纽约邮报报道, 第二次约炮时的事,看照片猜测女方是外嫁, A German backpacker has been jailed for five years after choking a sex worker to death with her dress while they were having sex. Jingai Zhang, 49, died on Boxing Day 2020 during a sex session with 27-year-old Tobias Pick in Launceston, Tasmania. After she died, Pick – who is now 29 – stole $1,604 cash from Ms. Zhang as well as her phone, which he threw in a river. He was initially charged with murder but pleaded guilty to manslaughter. Pick had been traveling around Australia with his girlfriend for just over a year before Ms. Zhang’s death, Launceston Supreme Court heard. He paid her for sex one time before she died, the Mercury reported from the court, but that time he declined her request to erotically asphyxiate her. Jingai Zhang died during a sex session with a client. Facebook / Jingai Zhang Pick went to see Ms. Zhang again on Boxing Day after a fight with his girlfriend, and this time he did consensually choke her, the court heard. At first he used his hand to choke her, but then they changed position so Pick was behind Ms. Zhang, the court was told. She then passed him her dress to hold around her throat. “He didn’t realize she was struggling to breathe,” Pick’s defense lawyer Olivia Jenkins said, adding that her client “deeply regrets” fleeing the scene with his victim’s possessions. Prosecutor said Elizabeth Avery told the court that Ms Zhang had asked to be lightly strangled for “heightened sexual pleasure” but not as forcefully as Pick went on to do. Ms. Zhang’s boyfriend later found her body. Jingai Zhang’s husband didn’t know she had a boyfriend or was a sex worker. Facebook / Jingai Zhang Sentencing Pick on Tuesday, Justice Robert Pearce said the backpacker’s “conduct after her death added to the seriousness of the crime”. “Consent does not justify or excuse acts that cause death,” the judge told the court, according to the ABC. The court had earlier heard from a forensic doctor, who said significant force would have been applied to Ms Zhang’s neck for at least a minute, causing bruising and bleeding. Ms. Zhang’s husband David Simmons said in a victim impact statement read to the court that he did not know his wife was a sex worker or that she had another boyfriend. Mr. Simmons said she was “kind, caring, always worrying about others”. Pick cried in court as details of his offending were read out. Ms. Jenkins said Pick had shown “great remorse” and had no previous criminal record. His five-year sentence was backdated to December 28, 2020. He will be eligible for parole in June 2023.
"Ms. Zhang’s boyfriend later found her body. Jingai Zhang’s husband didn’t know she had a boyfriend or was a sex worker." 信息量有点大。所以除了这个杀人犯,她同时还有一个boyfriend和一个husband?
纽约邮报报道, 第二次约炮时的事,看照片猜测女方是外嫁, A German backpacker has been jailed for five years after choking a sex worker to death with her dress while they were having sex. Jingai Zhang, 49, died on Boxing Day 2020 during a sex session with 27-year-old Tobias Pick in Launceston, Tasmania. After she died, Pick – who is now 29 – stole $1,604 cash from Ms. Zhang as well as her phone, which he threw in a river. He was initially charged with murder but pleaded guilty to manslaughter. Pick had been traveling around Australia with his girlfriend for just over a year before Ms. Zhang’s death, Launceston Supreme Court heard. He paid her for sex one time before she died, the Mercury reported from the court, but that time he declined her request to erotically asphyxiate her. Jingai Zhang died during a sex session with a client. Facebook / Jingai Zhang Pick went to see Ms. Zhang again on Boxing Day after a fight with his girlfriend, and this time he did consensually choke her, the court heard. At first he used his hand to choke her, but then they changed position so Pick was behind Ms. Zhang, the court was told. She then passed him her dress to hold around her throat. “He didn’t realize she was struggling to breathe,” Pick’s defense lawyer Olivia Jenkins said, adding that her client “deeply regrets” fleeing the scene with his victim’s possessions. Prosecutor said Elizabeth Avery told the court that Ms Zhang had asked to be lightly strangled for “heightened sexual pleasure” but not as forcefully as Pick went on to do. Ms. Zhang’s boyfriend later found her body. Jingai Zhang’s husband didn’t know she had a boyfriend or was a sex worker. Facebook / Jingai Zhang Sentencing Pick on Tuesday, Justice Robert Pearce said the backpacker’s “conduct after her death added to the seriousness of the crime”. “Consent does not justify or excuse acts that cause death,” the judge told the court, according to the ABC. The court had earlier heard from a forensic doctor, who said significant force would have been applied to Ms Zhang’s neck for at least a minute, causing bruising and bleeding. Ms. Zhang’s husband David Simmons said in a victim impact statement read to the court that he did not know his wife was a sex worker or that she had another boyfriend. Mr. Simmons said she was “kind, caring, always worrying about others”. Pick cried in court as details of his offending were read out. Ms. Jenkins said Pick had shown “great remorse” and had no previous criminal record. His five-year sentence was backdated to December 28, 2020. He will be eligible for parole in June 2023. mouton 发表于 2022-12-07 07:01
澳洲一名49岁人妻张静艾(Jingai Zhang,音译),前年与一名德国背包客进行性交易时,因为玩窒息式性爱而被勒毙,尸体后来被男友发现,而她的丈夫则在事后才知道,原来妻子外遇,而且还是一名性工作者。 据《澳洲新闻网》报导,27岁的德国背包客皮克(Tobias Pick)供称,自己因为与女友吵架,所以找了张静艾买春玩窒息式性爱,一开始他用手掐住张女颈部,后来张女把脱下的裙子拿给他当工具,他于是改用裙子勒颈结果误杀张女。 皮克的律师表示,“他没有意识到她正呼吸困难”,皮克对此感到非常后悔,并惊吓地带着张女的物品逃离现场。张静艾死后,皮克拿走了她2400澳元现金,并把她的手机扔到一处河中。后来张静艾的男友发现她的尸体,因而揭露这起案件。
张静艾的丈夫西蒙斯(David Simmons)出庭时则表示,妻子“善良、关心别人,总是为他人着想”,他不知道妻子原来是一名性工作者,也不晓得她竟然还有一名男朋友。
A German backpacker has been jailed for five years after choking a sex worker to death with her dress while they were having sex. Jingai Zhang, 49, died on Boxing Day 2020 during a sex session with 27-year-old Tobias Pick in Launceston, Tasmania. After she died, Pick – who is now 29 – stole $1,604 cash from Ms. Zhang as well as her phone, which he threw in a river. He was initially charged with murder but pleaded guilty to manslaughter. Pick had been traveling around Australia with his girlfriend for just over a year before Ms. Zhang’s death, Launceston Supreme Court heard. He paid her for sex one time before she died, the Mercury reported from the court, but that time he declined her request to erotically asphyxiate her. Jingai Zhang died during a sex session with a client. Facebook / Jingai Zhang Pick went to see Ms. Zhang again on Boxing Day after a fight with his girlfriend, and this time he did consensually choke her, the court heard. At first he used his hand to choke her, but then they changed position so Pick was behind Ms. Zhang, the court was told. She then passed him her dress to hold around her throat. “He didn’t realize she was struggling to breathe,” Pick’s defense lawyer Olivia Jenkins said, adding that her client “deeply regrets” fleeing the scene with his victim’s possessions. Prosecutor said Elizabeth Avery told the court that Ms Zhang had asked to be lightly strangled for “heightened sexual pleasure” but not as forcefully as Pick went on to do. Ms. Zhang’s boyfriend later found her body. Jingai Zhang’s husband didn’t know she had a boyfriend or was a sex worker. Facebook / Jingai Zhang Sentencing Pick on Tuesday, Justice Robert Pearce said the backpacker’s “conduct after her death added to the seriousness of the crime”. “Consent does not justify or excuse acts that cause death,” the judge told the court, according to the ABC. The court had earlier heard from a forensic doctor, who said significant force would have been applied to Ms Zhang’s neck for at least a minute, causing bruising and bleeding. Ms. Zhang’s husband David Simmons said in a victim impact statement read to the court that he did not know his wife was a sex worker or that she had another boyfriend. Mr. Simmons said she was “kind, caring, always worrying about others”. Pick cried in court as details of his offending were read out. Ms. Jenkins said Pick had shown “great remorse” and had no previous criminal record.
His five-year sentence was backdated to December 28, 2020. He will be eligible for parole in June 2023.
假结婚然后卖淫的? 这种有不少
5 年 在欧洲的话 已经是很重很重了
德国这里德国华为的员工因为2个人吵架, 把老婆杀了,
最后才判了 5年, 估计早就放出来了.
过失 和 无意吧.
这种案件 如果在德国, 估计判个 几个月, 1年, 2年不得了了.
所以 像 德国 荷兰这样 登记 注册
那当然,认为丢人还会去做吗? 还有一帮大叔大爷,鼓励支持理解身边的女人去做,他们拉皮条就可以过好了。
这么说 上华人的大妈 有做这个的了?
死无对证,误杀谋杀天知道. 估计是证据不足, 只能定误杀
就是有人说,法拉盛又有卖淫被抓了之类的。然后就有一波有大爱的人,理解他们多不容易,都是生活所迫。然后我说,生活所迫可以打餐馆,可以做清洁。他们就说,工作部分贵贱。有大叔说,出来卖的是Top1% 的人,几年能赚500万,然后完美上岸找到接盘侠,老公以为娶到白富美。然后又大叔说,华人大妈结婚也是卖。总之各种过目不忘瞠目结舌的言论,很开眼。我当时不懂啊,还试图和他们争论呢。结果是,一大群马甲,平时都见不到的ID和几个平时总见到的极品一起上来攻击了。你是斗不过他们的。现在我都拉黑绕道走。
不要说大妈 很多年轻女孩也是 来钱快啊,我以前有个男同事就告诉我, 不过他找的韩国女孩 年轻漂亮,说是这样的标准价格高点 😓
这有点 毁三观啊 人心不古
想起好多好多年前 在法拉盛 过马路的时候 突然听到人流里 传来一个女性兴奋的声音 “这真是自由的味道” 我顺着声音看过去 两个打扮那啥的三十加妇女 和一个戴眼睛的中年猥琐男 那个发出感叹的女士 发现我在看她 似乎自己觉得有些不妥 那个猥琐男在旁边陪笑 那情景简直了
那些力挺自愿卖淫挣 easy money的都是些什么人?嫖客?妓女还是圣母?
这三个之上再加拉皮条的,和家属干这行的。 华人三观很有问题。也正好说明了网友的构成。这里说不去做鸡是反社会反人性的。你看大家都不敢说,避而不谈,为啥,因为会被攻击。我被攻击过好几次。但问问自己的心好了。大部分家长愿意自己孩子去做这一行吗?你真的这么同情心泛滥吗?在美国,混口饭吃多容易,我有阵子忙不过来,找个做家务的25一小时在中西部,本地微信群找了好久才找到的。找到了得好好对人家,怕她下次不来。哪有活不下去的,就是那钱来得容易罢了。
在美国绝大多数州卖淫都是违法的,而且嫖娼和卖淫同罪。在美国如果为生活所迫而卖淫, 那去偷,抢和贩毒也可以说是为生活所迫吗?都是为了挣 easy and quick money而已。妓女大多数都是暗娼,我们这里的很多都是做按摩的。做一次全身按摩一个小时$60, 店家拿去一半,加上小费正规按摩女一般也就挣$50,这可是辛苦钱。我朋友的前男友长期去见一个按摩女/妓女,他每次付给她$300, 一次最多二三十分钟,这钱来的不要太快太容易。当然多数按摩店都是做正规按摩生意的。