5w loss long term or short term? … 定投很容易出现shot term loss but long term gain… vsfan 发表于 2022-08-12 16:16
"定投很容易出现shot term loss but long term gain" -- right. But why do you care? I think long term and short term will be finally summed together to be your net loss and it will be used to offset the income. Sorry can't type Chinese on this PC...
"定投很容易出现shot term loss but long term gain" -- right. But why do you care? I think long term and short term will be finally summed together to be your net loss and it will be used to offset the income. Sorry can''t type Chinese on this PC... stanleyli 发表于 2022-08-12 16:44
攒short term loss用来抵消卖房子的税?非常有意思,我可能需要用到 多谢信息!! by the way 有的州不能carryover capital loss 还有一个疑问,跌了10000,卖了, loss 10000, 重买新的,然后涨了 12000, 卖掉,新的holding period不就reset了么?这涨的 2000 本来是long term gain,现在可能变成了short term gain,多出很多tax
"定投很容易出现shot term loss but long term gain" -- right. But why do you care? I think long term and short term will be finally summed together to be your net loss and it will be used to offset the income. Sorry can't type Chinese on this PC... stanleyli 发表于 2022-08-12 16:44
攒short term loss用来抵消卖房子的税?非常有意思,我可能需要用到 多谢信息!! by the way 有的州不能carryover capital loss 还有一个疑问,跌了10000,卖了, loss 10000, 重买新的,然后涨了 12000, 卖掉,新的holding period不就reset了么?这涨的 2000 本来是long term gain,现在可能变成了short term gain,多出很多tax
攒short term loss用来抵消卖房子的税?非常有意思,我可能需要用到 多谢信息!! by the way 有的州不能carryover capital loss 还有一个疑问,跌了10000,卖了, loss 10000, 重买新的,然后涨了 12000, 卖掉,新的holding period不就reset了么?这涨的 2000 本来是long term gain,现在可能变成了short term gain,多出很多tax
pstwo 发表于 2022-08-12 17:35
So you shouldn't sell the new ones when you have $12k gain :) Or at least hold it for 1+ year before selling. Or, you can sell it when your income is really low (e.g. after retirement) or (even better) just keep holding it and your kids can inherit it in future. In case of inheritance, this is called "step-up cost basis", which means the cost will be reset to the price on the day that your kids inherit it -- you don't need to pay any tax on the gain between you purchase the stock and the day your kids inherit it in future. This design is one reason why wealthy people in US pay so less tax...
So you shouldn't sell the new ones when you have $12k gain :) Or at least hold it for 1+ year before selling. Or, you can sell it when your income is really low (e.g. after retirement) or (even better) just keep holding it and your kids can inherit it in future. In case of inheritance, this is called "step-up cost basis", which means the cost will be reset to the price on the day that your kids inherit it -- you don't need to pay any tax on the gain between you purchase the stock and the day your kids inherit it in future. This design is one reason why wealthy people in US pay so less tax... stanleyli 发表于 2022-08-12 17:56
So you shouldn't sell the new ones when you have $12k gain :) Or at least hold it for 1+ year before selling. Or, you can sell it when your income is really low (e.g. after retirement) or (even better) just keep holding it and your kids can inherit it in future. In case of inheritance, this is called "step-up cost basis", which means the cost will be reset to the price on the day that your kids inherit it -- you don't need to pay any tax on the gain between you purchase the stock and the day your kids inherit it in future. This design is one reason why wealthy people in US pay so less tax... stanleyli 发表于 2022-08-12 17:56
So you shouldn't sell the new ones when you have $12k gain :) Or at least hold it for 1+ year before selling. Or, you can sell it when your income is really low (e.g. after retirement) or (even better) just keep holding it and your kids can inherit it in future. In case of inheritance, this is called "step-up cost basis", which means the cost will be reset to the price on the day that your kids inherit it -- you don't need to pay any tax on the gain between you purchase the stock and the day your kids inherit it in future. This design is one reason why wealthy people in US pay so less tax... stanleyli 发表于 2022-08-12 17:56
有人相信通货膨胀已经peak,加息逐步放缓,股市早已priced in。
有人坚信通货膨胀不可能减,九月FED会猛加息加QT, 股市一定暴跌。
而且股票一旦低了,我会做loss harvesting,就是按照cost顺序从高到底把亏的卖出去(大部分券商都支持这个功能),换成另一个股票,比如买贵了的VTI换VOO,这样也不算wash sale。这样做就可以积攒很多的capital loss,比如今年低点的时候做了一次,攒了5万的loss,每年可以抵3000的税,可以用好多年了。如果卖房之类的event,也可以用来抵gain的税。
现在很难做了,所以追求一种 measured progress
measured progress,就是设定20%的年回报(达不到没关系,但没有目标就是brownian motion)
20%的年回报,比如6万的小账户, 就是每月1000,每周250就可自保
5w loss long term or short term? … 定投很容易出现shot term loss but long term gain…
"定投很容易出现shot term loss but long term gain" -- right. But why do you care? I think long term and short term will be finally summed together to be your net loss and it will be used to offset the income. Sorry can't type Chinese on this PC...
thanks -- BTW I am a wsn.
攒short term loss用来抵消卖房子的税?非常有意思,我可能需要用到
by the way 有的州不能carryover capital loss
还有一个疑问,跌了10000,卖了, loss 10000, 重买新的,然后涨了 12000, 卖掉,新的holding period不就reset了么?这涨的 2000 本来是long term gain,现在可能变成了short term gain,多出很多tax
That sucks… if it is net loss…
You need to set cost basis right
So you shouldn't sell the new ones when you have $12k gain :) Or at least hold it for 1+ year before selling.
Or, you can sell it when your income is really low (e.g. after retirement) or (even better) just keep holding it and your kids can inherit it in future. In case of inheritance, this is called "step-up cost basis", which means the cost will be reset to the price on the day that your kids inherit it -- you don't need to pay any tax on the gain between you purchase the stock and the day your kids inherit it in future. This design is one reason why wealthy people in US pay so less tax...
knowledgeable !! Thanks a lot !!
K1 上要是 capital gain 是可以的。
Wash sale is for loss only
跌的最多的时候,down 30万。现在还是down 15万。
问题是你现在有$12k的gain不卖,打算hold一年再卖 结果到一年的时候,$12k的gain没有了,反而有$10k的loss就尴尬了
原来还能这样,投资理财的门道真多啊!学习了 希望层主以后继续分享啊
Mark. Weighted cost Average
Tax benefit.
你的账户比较复杂 除非你一直是低买高卖 没有一笔是亏钱的 不然可能有wash sale 有些loss不能抵税
比如, VTI 每个月定投现在在水下n笔,水上m笔,现在换VOO做 loss harvesting,怎么决定卖哪几笔?你是说券商可以让你指定卖是吗?
卖掉的那几笔必须要在几个月前买的才行?否则下个月又定投了,不就是wash sale了吗
Fidelity 卖的时候随意指定卖的lots,甚至在卖了以后几天内都可以改
我怎么没看懂,你卖出VTI买入VOO,是积累了 realized loss,但是同时你的VOO cost basis不是也降低了,最后卖的时候还是要多交税?