
楼主 (北美华人网)
更加突出了加拿大法官们的愚蠢, 随便找个理由就好了, 非得瞎折腾。 愚昧。
ljmdtc 发表于 2022-12-02 18:03

湫湫 发表于 2022-12-02 18:07

嗯, 好多愚昧的官员政治情商太低。 随便找个理由, 比如当时逮捕的时候, 警察稍微磨蹭一点, 法官随便找个冠冕堂皇的理由就搞定了, 非得让这么多人跟着折腾。 最后自己打自己的脸, 就是愚蠢。
标题党 楼上回复的人不读原文的么? 这本来就是去年她被释放时协议的一部分,到今年12月1号执行撤销起诉。 As part of her deal -- a deferred prosecution agreement -- she acknowledged that she had made false statements about the company''s Iran business in a 2013 meeting with a bank executive.
. “Her admissions in the statement of facts confirm that, while acting as the Chief Financial Officer for Huawei, Meng made multiple material misrepresentations to a senior executive of a financial institution regarding Huawei’s business operations in Iran in an effort to preserve Huawei’s banking relationship with the financial institution. The truth about Huawei’s business in Iran, which Meng concealed, would have been important to the financial institution’s decision to continue its banking relationship with Huawei. Meng’s admissions confirm the crux of the government’s allegations in the prosecution of this financial fraud — that Meng and her fellow Huawei employees engaged in a concerted effort to deceive global financial institutions, the U.S. government and the public about Huawei’s activities in Iran.”
. “Her admissions in the statement of facts confirm that, while acting as the Chief Financial Officer for Huawei, Meng made multiple material misrepresentations to a senior executive of a financial institution regarding Huawei’s business operations in Iran in an effort to preserve Huawei’s banking relationship with the financial institution. The truth about Huawei’s business in Iran, which Meng concealed, would have been important to the financial institution’s decision to continue its banking relationship with Huawei. Meng’s admissions confirm the crux of the government’s allegations in the prosecution of this financial fraud — that Meng and her fellow Huawei employees engaged in a concerted effort to deceive global financial institutions, the U.S. government and the public about Huawei’s activities in Iran.”
ecko 发表于 2022-12-02 18:34

呵呵,那个东西是 啥,你自己心理没谱吗,就是一个PPT. 而且还是,汇丰银行高管约孟晚舟吃饭的时候给的。
呵呵,那个东西是 啥,你自己心理没谱吗,就是一个PPT. 而且还是,汇丰银行高管约孟晚舟吃饭的时候给的。
minqidev 发表于 2022-12-02 18:45

llyylei 发表于 2022-12-02 19:03

认了什么? 就是有虚假陈述而已。 就这些。 既不能证明她有罪,也不能证明华为有罪。 华为是依照国家安全进行制裁的。
回复 5楼gokgs的帖子
llyylei 发表于 2022-12-02 19:03


已经不重要了,经过这个案件,很多西方国家都决定不再用华为的设备,这就够了,这就是John bolton的最大目的

VMC 发表于 2022-12-02 19:08

llyylei 发表于 2022-12-02 19:10

我们讨论的是,这个就是政治。 按照法律来说,是判不了的。 和对付华裔教授的方法一样,给你来给虚假陈述就行了。
希望下次 她到欧洲 抓起来吧
llyylei 发表于 2022-12-02 19:10

不同人讨论的不一样。有人讨论的是美国可笑。我讨论的是某些人的可笑。您可能想讨论她是不是白莲花完全清白 - 随您,但别想当然觉得别人也只是在讨论这个,好么?
StacyCruz 发表于 2022-12-02 19:29

哈哈。 等过了冬天再说吧。 欧洲人更是蠢的可怕吧?
加拿大孟晚舟事件没损失多少吧? 顶多两个人质外加估计 顶多几十个 billion 的 贸易。
俄乌战争, 加拿大更是受惠方。
欧洲人过了冬天后, 估计智商会高一点吧?
ecko 发表于 2022-12-02 18:35

回复 5楼gokgs的帖子
StacyCruz 发表于 2022-12-02 19:06

不同人讨论的不一样。有人讨论的是美国可笑。我讨论的是某些人的可笑。您可能想讨论她是不是白莲花完全清白 - 随您,但别想当然觉得别人也只是在讨论这个,好么?
VMC 发表于 2022-12-02 21:02

ca563 发表于 2022-12-02 21:17

gokgs 发表于 2022-12-02 21:10

llyylei 发表于 2022-12-03 00:01

唉, 想拉黑你, 还要站一个名额, 真不值得。 LOL
唉, 想拉黑你, 还要站一个名额, 真不值得。 LOL
gokgs 发表于 2022-12-03 00:10

这个贴到现在才3000阅读,大跌眼镜,当初那群叫嚣大妈看了标题装死,根本不进来。 孟晚舟被班农指使抓捕,可是几百层大楼。众多10万点击大楼。
这个贴到现在才3000阅读,大跌眼镜,当初那群叫嚣大妈看了标题装死,根本不进来。 孟晚舟被班农指使抓捕,可是几百层大楼。众多10万点击大楼。
jeso1 发表于 2022-12-03 00:24

我来帮你加把火 顶上去 来围观一下不会英文智商秀下限的人
主要是恶化了中加关系。加拿大人现在什么想法 ljmdtc 发表于 2022-12-02 18:03:24

加拿大CBC报道只有1183评论,大部分加拿大人选择装鸵鸟 这是加拿大反应 order by Most Liked
Art Rowe 17 HRS AGO So she lived in luxury while being detained and now all is forgiven and forgotten, except for the problems and expenses Canada endured during this fiasco. I''''m sure the "Mikes" feel vindicated.
Lily Young 6 HRS AGO Reply to Art Rowe well, she didn''''t ask for it
Bob DeJohn 3 HRS AGO Reply to Art Rowe Guess who started all this only to drop the charges before the court verdict was to be released? The good ol USA.
John Birch 15 HRS AGO So, all that hostage nonsense for the Michaels was for nothing! I hope the Michaels sue the wazoo off the USA, as well as China, for that nonsense that led them to become reprisal hostages in China. Unbelievable. Canada should revisit the treaty with the USA which forced Canada to comply with the arrest of Wanzhou on behalf of the USA in the first place. There needs to be an escape clause from the treaty when it becomes evident the treaty arrest clause was enacted for political as opposed to actual criminal doings. Another Trumpian legacy. Shame.
Bob Smith 11 HRS AGO Reply to Ralph Ashton Under duress from one of her mansions in China and under the protection of the Politburo , please provide evidence?
Mike Dowden 11 HRS AGO Reply to Ralph Ashton LOL! Yes, those bastions of business Africa and Latin America. As for Asia... most of Asia would like to see China knocked down a few pegs. The likes of NK and Russia aside.
joe smith 14 HRS AGO The two Michaels suffered deeply over this game between the USA and China. They deserve compensation.
Ralph Ashton 11 HRS AGO Reply to Mike Dowden As if the CPC cares one iota about what Canada does ... Canada is irrelevant in global politics ... and especially with the Liberals laughable feminist foreign policy.
Craig McMaster 10 HRS AGO Reply to joe smith There is no way the United States is going to pay for their mistake. And there''''s no way they''''re going to get compensation from either Trump or Xi...
Erica Wong 16 HRS AGO So a country that on a daily basis lectures China, has forced Meng to admit to charges so that she could regain her freedoms and then has dropped the charges? This is justice? To this day it still amazes me how few Canadians actually understand what happened here. The sanctions against ZTE were from the same policy page, as are the "CHIPS and Science Act". You may choose to agree with these policies but call them out for what they really are. They are explicit actions being taken by the USA to ensure it maintains global economic primacy. The US is breaking every norm to do this while castigating China for not playing by the rules. They did this to Japan and they''''re at it again.
Jim Glitch 11 HRS AGO Reply to Paul Squires Yeah they did. A few years later, with a different name, they’re sponsoring HNIC. Then the US said we’re not allowed to be friends with them anymore. Autonomy? Not when you’re America’s “closest ally.”
Mike Smith 8 HRS AGO Reply to Erica Wong “The Economist reports” recently that “The American chip industry''''s $1.5 trillion meltdown” now.” Most American semi- conductor firms mainly count the Chinese market, which imported $400bn-worth of semiconductors in 2021, as their biggest market. China represented 60 %- 70 % of worldwide largest chip sales. US suddenly lunched Chip war with China few years ago. China has made chip development a major priority since US sanctions. Along with green tech, China is already an AI powerhouse by technologies and talent. China has recently developed its own 7nm chip which is now in production that the US was only thinking this is a Chinese pipe dream a year ago. This already has come back to bite the US hard. China has successfully developed its own chip making machine. China now is able to make all 7 nm, 10 nm, 14 nm, 28 nm, and 40 nm. The fact is 14 nm to 48 nm chips is 90 % of world total consumption. 7 nm or smaller, 5 nm, 3nm only used mainly for cell phone application. China now is making 2 hundred million chips per day for its own market consumption. The US is losing the world largest chip market and leading to a Massive Layoffs.
Marie Leblanc 13 HRS AGO What a horrendous waste of time and energy. The two Michaels paid a heavy price for nothing.
Dick Richards 13 HRS AGO Reply to Does that mean they deserved what happened to them? Do you know how many foreigners "Do Business" in China?
Craig McMaster 10 HRS AGO Reply to Marie Leblanc Trump wanted to play games. The two Michaels were the pawns...
Roger Cooper 15 HRS AGO Let''''s just chalk this one up to experience and avoid the trap next time. Canada needs to take a more pragmatic approach to international relations, and put our interests before those of malicious and incompetent foreign leaders.
Jim Glitch 11 HRS AGO Reply to Roger Cooper Easier said than done, even as we speak. NATO for example. We can do little to shift from the American agenda yet are forced maintain staunch support when these policies are misguided.
Jim Glitch 11 HRS AGO Reply to They know we’re a reliable ally. Do we know the same about them? Last of the trade disputes? Ready for the possibility of DeSantis?
Chris Carson 12 HRS AGO This is the stupidest thing we have done in years. Grabbing Meng as a hostage for America has set our relationship with China back for many years.
Sned Hooliham 6 HRS AGO Reply to Mike Dowden Spoken like someone who has truly no understanding of what is going on in China. You are simply brain washed by a narrative.
Bob DeJohn 3 HRS AGO Reply to Mike Dowden You''''re commenting on an article about how the US made us take a political hostage... the irony.
Eric Wang 10 HRS AGO So JT learned two diplomatic lessons within a month. One from Xi, another one from USA. Call John Mccallum back, he''''s right. China owe him a favor that Canada can use.
Patrick Anglin 9 HRS AGO Reply to Canada was ''''played'''' by US politics. We need less of that ''''influence'''' against us...
Jade Anderson 9 HRS AGO Reply to Eric Wang This is all on ''''Rump and his nasty trade war games. Canada was merely honouring the extradition treaty we have with them. What were we supposed to do? Bend to China? Anger the cheeto-dusted bloviator and put the country in peril?
Van den Haag 6 HRS AGO The United States ought to pay for all expenses incurred by Canada.
Willie Tenning 6 HRS AGO Reply to Van den Haag Justin Trudeau had to spend a ton of time money and resources and even just mental energy for many people on that stupid case they could have spent elsewhere more important, that was contrived by Trumpet based on it turns out - hooey. It was just to stir up .... for everyone while Trump enjoyed himself on the golf course. Pathetic waste.
Raymond Lee 4 HRS AGO Reply to Van den Haag They didn''''t pay? Well, no reply "how long" when they say detain Meng again.
Jeremy Amott 14 HRS AGO Send the outrageous bill to Donald J Trump. He did this on a whim and put Canada in a bad spot.
Bob Smith 12 HRS AGO Reply to Jeremy Amott Utterly false news the charges were laid in New York and had nothing to do with Trump.
Jim Glitch 11 HRS AGO Reply to Bob Smith Agreed. It was the CIA. Trump was a puppet for anything to do with foreign policy.
Mark Passario 15 HRS AGO Canada was just a patsy in all of this. We should have just ignored the American request to arrest her. So silly.
Paul Squires 12 HRS AGO Reply to It''''s not that simple. Here we are used to having a justice system that is seperate from politics, but in the USA that is not true. Sometimes they use it punitively, and when they do we cannot be complicit.
Brian Topping 12 HRS AGO Reply to It IS our job to question whether or not to send someone to another nation for trial. We followed the procedure of detention and hearing to determine the validity of the request.
Melanie Fisher 13 HRS AGO In other words, Trudeau got played. Again.
Derek Flannagan 13 HRS AGO Reply to Melanie Fisher So we should only honour our extradition treaties when a conviction can be guaranteed? That doesn''''t seem very just.
Brian Topping 12 HRS AGO Reply to No, you obviously have a hate-on for the PM and refuse to acknowledge our international obligations.
B Anderson 15 HRS AGO The 2 Micheal''''s would like to thank the American government, and the Orange Man in particular, for having given them the opportunity to spend 3 years as "guests" of the Chinese government.
Jim Glitch 15 HRS AGO Reply to B Anderson This was the CIA. Orange guy was a rubber stamp on this and that is all.
Dawn Zacon 8 HRS AGO What a complete waste of everyone''''s time.... most particularly and tragically, 1020 days of the 2 Michaels'''' lives. Another Trump**- fuelled disaster.
Bryan Atkinson 9 HRS AGO People should remember this was not typical American foreign policy. It was Trump style hostage diplomacy intended to exert pressure on China in a US trade war with China Trump started. Trump not only disrespected China, he also disrespected Canada. If they actually had a case against Meng, they would''''ve notified China diplomatically and her lawyers would''''ve appeared in US court. Instead Trump abused the extradition treaty between Canada and the US by having us arrest her. He didnt have the guts to do it himself.
Jim Glitch 8 HRS AGO Reply to Bryan Atkinson The extradition treaty was leveraged, yes but this was likely the CIA hanging it on Trump. The soft war with China was brewing well before 2016 and has continued since. If the agenda was to rid North America of Huawei—which at the time of Meng Wanzhou‘s arrest was gaining ground in Canada and the main sponsor of HNIC—it worked. If it was to isolate them it’s in the works. https://www.cbc.ca/news/politics/canada-foreign-registry-chinese-interference-1.6656875
Bryan Atkinson 8 HRS AGO Reply to Jim Glitch The case against against Huawei was violating US sanctions on Iran. Which btw, were only in effect because Trump ripped up the nuclear deal everyone agreed had been working. Ask yourself why, if they had a valid case, did they not proceed? Are you suggesting the US Dept. of Justice let Meng go to do Canada a favor? I don''''t think so.
Sidney Watts 14 HRS AGO Canada honoured a treaty and followed its own laws. Nothing to be ashamed of.
Jack Jones 13 HRS AGO Reply to That means she has more Integrity than a Chump
Al Millar 12 HRS AGO The US did not want competition in the 5 G network . This is how the US keeps out the competition , create some kind of false flag . They did it with Audi , and Toyota , 2 that I can think of off hand .
Lenny Schneider 11 HRS AGO Reply to Al Millar and tik tok is harmless. /s
Mike Dowden 10 HRS AGO Reply to Al Millar Oh? And which of the global manufacturers of 5G equipment are american? Ericsson, Nokia, Samsung, ZTE, Altiostar...
Louis Pelt 12 HRS AGO Trump played Justin. The arrest of a high profile Chinese citizen would surely come with enormous consequences and directly escalate conflict with China. Better have someone else do it instead.
brian regan 12 HRS AGO Reply to The choice was , obey the Law or ignore the Law !
Mike Dowden 10 HRS AGO Reply to brian regan Can''''t you just hear the screaming from CPC/UPC supporters if Trudeau had let Meng go free? Hard to take their nonsense seriously when you know for certain they would ALL be shouting even louder if the gov had done what they are suggesting.
Mike Smith 8 HRS AGO Trump suddenly lunched Chip war with China few years ago. “The Economist reports” recently that “The American chip industry''''s $1.5 trillion meltdown” now.” Most American semi- conductor firms mainly count the Chinese market, which imported $400bn-worth of semiconductors in 2021, as their biggest market. China represented 60 %- 70 % of worldwide largest chip sales. China has made chip development a major priority since US sanctions. Along with green tech, China is already an AI powerhouse by technologies and talent. China has recently developed its own 7nm chip which is now in production that the US was only thinking this is a Chinese pipe dream a year ago. This already has come back to bite the US hard. China has successfully developed its own chip making machine. China now is able to make all 7 nm, 10 nm, 14 nm, 28 nm, and 40 nm. The fact is 14 nm to 48 nm chips is 90 % of world total consumption. 7 nm or smaller, 5 nm, 3nm only used mainly for cell phone application. China now is making 2 hundred million chips per day for its own market consumption. The US is losing the world largest chip market and leading to a Massive Layoffs.
Brian Johnson 9 HRS AGO Canada should request/demand/negotiate ''''Damages'''' for the US /Trump inflicted financial losses from Trump''''s ''''fake'''' accusations that Canada suffered as a result of, imho.
John Collins 8 HRS AGO Reply to Brian Johnson Indeed. It was a chit show from the beginning !
Art Rowe 17 HRS AGO So she lived in luxury while being detained and now all is forgiven and forgotten, except for the problems and expenses Canada endured during this fiasco. I''''m sure the "Mikes" feel vindicated.
Lily Young 6 HRS AGO Reply to Art Rowe well, she didn''''t ask for it
Bob DeJohn 3 HRS AGO Reply to Art Rowe Guess who started all this only to drop the charges before the court verdict was to be released? The good ol USA.
John Birch 15 HRS AGO So, all that hostage nonsense for the Michaels was for nothing! I hope the Michaels sue the wazoo off the USA, as well as China, for that nonsense that led them to become reprisal hostages in China. Unbelievable. Canada should revisit the treaty with the USA which forced Canada to comply with the arrest of Wanzhou on behalf of the USA in the first place. There needs to be an escape clause from the treaty when it becomes evident the treaty arrest clause was enacted for political as opposed to actual criminal doings. Another Trumpian legacy. Shame.
Bob Smith 11 HRS AGO Reply to Ralph Ashton Under duress from one of her mansions in China and under the protection of the Politburo , please provide evidence?
Mike Dowden 11 HRS AGO Reply to Ralph Ashton LOL! Yes, those bastions of business Africa and Latin America. As for Asia... most of Asia would like to see China knocked down a few pegs. The likes of NK and Russia aside.
joe smith 14 HRS AGO The two Michaels suffered deeply over this game between the USA and China. They deserve compensation.
Ralph Ashton 11 HRS AGO Reply to Mike Dowden As if the CPC cares one iota about what Canada does ... Canada is irrelevant in global politics ... and especially with the Liberals laughable feminist foreign policy.
Craig McMaster 10 HRS AGO Reply to joe smith There is no way the United States is going to pay for their mistake. And there''''s no way they''''re going to get compensation from either Trump or Xi...
Erica Wong 16 HRS AGO So a country that on a daily basis lectures China, has forced Meng to admit to charges so that she could regain her freedoms and then has dropped the charges? This is justice? To this day it still amazes me how few Canadians actually understand what happened here. The sanctions against ZTE were from the same policy page, as are the "CHIPS and Science Act". You may choose to agree with these policies but call them out for what they really are. They are explicit actions being taken by the USA to ensure it maintains global economic primacy. The US is breaking every norm to do this while castigating China for not playing by the rules. They did this to Japan and they''''re at it again.
Jim Glitch 11 HRS AGO Reply to Paul Squires Yeah they did. A few years later, with a different name, they’re sponsoring HNIC. Then the US said we’re not allowed to be friends with them anymore. Autonomy? Not when you’re America’s “closest ally.”
Mike Smith 8 HRS AGO Reply to Erica Wong “The Economist reports” recently that “The American chip industry''''s $1.5 trillion meltdown” now.” Most American semi- conductor firms mainly count the Chinese market, which imported $400bn-worth of semiconductors in 2021, as their biggest market. China represented 60 %- 70 % of worldwide largest chip sales. US suddenly lunched Chip war with China few years ago. China has made chip development a major priority since US sanctions. Along with green tech, China is already an AI powerhouse by technologies and talent. China has recently developed its own 7nm chip which is now in production that the US was only thinking this is a Chinese pipe dream a year ago. This already has come back to bite the US hard. China has successfully developed its own chip making machine. China now is able to make all 7 nm, 10 nm, 14 nm, 28 nm, and 40 nm. The fact is 14 nm to 48 nm chips is 90 % of world total consumption. 7 nm or smaller, 5 nm, 3nm only used mainly for cell phone application. China now is making 2 hundred million chips per day for its own market consumption. The US is losing the world largest chip market and leading to a Massive Layoffs.
Marie Leblanc 13 HRS AGO What a horrendous waste of time and energy. The two Michaels paid a heavy price for nothing.
Dick Richards 13 HRS AGO Reply to Does that mean they deserved what happened to them? Do you know how many foreigners "Do Business" in China?
Craig McMaster 10 HRS AGO Reply to Marie Leblanc Trump wanted to play games. The two Michaels were the pawns...
Roger Cooper 15 HRS AGO Let''''s just chalk this one up to experience and avoid the trap next time. Canada needs to take a more pragmatic approach to international relations, and put our interests before those of malicious and incompetent foreign leaders.
Jim Glitch 11 HRS AGO Reply to Roger Cooper Easier said than done, even as we speak. NATO for example. We can do little to shift from the American agenda yet are forced maintain staunch support when these policies are misguided.
Jim Glitch 11 HRS AGO Reply to They know we’re a reliable ally. Do we know the same about them? Last of the trade disputes? Ready for the possibility of DeSantis?
Chris Carson 12 HRS AGO This is the stupidest thing we have done in years. Grabbing Meng as a hostage for America has set our relationship with China back for many years.
Sned Hooliham 6 HRS AGO Reply to Mike Dowden Spoken like someone who has truly no understanding of what is going on in China. You are simply brain washed by a narrative.
Bob DeJohn 3 HRS AGO Reply to Mike Dowden You''''re commenting on an article about how the US made us take a political hostage... the irony.
Eric Wang 10 HRS AGO So JT learned two diplomatic lessons within a month. One from Xi, another one from USA. Call John Mccallum back, he''''s right. China owe him a favor that Canada can use.
Patrick Anglin 9 HRS AGO Reply to Canada was ''''played'''' by US politics. We need less of that ''''influence'''' against us...
Jade Anderson 9 HRS AGO Reply to Eric Wang This is all on ''''Rump and his nasty trade war games. Canada was merely honouring the extradition treaty we have with them. What were we supposed to do? Bend to China? Anger the cheeto-dusted bloviator and put the country in peril?
Van den Haag 6 HRS AGO The United States ought to pay for all expenses incurred by Canada.
Willie Tenning 6 HRS AGO Reply to Van den Haag Justin Trudeau had to spend a ton of time money and resources and even just mental energy for many people on that stupid case they could have spent elsewhere more important, that was contrived by Trumpet based on it turns out - hooey. It was just to stir up .... for everyone while Trump enjoyed himself on the golf course. Pathetic waste.
Bob Smith 12 HRS AGO Reply to Jeremy Amott Utterly false news the charges were laid in New York and had nothing to do with Trump.
Jim Glitch 11 HRS AGO Reply to Bob Smith Agreed. It was the CIA. Trump was a puppet for anything to do with foreign policy.
Mark Passario 15 HRS AGO Canada was just a patsy in all of this. We should have just ignored the American request to arrest her. So silly.
Brian Topping 12 HRS AGO Reply to It IS our job to question whether or not to send someone to another nation for trial. We followed the procedure of detention and hearing to determine the validity of the request.
Melanie Fisher 13 HRS AGO In other words, Trudeau got played. Again.
Derek Flannagan 13 HRS AGO Reply to Melanie Fisher So we should only honour our extradition treaties when a conviction can be guaranteed? That doesn''''t seem very just.
Brian Topping 12 HRS AGO Reply to No, you obviously have a hate-on for the PM and refuse to acknowledge our international obligations.
B Anderson 15 HRS AGO The 2 Micheal''''s would like to thank the American government, and the Orange Man in particular, for having given them the opportunity to spend 3 years as "guests" of the Chinese government.
Bryan Atkinson 9 HRS AGO People should remember this was not typical American foreign policy. It was Trump style hostage diplomacy intended to exert pressure on China in a US trade war with China Trump started. Trump not only disrespected China, he also disrespected Canada. If they actually had a case against Meng, they would''''ve notified China diplomatically and her lawyers would''''ve appeared in US court. Instead Trump abused the extradition treaty between Canada and the US by having us arrest her. He didnt have the guts to do it himself.
Jim Glitch 8 HRS AGO Reply to Bryan Atkinson The extradition treaty was leveraged, yes but this was likely the CIA hanging it on Trump. The soft war with China was brewing well before 2016 and has continued since. If the agenda was to rid North America of Huawei—which at the time of Meng Wanzhou‘s arrest was gaining ground in Canada and the main sponsor of HNIC—it worked. If it was to isolate them it’s in the works. https://www.cbc.ca/news/politics/canada-foreign-registry-chinese-interference-1.6656875
Bryan Atkinson 8 HRS AGO Reply to Jim Glitch The case against against Huawei was violating US sanctions on Iran. Which btw, were only in effect because Trump ripped up the nuclear deal everyone agreed had been working. Ask yourself why, if they had a valid case, did they not proceed? Are you suggesting the US Dept. of Justice let Meng go to do Canada a favor? I don''''t think so.
Sidney Watts 14 HRS AGO Canada honoured a treaty and followed its own laws. Nothing to be ashamed of.
Donald Tupin 13 HRS AGO Reply to Sidney Watts Trump unequivocally stated he was using Meng in his negotiations with China. How lawful is that under Canadian laws?
Jack Jones 13 HRS AGO Reply to That means she has more Integrity than a Chump
Al Millar 12 HRS AGO The US did not want competition in the 5 G network . This is how the US keeps out the competition , create some kind of false flag . They did it with Audi , and Toyota , 2 that I can think of off hand .
Lenny Schneider 11 HRS AGO Reply to Al Millar and tik tok is harmless. /s
Mike Dowden 10 HRS AGO Reply to Al Millar Oh? And which of the global manufacturers of 5G equipment are american? Ericsson, Nokia, Samsung, ZTE, Altiostar...
Louis Pelt 12 HRS AGO Trump played Justin. The arrest of a high profile Chinese citizen would surely come with enormous consequences and directly escalate conflict with China. Better have someone else do it instead.
Mike Dowden 10 HRS AGO Reply to brian regan Can''''t you just hear the screaming from CPC/UPC supporters if Trudeau had let Meng go free? Hard to take their nonsense seriously when you know for certain they would ALL be shouting even louder if the gov had done what they are suggesting.
Mike Smith 8 HRS AGO Trump suddenly lunched Chip war with China few years ago. “The Economist reports” recently that “The American chip industry''''s $1.5 trillion meltdown” now.” Most American semi- conductor firms mainly count the Chinese market, which imported $400bn-worth of semiconductors in 2021, as their biggest market. China represented 60 %- 70 % of worldwide largest chip sales. China has made chip development a major priority since US sanctions. Along with green tech, China is already an AI powerhouse by technologies and talent. China has recently developed its own 7nm chip which is now in production that the US was only thinking this is a Chinese pipe dream a year ago. This already has come back to bite the US hard. China has successfully developed its own chip making machine. China now is able to make all 7 nm, 10 nm, 14 nm, 28 nm, and 40 nm. The fact is 14 nm to 48 nm chips is 90 % of world total consumption. 7 nm or smaller, 5 nm, 3nm only used mainly for cell phone application. China now is making 2 hundred million chips per day for its own market consumption. The US is losing the world largest chip market and leading to a Massive Layoffs.
Brian Johnson 9 HRS AGO Canada should request/demand/negotiate ''''Damages'''' for the US /Trump inflicted financial losses from Trump''''s ''''fake'''' accusations that Canada suffered as a result of, imho.
John Collins 8 HRS AGO Reply to Brian Johnson Indeed. It was a chit show from the beginning !

以前制裁华为 还以为只是华为犯错了 现在全芯片都制裁 没啥好说的了 中美关系好不了了
南开阿飞 发表于 2022-12-02 18:03

llyylei 发表于 2022-12-02 23:55

已经不重要了,经过这个案件,很多西方国家都决定不再用华为的设备,这就够了,这就是John bolton的最大目的
Maple 发表于 2022-12-02 19:09

回复 10楼llyylei的帖子
双标有意思吗?欧洲现在还在买俄罗斯的石油呢,所谓的制裁就是cap Russian oil price at $60
南开阿飞 发表于 2022-12-02 18:03
