新买的iPad air 不到三个月就彻底死了,去果店修,被告知要等4个小时,后面修手机的反而只等20分钟,我质问经理这合理吗?语气强硬了点,经理立马把我赶出店里,无奈之下又找个店员约了下周,去了后就检查一下说要寄回总店换一台,插曲是我有两个apple账号,他检查的时候刚发现有两个id然后怀疑我是偷来的,妈的真想骂人,我说我发票还带着呢,完全脱粉
Also something that apple does: I use "find my iphone" to locate my parents but apple stupidly keep sending two factor authentication to their phone even though myphone/computer has been verified multiple times. Anyone know how to get around this? I am on an android and window 10.
哪里是,完全相反,有理有据去找人理论(特别是宾馆),经常会赔礼道歉升级房间了事 这个要么就是店大欺客,要么就是楼主过分了(比如打人砸东西)
平常心 平常事 能等就等 等不了 再约
我好久之前的ipad mini一直没坏过
I use "find my iphone" to locate my parents but apple stupidly keep sending two factor authentication to their phone even though myphone/computer has been verified multiple times.
Anyone know how to get around this? I am on an android and window 10.
这些生气都是因为自己认知问题,以为是这样,然后发现不是那样,生气了,还一定要和别人分享自己的情绪。 正确的做法是,多给自己提问,先找答案。如果别人说不,请教那应该怎么办。