一片酸黄瓜甩到天花板上,然后就成为了一件“艺术品”,你敢信吗?据英国《卫报》7月27日报道,澳大利亚艺术家马修·格里芬近日就在奥克兰画廊展出了这样一件名为“酸黄瓜”(Pickle)的作品,黄瓜是从麦当劳芝士汉堡取出的,扔在了美术馆的天花板上。 《酸黄瓜》作品近景 图源:Courtesy of the Matthew Griffin and Fine Arts, Sydney 这件作品标价1万新西兰元(约合人民币42400元),如果有买家买下,他会收到如何在自己家里将作品复原的说明书,此外,他还得另花4.44新西兰元(约合人民币18.8元),支付麦当劳芝士汉堡的费用。 The work carries a NZD$10,000 price tag, and will cost the buyer another NZD$4.44 for a cheeseburger. The institution, or collector who owns it, will be given instructions on how to recreate the art in their own space. 对此,有人称这是“天才之作” “精妙高超(“genius” and “brilliant”),有人则称其是“愚蠢的”。 还有人说,“自己十几岁时因为这样做而被警察赶出麦当劳,现在它成了艺术”。 “I got kicked out of a McDonald’s by the police for doing this when I was a teenager, now it’s art.” 代表格里芬的艺术总监摩尔认为,对作品产生的不同反应也是作品乐趣的一部分。 “一般来说,艺术家不是决定某件东西是不是艺术的人,他们是创造和制作东西的人。一件作为艺术品的东西是否有价值和有意义,取决于我们作为一个社会集体选择使用它或谈论它的方式。” “Generally speaking, artists aren’t the ones deciding whether something is art is not – they are the ones who make and do things. Whether something is valuable and meaningful as artwork is the way that we collectively, as a society choose to use it or talk about it,” Moore said. 《酸黄瓜》作品远景 图源:Courtesy of the Matthew Griffin and Fine Arts, Sydney 摩尔还说,“(黄瓜)它是怎么被扔到那里的并不重要,只要有人把它从汉堡里拿出来然后甩到天花板上,这个姿势是如此纯粹、快乐……这就是它这般美妙的原因。” “The gesture is so pure, so joyful … that is what makes it so good.” 作品“酸黄瓜”让人想到了2019年意大利艺术家卡特兰一套名叫“喜剧演员”(Comedian)的作品,这件由香蕉和胶带组成的艺术品在美国迈阿密巴塞尔艺术展卖出12万美元的天价。最后,香蕉被纽约行为艺术家大卫·达图纳当场吃掉了。
《酸黄瓜》作品近景 图源:Courtesy of the Matthew Griffin and Fine Arts, Sydney
The work carries a NZD$10,000 price tag, and will cost the buyer another NZD$4.44 for a cheeseburger. The institution, or collector who owns it, will be given instructions on how to recreate the art in their own space.
对此,有人称这是“天才之作” “精妙高超(“genius” and “brilliant”),有人则称其是“愚蠢的”。
“I got kicked out of a McDonald’s by the police for doing this when I was a teenager, now it’s art.”
“Generally speaking, artists aren’t the ones deciding whether something is art is not – they are the ones who make and do things. Whether something is valuable and meaningful as artwork is the way that we collectively, as a society choose to use it or talk about it,” Moore said.
《酸黄瓜》作品远景 图源:Courtesy of the Matthew Griffin and Fine Arts, Sydney
“The gesture is so pure, so joyful … that is what makes it so good.”