公立学校老师要花不少钱来买教学用的材料的。 The June 2021 survey found that teachers spent an average of $750 of their own money to purchase school supplies for their homes, classrooms and students during the 2020/2021 school year. 30% of teachers spent $1,000 or more on school supplies each year. https://www.usatoday.com/story/news/education/2019/08/29/teacher-first-day-school-supplies-list-target-staples-buy-shopping/2082791001/
公立学校很多老师要自己出钱买教具甚至马克笔订书机这些 我周围不少老师每到开学都会分享自己的Amazon wishlist
The June 2021 survey found that teachers spent an average of $750 of their own money to purchase school supplies for their homes, classrooms and students during the 2020/2021 school year. 30% of teachers spent $1,000 or more on school supplies each year.
有的教学用品就是老师买的。 虽然给家长一个list,但是不是强迫的,有的学生家里不买的,那就是老师补上的。 我见过最夸张的是教室小椅子不够,老师自己买的。
还有学生放假不上课的月份老师是没有工资的。 觉得老师待遇实在应该提高。
一年孩子去field trip, 开车的不够人, 一个老师开车带了6个孩子, 在博物馆孩子们都要买一些回来, 都没有带钱, 老师给付了。
学期结束, 赶紧给老师送了一张100刀的卡补偿