其中温和的戒除方式,我以前在回复气泡吃奶瓶的时候,回复过很长的一段,可惜找不到在那个高楼里了。方法大致如下: 1。offer a substitute for comfort, such as holding a special doll or blanket 2。use some tricks, ex.With a pair of scissors cut a little snip in the nipple of each binky. Then when baby can’t establish the sucking - just tell him it broke. Offer another broken one if he asks for another. Tell him he got too old for them so they all broke. 3。用我上次回复的渐进法。 [此贴子已经被作者于2007-2-17 23:03:45编辑过]
渐进法: 宝宝神经还没有发育完全之前,是没有自己入睡的能力的。pacifier是一个有效的帮助。久而久之,宝宝在pacifier和入睡之间建立了一个bonding, 他们意识内,只有使用pacifier才能入睡。很多宝宝睡前哭闹着要求pacifier的原因,就是如此。 戒除pacifier,就是要逐步的、有效的打破这种bonding. (在这里,推荐一本温和的训练宝宝睡眠的书, The No-Cry Sleep Solution: Gentle Ways to Help Your Baby Sleep Through the Night ) 渐进法的大概思想是,逐步的把宝宝的思路往你的目标上引导,譬如: 1.you begin to remove the pacifier from baby's mouth as soon as he falls asleep. 2.if the baby wakes up when you remove the pacifier, give the pacifier back. 3.remove the pacifier again as soon as he falls asleep. if baby wakes up again, give the pacifier back again. 用这种方法循序渐进,慢慢的,当宝宝半睡不睡的时候,拿走他的pacifier。再慢慢的,在他还清醒的时候,拿走他的pacifier.最后,彻底戒除pacifier。 任何训练宝宝都是一个不断反复的过程的,这个过程会比较慢。不过一、两周之后,你要是累得不行,直接拿走宝宝pacifier,他会哭个2、3天,因为有了前面的基础,他知道自己有能力入睡,他是纯粹为失去一个安慰物而伤心,伤心过后,宝宝就能很快自己睡了。 我花了几天时间,基本成功。然后,当我过去,小人就狠狠的咬住奶嘴,不让我拿走。我们反复了一段时间,我实在累得不行。她老爹出马,晚上她哭,就是不给,摸摸她的头,让她自己试着入睡。 第2天晚上,她伸出手,打她老爹的手。第3天,她老爹一过去,她一看是爸爸,觉得没戏,转身就自己睡了。 从此,戒了。 (完) [此贴子已经被作者于2007-2-19 2:14:53编辑过]
I have the same question. My baby prefers his left thumb. We gave him pacifiers but when he was about 6 monthes old, he just took out the pacifier and put his thumb in. So I gave it up. Now he's 14 monthes, and I think I should let him quit sucking. Any good ideas? Thanks and happy new year!
以下是引用moonwhisper在2007-2-18 17:48:00的发言: I have the same question. My baby prefers his left thumb. We gave him pacifiers but when he was about 6 monthes old, he just took out the pacifier and put his thumb in. So I gave it up. Now he's 14 monthes, and I think I should let him quit sucking. Any good ideas? Thanks and happy new year! 我特意去查看了一下,找到的内容不多。 吃手不会造成口腔发育畸形(直白说,就是牙齿长得不好看)。专家的建议是,很多宝宝到这个年龄段都还摆脱不了吃手的习惯,很正常。只有分散他的注意力了,别着急,慢慢会好。
We also used pacificer for the first time today -- it worked great; however, i found it was very hard for him to latch on when we got home.... are these two events inter-related? he never had problem with latch on -- even the first time i ever nursed him in the hospital within minutes after he was born, he was very nature and got it on the first try. I really hope it wasn't the pacifier made it so difficult today, because i really need it when we go out....
以下是引用ANA在2007-2-22 21:47:00的发言: We also used pacificer for the first time today -- it worked great; however, i found it was very hard for him to latch on when we got home.... are these two events inter-related? he never had problem with latch on -- even the first time i ever nursed him in the hospital within minutes after he was born, he was very nature and got it on the first try. I really hope it wasn't the pacifier made it so difficult today, because i really need it when we go out.... yes, 和训练奶瓶一样,4周左右,开始每天使用一会。慢慢的,使用时间可以加长。等宝宝两种都很熟练了,就可以自由切换了。
[此贴子已经被作者于2007-2-17 22:37:22编辑过]
[此贴子已经被作者于2007-2-17 23:32:24编辑过]
[此贴子已经被作者于2007-2-17 22:58:50编辑过]
[此贴子已经被作者于2007-2-17 23:03:45编辑过]
[此贴子已经被作者于2007-2-19 2:14:53编辑过]
你太有才了 (据说是最新流行语)
艾班太及时雨了,三猫差不多9个月了我是不是要有意识的减少了呢? 干冰介绍的方法也记下了
那吃手也是用同样的方法戒么? 手长在身上,更难戒。 除非吃的太频繁,一般医生不建议戒。你可以问问医生的建议。
I have the same question. My baby prefers his left thumb. We gave him pacifiers but when he was about 6 monthes old, he just took out the pacifier and put his thumb in. So I gave it up. Now he's 14 monthes, and I think I should let him quit sucking. Any good ideas? Thanks and happy new year! 我特意去查看了一下,找到的内容不多。 吃手不会造成口腔发育畸形(直白说,就是牙齿长得不好看)。专家的建议是,很多宝宝到这个年龄段都还摆脱不了吃手的习惯,很正常。只有分散他的注意力了,别着急,慢慢会好。
用我介绍的渐进法试试。 不管什么方法,小人都会反扑的,斗争是复杂的。
[此贴子已经被作者于2007-2-19 1:55:28编辑过]
我也在用呢 不过想给她戒中, 还没有耐心坚持下来, 所以现在她还在吃 吃pacifier和吃手,还是有可能造成咬合不当的(时间过长的话) 因为都是在给牙床/牙齿施加压力 所以我觉得小孩子到适当时候还是要戒了吃手的习惯的 典型一点的, 吃大拇指, 上前牙会比较突出来. 看到有个书说吃pacifier 下前牙会比较突出来 (正常的咬合关系, 是上牙比下牙稍微出来一点, 上前牙咬在下前牙的外面) 以前有戒小孩吃手的方法, 是给孩子手上涂苦的东西
你说的比我说的准确。 以前有戒小孩吃手的方法, 是给孩子手上涂苦的东西,这个我知道,对孩子的心理不太好。 不过,中国的一些传统做法,孩子长大了,好像也没啥心理上的问题。
[此贴子已经被作者于2007-2-19 9:29:01编辑过]
我也在用呢 不过想给她戒中, 还没有耐心坚持下来, 所以现在她还在吃 吃pacifier和吃手,还是有可能造成咬合不当的(时间过长的话) 因为都是在给牙床/牙齿施加压力 所以我觉得小孩子到适当时候还是要戒了吃手的习惯的 典型一点的, 吃大拇指, 上前牙会比较突出来. 看到有个书说吃pacifier 下前牙会比较突出来 (正常的咬合关系, 是上牙比下牙稍微出来一点, 上前牙咬在下前牙的外面) 以前有戒小孩吃手的方法, 是给孩子手上涂苦的东西
我花了几天时间,基本成功。然后,当我过去,小人就狠狠的咬住奶嘴,不让我拿走。我们反复了一段时间,我实在累得不行。她老爹出马,晚上她哭,就是不给,摸摸她的头,让她自己试着入睡。 第2天晚上,她伸出手,打她老爹的手。第3天,她老爹一过去,她一看是爸爸,觉得没戏,转身就自己睡了。 从此,戒了。
好像和sleep training 有异曲同工之理,关键是坚持看来
两个月左右用pacifier会不会影响口腔发育呢? no
We also used pacificer for the first time today -- it worked great; however, i found it was very hard for him to latch on when we got home.... are these two events inter-related? he never had problem with latch on -- even the first time i ever nursed him in the hospital within minutes after he was born, he was very nature and got it on the first try. I really hope it wasn't the pacifier made it so difficult today, because i really need it when we go out....
same as my baby.