共和党全投 NO, 民主党全投 YES, VP 那一票定了胜负 Senate passes Inflation Reduction Act 51-50; House expected to vote Friday Revenue Raised: 1) 15% Corporate Minimum Tax & companies will be allowed to deduct depreciated assets. 2) Medicare negotiation of prescription drugs . 3) IRS Tax Enforcement. 4) 1% Excise tax on stock buybacks starting January 2023. Spending: Energy Security and Climate Change: $369 billion. Affordable Care Act Extension: $64 billion. Total Deficit Reduction: Approximately $300 billion. The bill will allow Medicare to negotiate for prescription drug prices and extend the expanded Affordable Care Act program for three years, through 2025. The bill will invest in solar, wind, hydrogen, nuclear, oil, and gas. The bill includes extension of $7500 tax credit for EV purchases. The tax credit will be limited to cars priced at $55,000 or lower and trucks and SUVs priced at $80,000 or lower. The bill will require that tens of millions of acres of land be allocated for oil and gas production in order to offer wind and solar leases on Federal land and other locations. Private equity was exempted from 15% corporate minimum tax. The Senate Parliamentarian said that provision that capped prices of prescription drugs in private market violated Senate rules and it was removed. The provision for Medicare negotiation was allowed to stay in. Congressional Budget Office said Inflation Reduction Act would "would have a negligible effect on inflation" in 2022; inflation would probably be between 0.1 percentage point lower and 0.1 percentage point higher in FY23. 所影响的股票: Energy Stocks: XOM, CVX, BP, SHEL, OXY, COP, XLE, USO, DVN. EV Stocks: TSLA, GM, F, HMC, TM, VWAGY, STLA, RIDE, LCID, FSR, CHPT, BLNK, EVGO. RIVN. Solar Stocks: TAN, FSLR, SPWR, CSIQ. Healthcare Stocks: UNH, HUM, CNC, MOH, CI, ANTM, THC, UHS, CYH, HCA, MRK, PFE, LLY, TEVA, GILD. Nuclear Power Stocks: CCJ, UUUU, UEC, DNN. Private Equity: CG
US produces about 22% of the global GDP and accounts for 4% of the world's population, it accounts for 44% of global biomedical R&D expenditures and its domestic pharmaceutical market about 40% of the global market.
只有GOP 能否决这个条款?现在参众两院民主党可是大多数,还有7个gop支持…57-43 Amid the proposed changes to the plan was to set the $35 per month cap on insulin, the pricy medication needed to treat diabetes. Seven Republican senators voted with all 50 Democrats to keep the price ceiling in the legislation: Bill Cassidy of Louisiana, Susan Collins of Maine, Josh Hawley of Missouri, Cindy Hyde Smith of Mississippi, John Kennedy of Louisiana, Lisa Murkowski of Alaska and Dan Sullivan of Alaska. Still, with a vote of 57 to 43, the provision failed to garner the 60 votes needed to waive special budgetary rules and include it in the bill.
好啊,我来做一回雷锋: https://www.singlecare.com/blog/insulin-prices/ A 2018 study estimated that one vial of human insulin costs $2.28-$3.42 to produce, and one vial of analog insulin costs $3.69-$6.16 to produce. The study revealed that a year’s supply of human insulin could cost $48-$71 per patient, and analog insulin could cost $78-$133 per patient per year. The study measured the manufacturing cost only. It did not include administrative fees, sales, and research and development for improving medications. However, insulin manufacturers have not provided an adequate explanation for this large discrepancy between production costs and retail costs. In a presentation for the ADA, Irl B. Hirsch, MD, explains that from 2013 to 2016, a vial of glargine insulin had a price increase of 593%, and a box of five insulin lispro pens rose 522%. During that time, inflation rose by only 8.3%. In 2014, drugmakers increased the price of insulin twice, each time for approximately 16%. That means insulin prices rose by over 30% in one year.
参议员也有,就是新泽西那个Menedez, 他昨天已经投了赞成票。 Sen. Bob Menendez, a key proponent of revamping a limit on the state and local tax deduction, is signaling he will support the measure even if it does not raise the $10,000 cap.
Tax reform The legislation creates a 15% minimum tax for corporations making $1 billion or more in income, bringing in more than $300 billion in revenue. 上面这条是不是针对那些大公司的?油公司?互联网公司?
Tax reform The legislation creates a 15% minimum tax for corporations making $1 billion or more in income, bringing in more than $300 billion in revenue. 上面这条是不是针对那些大公司的?油公司?互联网公司? isomer 发表于 2022-08-08 13:40
Tax reform The legislation creates a 15% minimum tax for corporations making $1 billion or more in income, bringing in more than $300 billion in revenue. 上面这条是不是针对那些大公司的?油公司?互联网公司? isomer 发表于 2022-08-08 13:40
Exxon, Chevron post blowout earnings, oil majors bet on buybacks https://www.reuters.com/business/energy/us-oil-giants-exxon-chevron-post-blowout-earnings-ramp-up-buybacks-2022-07-29/
Senate passes Inflation Reduction Act 51-50; House expected to vote Friday
Revenue Raised: 1) 15% Corporate Minimum Tax & companies will be allowed to deduct depreciated assets. 2) Medicare negotiation of prescription drugs . 3) IRS Tax Enforcement. 4) 1% Excise tax on stock buybacks starting January 2023.
Spending: Energy Security and Climate Change: $369 billion. Affordable Care Act Extension: $64 billion.
Total Deficit Reduction: Approximately $300 billion.
The bill will allow Medicare to negotiate for prescription drug prices and extend the expanded Affordable Care Act program for three years, through 2025.
The bill will invest in solar, wind, hydrogen, nuclear, oil, and gas.
The bill includes extension of $7500 tax credit for EV purchases. The tax credit will be limited to cars priced at $55,000 or lower and trucks and SUVs priced at $80,000 or lower.
The bill will require that tens of millions of acres of land be allocated for oil and gas production in order to offer wind and solar leases on Federal land and other locations. Private equity was exempted from 15% corporate minimum tax.
The Senate Parliamentarian said that provision that capped prices of prescription drugs in private market violated Senate rules and it was removed. The provision for Medicare negotiation was allowed to stay in.
Congressional Budget Office said Inflation Reduction Act would "would have a negligible effect on inflation" in 2022; inflation would probably be between 0.1 percentage point lower and 0.1 percentage point higher in FY23.
Energy Stocks: XOM, CVX, BP, SHEL, OXY, COP, XLE, USO, DVN.
Solar Stocks: TAN, FSLR, SPWR, CSIQ.
Nuclear Power Stocks: CCJ, UUUU, UEC, DNN.
Private Equity: CG
🔥 最新回帖
it accounts for 44% of global biomedical R&D expenditures and
its domestic pharmaceutical market about 40% of the global market.
欧盟是很厉害,但把基础研究整合开发新药物,资本的动力比社会主义大 近些年有突破性的新药我印象中大都是美国搞的
欧盟很厉害啊, 人口 3-4 亿,
比其他世界几十亿人口的地区 科技贡献都多N倍啊
这种数豆子的图也不能完全说明问题 如果画一张新冠疫苗的图,美国研发的疫苗也只有一小部分
🛋️ 沙发板凳
没错!跟affordability毫无关系, not even remotely connected.
少在那边颠倒黑白。 和党把这条撤下然后全体投反对票, 就是不想主霉到时候宣传和党反对降药价。 主党啥法案都夹带私货然后一反对就把里面一条拿出来解读又不是第一次了。
只有GOP 能否决这个条款?现在参众两院民主党可是大多数,还有7个gop支持…57-43
Amid the proposed changes to the plan was to set the $35 per month cap on insulin, the pricy medication needed to treat diabetes. Seven Republican senators voted with all 50 Democrats to keep the price ceiling in the legislation: Bill Cassidy of Louisiana, Susan Collins of Maine, Josh Hawley of Missouri, Cindy Hyde Smith of Mississippi, John Kennedy of Louisiana, Lisa Murkowski of Alaska and Dan Sullivan of Alaska.
Still, with a vote of 57 to 43, the provision failed to garner the 60 votes needed to waive special budgetary rules and include it in the bill.
估计没人或不够多的人关心我们,还是势单力薄啊,尤其是在senate 那里
要去长岛那里贴,还有像我们这里的摇摆州 这个是前些日子house的vote
1 猪党均贫富,肥从政猪党的私囊。 2 和党被后面大利益集团操作,不顾弱势群体死活
美国完了 还有啥好讨论呢?
这个好,很好 给个出处吧, 免得有人又开始颠倒黑白混淆是非 现在的媒体 不可读,但是又不得不读 怎么办
结果咧 老白在家隔离了几天办成这么多大事 我今天在想 如果真有克隆技术 把他克隆一下也许蛮好的
跟着f*ck news一起愚弄大众, GOP已经全票反对了, 这个条款跟GOP有个JB关系。
信主党的一般都不怕加税,要么吃福利的不交税,要么巨富有的是避税手段。这个bill 可是给了IRS 87000 new agents, irs 员工快超过警察数目了吧.广大中产,小business自求多福吧。
我说你们是不是除了标题连内容都不看的?取消胰岛素上限明明是仅仅针对有private insurance的群体,Medicare,Medicaid 什么的穷人还是保留了上限的。
对于有private insurance的人,本来也不需要付全价,如果全民胰岛素上限35,你让生产胰岛素的公司做雷锋?这就是典型的🐷党,拿别人的钱大方,但是不问别人生产胰岛素的厂家也是要吃饭住房孩子上学的。
这个需要推广, 帮你推广一下
对啊 之前的salt 我怎么没听人骂呢?
完了, 这下涉及的行业还挺多 这段时间在家里 准备合伙倒腾个小firm 啥也没看 估计又得打回去上班了 猪党就是要打压中小企业
他们先把亚麻去年的税搞清楚不好妈 那么大的企业 去年税收为零
拿W2的不用担心,反正也逃不了税。大企业也不用担心,反正雇得起顶尖的税务律师。法案说估计这项可以增加300b的税收,估计都是从那些小firm, contractor 来的。也不是坏事。
得了吧, 你搜一下who will pay the taxes in the inflation reduction act. 专业人士为你解读,200,000收入以下付大于55%。都是中产买单。别被人卖了还替人数钱了。主霉主党说啥你就信啥。话说这法案名字起的真是太可笑了。
美国人是挣得多 但是也没多这么多 比的不是一个月省几十块是谁拿的谁的钱大方 是这比生意本身是不是道德的
哦你也骂salt啊 那可以 给你纽约籍 虽然是半截才来的吧 但是这个忠诚度是赢了
人家和你讲道理,你开始讲道德。 好了,你们都是道德标兵。反正花大家的钱不心疼。
不奇怪大部分时候都是vote along party line。两党选民也很少vote across party line.
比 欧盟贵 10 倍
受cap影响最大的NY, NJ, CA吧,房价高,蓝州,本来也不选共和党。民主党搞green deal一样打击红州。
A 2018 study estimated that one vial of human insulin costs $2.28-$3.42 to produce, and one vial of analog insulin costs $3.69-$6.16 to produce. The study revealed that a year’s supply of human insulin could cost $48-$71 per patient, and analog insulin could cost $78-$133 per patient per year. The study measured the manufacturing cost only. It did not include administrative fees, sales, and research and development for improving medications. However, insulin manufacturers have not provided an adequate explanation for this large discrepancy between production costs and retail costs.
In a presentation for the ADA, Irl B. Hirsch, MD, explains that from 2013 to 2016, a vial of glargine insulin had a price increase of 593%, and a box of five insulin lispro pens rose 522%. During that time, inflation rose by only 8.3%. In 2014, drugmakers increased the price of insulin twice, each time for approximately 16%. That means insulin prices rose by over 30% in one year.
搞了亚麻。book profit超过1b,按照数字交15%minimum tax。不适用于会计准则减免。amazon 2021财报profit 23b,以后至少每年3.5b的税。
亚麻最近是不是向医疗行业开始进攻了 实现了买买买 这个profit是不是又拿去投资去了 大企业有的是办法啊
话说我快半一个月没有好好上华人 没想华人出了那么多有见识的妹子 看着你们讨论我根本插不上话 以后得天天认真学习华人
参议员也有,就是新泽西那个Menedez, 他昨天已经投了赞成票。
Sen. Bob Menendez, a key proponent of revamping a limit on the state and local tax deduction, is signaling he will support the measure even if it does not raise the $10,000 cap.
再投资之类的不算。那些one time的都不能抵扣。所以这个新税除了多招人没法躲。
说实话gaap income 做高难,做低还是很容易的。
我记得利润转投资, 或者境外投资并购 或者转为资本市场 原本缴纳预提所得税的 可享受暂免征税的优惠
可能我记错了 哎 既然财报都出来了
because Biden said inflation is an asset., they dont really care.
主党就是岳不群啊。狗党就是左冷禅。伪君子 vs 真小人。
这种税法 + 通货膨胀下,我都在考虑把小孩子扳回中国了。他出生时我们都没有绿卡,不知这个可行否?
美国是个老人了,人群构成思想都变了,很难重拾朝气,只能继续加税,消灭中产了。以后只有上中产,估计也就10%得人,过了不错的日子。其他的都是伪中产,比paycheck to pay check好不到哪里去。
问题是,居然通过了 这个逻辑 太沮丧了 话说,预言里 难道国运就到尽头了 哎 太让人抑郁了
你这说的咋这么精确 某些人真的常年有湿气重的感觉 那个情绪都一波一波的
难得好好上次华人 哎 被她严重影响心情
之前有朋友在卖hiv的药的公司 说他们最喜欢赞助lgbt的各种活动和组织。仔细一想 额? 难怪有人怀疑病毒是疫苗公司放出来的
说的太好了, 很多这个帖子里的客官现在都年轻或者健康, 所以政府稍微 收点 来 提升对弱势群体的照顾(我们自己也会或者有很大的概率 变成那个群体的), 就不行了。
这个法案, 告诉我们 通胀 以后会是常态, 大家不要有幻想;
要拿掉SALT, 大家还嫌房价 不够高么?
笑死了,拿w2的有什么好怕的?不是law and order吗?你自己按照税法包税有什么好怕的?川普那种偷税漏税才应该自求多福吧。
看不太懂 就是要把中小企业灭掉的前奏 大家均贫富吃福利 最后呢?
别人上班要摸不摸鱼能不能摸鱼摸鱼还能不能继续涨工资关你这个布鲁克林装修店老板娘屁事啊,少管别人的事, 减少得痔疮的机会
又给我安排到布鲁克林去了 这一定是连锁店
提前退休 + 吃福利 + part time + consultant 不香吗
Exxon, Chevron post blowout earnings, oil majors bet on buybacks https://www.reuters.com/business/energy/us-oil-giants-exxon-chevron-post-blowout-earnings-ramp-up-buybacks-2022-07-29/
part time, consultant也得交税啊?不明白有啥好?
这个就很活了,对吧? 天天按点上班,多累呀 还要和各种人搞来搞去 没有编制,多爽 隔壁不是有说此次加税法案 有利于早点退休 我是多久没有看新闻了 哎,啥都不知道了已经 未老先衰
发明胰岛素的加拿大科学家放弃了专利权,今天美国患者为何还是用不起? Vox报道说,当加拿大发明家弗雷德里克·班廷(Frederick Banting)在1923年发现胰岛素时,他拒绝在专利上署名。他认为医生利用一项可以挽救生命的发现牟利是不道德的。班廷的共同发明人詹姆斯·科利普和查尔斯·贝斯特,以仅1美元的价格将胰岛素专利卖给了多伦多大学。他们希望每个需要药物治疗的人都能负担得起。 今天,班廷和他的同事们,如果地下有知,恐怕要在坟墓里气得坐起来了,他们的药物——3000万美国糖尿病患者中的许多人依赖的药物——已经成为药品价格欺诈的典型代表。 胰岛素成为药品价格欺诈的典型代表 在过去的十年里,四种最流行的胰岛素的价格涨了三倍,而患者现在所面临的自付处方费用也翻了一番。到2016年,每个月的平均价格上升到450美元——而且费用还在继续上涨,以至于现在有多达四分之一的糖尿病患者在节省或放弃救命药物。