My Email to Russian Consulate in NY on Russian Citizenship

楼主 (北美华人网)
My Email to Russian Consulate in NY about Russian Citizenship Application and Granting by Limin Wang Sept. 29, 2022
[emailed from my gmail to [email protected], Генеральное консульство России в Нью-Йорке <[email protected]>]
Dear Russian Consulate in NY,
I read the news that President Putin granted Eric Snowden Russian citizenship. Would it be an outlandish suggestion to President Putin and the Russian Federation to announce on his Sept. 30 Speech the NEW-WORLD-ORDER Russian citizenship application for and granting to foreigners abroad at Russian embassies or consulates? My family and I desperately need GOVERNMENTAL RESCUE.
Sincerely yours,
Limin Wang Cell phone: (646) 623-0501
这邮件写的胡言乱语什么东东了 哗众取宠
回复 2楼Tigerdoc的帖子
you pretend you can not understand written english now. 翻译一下:你这装读不懂书面英语了。