Sebastian left us at about 3:45 pm yesterday. He went so quickly, in a matter of seconds after the second injection. His eyes looked so empty, his nose and paw pads no longer pink, his body so limp. I held him in my lap and cried, painful sobs where I couldn''t catch my breath. I didn''t want to take a picture, because I didn''t want to remember him like that. The vet wrapped him in his favorite blanket, the brown one he liked to lay on in the cat tree, and took him. And now he''s gone. It feels like there''s a hole in my chest, and I don''t know if it''ll ever stop hurting. I''ve just been thinking about all the things he used to do. The memories come at me almost automatically. The first time I brought him home as a kitten. His tiny tail with the white tip. The way he''d sleep upside down and curled up, and I didn''t know how he was comfortable like that. I keep expecting him to wander by, or meow at me. I keep wanting him to be there, but he won''t be, ever again. God it hurts. Yesterday I was counting down the hours. 3 hours, 2 hours, 25 minutes until the vet gets here, and his world ends. Today, and for the rest of my life, I''ll be counting up. It''s been 20 hours since he''s been gone. Then it''ll be one day, then a week, a month, and on and on. I know it''ll get easier, but right now it feels like I''m staring at an impossibly high mountain, and I just want to lie down. I hope he''s frolicking somewhere in a beautiful field, playing with butterflies and chasing things through the grass. I hope he''s got absolutely no pain, and he''s light and free and so happy in the warm sunshine. I hope he feels me thinking about him, missing him, overwhelmed by my thoughts of him. I hope he feels my love.
Sebastian read world news:
Sebastian (cremated) at home:
9岁。 cancer, 手术后扩散了。Chemo 没救过来。
抱抱。 有你这样尽责又充满爱的主人,它的一生也是值得和没有被辜负的。
in tears. 希望世界上多一些爱。
小时候我们最好的朋友几乎都是宠物。我经常抱着我的小狗睡午觉。 长大后再也没有那么纯粹的友谊了。
真的想骂人了,这家和之前卖狗打猫那家的父母,简直自私残忍到了极点。不过话说回来,这样的 中国人不少。
哎呀,看来这个潘多拉盒子不能随便开。我最近开始添置老年狗的东西,sofa ramp啊,elevated 饭盆架子啊(特想分享,待会发给你),接受现实。希望你今天心情好一点。