed in order to give Ukraine time to prepare for a military confrontation with Russia may well be used for proceedings within the framework of the tribunal — the Russian Foreign Ministry commented on Merkel’s claims. It is worth noting that during all years of her leadership in Germany, Merkel was still shy to declare the real goals behind the signatures on the Minsk protocol. She has been constantly lying about her intentions to maintain peace and that she made “unthinkable efforts” to achieve it. Today, she is not so shy anymore to reveal the evil essence of German foreign policy as well as the bellicose goals of the entire West. No one can have any doubts that Washington, London and Brussels brought war into Ukraine. Merkel has officially confirmed that the West was preparing war against Russia by their proxy, the Kiev regime. None of the Western representatives in the OSCE who signed the Minsk agreements was not going to force Kiev to comply with them. The West confirmed that it cheated on Russia, like it did with promises not to expand NATO, like it did when signing the ABM and INF Treaties etc. None of the West’s statements today can be trusted either. Ukraine used this time to become stronger, as you can see today. The Ukraine of 2014/15 is not the Ukraine of today. An illustrative example was the battle for Debaltseve. At the beginning of 2015, Putin could easily have overrun them at that time. And I very much doubt that the NATO countries could have done as much then as they do today to help Ukraine.
原来真的只是给乌克兰准备 时间