皮卡丘是个Ragamuffin , “The RagaMuffin is similar, but not identical, to the conformation and temperament of the Ragdoll due to years of separation between the breeds. The RagaMuffin has a wider variety of colors and the body type is slightly different, though both breeds are descendants from the original Ragdoll bloodlines. The RagaMuffin is sometimes called not a new breed but an old one with a new name.”
现在他一看我拿剪刀过来就跑 不不掉就hissing 哈哈哈
哈哈哈 我说剪完觉得眼熟呢!原来是沙宣造型lol
跟你说 没有!亚马逊上面的遛猫遛狗各种harness 我买了个遍 他们都可以挣脱出来!要不就倒地不起 干脆妆死,我已经放弃牵绳了 他们通常会不远不近跟着跑小区一圈
我家老虎一定是要跳上吊床的,而后看书就会演变成一人一猫呼呼大睡 可惜最近蚊虫太多,我很少用吊床了
想看你家老虎 哈哈哈 黏人的老虎!
皮卡丘是个Ragamuffin , “The RagaMuffin is similar, but not identical, to the conformation and temperament of the Ragdoll due to years of separation between the breeds. The RagaMuffin has a wider variety of colors and the body type is slightly different, though both breeds are descendants from the original Ragdoll bloodlines. The RagaMuffin is sometimes called not a new breed but an old one with a new name.”
谢谢 哈哈哈 我飘了
是吧 哈哈哈她坐着也能睡着 真的可爱极了