Shar Wynter was living in Atlanta earning about $180,000 as a management consultant for Deloitte. The job came with a lot of perks but entailed working long grueling hours. When her father passed away, she realized she needed a change and saved up $100,000 so she could take two years off. Wynter traveled to 40 countries before finally settling down in Lisbon, Portugal, where she’s currently living her “most freeing life” on about $2,500/month.
Here's Why Burned-Out Millennials Are Flocking To Portugal
Alexandra Ryan-Yavaşca wanted to settle down in her childhood hometown of San Diego, California, to raise a family with her husband Utku. But due to soaring housing costs, the 34-year-old can’t afford to live there like her parents — a teacher and public relations professional — could on middle-class salaries. Her childhood home, purchased in 1996 for more than $300,000, is now worth more than $1.2 million. In the summer of 2021, the Yavaşcas moved to Lisbon, Portugal, citing the affordable cost-of-living and laid-back culture as key reasons. “It’s liberating to leave America,” Alexandra says. “Where can you live in the center of the city in America and look at the ocean and eat fresh seafood and work in your freelance entrepreneur lifestyle?”
Why I Left My $180,000 Job To Move To Lisbon
Shar Wynter was living in Atlanta earning about $180,000 as a management consultant for Deloitte. The job came with a lot of perks but entailed working long grueling hours. When her father passed away, she realized she needed a change and saved up $100,000 so she could take two years off. Wynter traveled to 40 countries before finally settling down in Lisbon, Portugal, where she’s currently living her “most freeing life” on about $2,500/month.
Here's Why Burned-Out Millennials Are Flocking To Portugal
Alexandra Ryan-Yavaşca wanted to settle down in her childhood hometown of San Diego, California, to raise a family with her husband Utku. But due to soaring housing costs, the 34-year-old can’t afford to live there like her parents — a teacher and public relations professional — could on middle-class salaries. Her childhood home, purchased in 1996 for more than $300,000, is now worth more than $1.2 million.
In the summer of 2021, the Yavaşcas moved to Lisbon, Portugal, citing the affordable cost-of-living and laid-back culture as key reasons.
“It’s liberating to leave America,” Alexandra says. “Where can you live in the center of the city in America and look at the ocean and eat fresh seafood and work in your freelance entrepreneur lifestyle?”
但是对于美国白人来说, 欧洲生活比较轻松.
葡萄牙是这个世界上 气候最好, 生活最休闲的国家.
虽然工资很低, 但是人们的生活质量 甩 中国和美国 几亿倍以上.
中国和美国是效率社会, 一切都是工作工作, 个个都是工作狂. 贫富差距惊人, 工资高, 但是人死的很早很早.
南欧是享受型社会, 大家生活很慢很慢, 但是工资很低很低. 人们的寿命高的惊人.
现在钱是花花的流走了,想节流都不可能…。 幸亏有工作,还可以填坑。
比起我来是小巫见大巫,我们midyear review, 老板给了一个星期了,我都没打开过,就是不想点。 昨天想打开来忽然想起现在打开系统会给老板送notification的, 哎,只好继续不看了,反正我也不想看。。。
其他的事更是托的一塌糊涂 。 而且要被我们的做左一个右一个和security各种各样的regulation搞抑郁了。
做点什么能让自己开心的提起精神的事,想想自己的vacation plan😄
周一最难,周三已在midway, happy Friday就在眼前😘